Chapter 354
What's wrong with being a good princess who doesn't want to be a good princess, but comes here to snatch other people's husbands? !

It should be treated severely.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang froze, her small face collapsed immediately, her ears were reddish, she turned her head and raised her neck and said, "I just want to ask what's going on with your kingdom. Someone in the palace murdered this princess. This princess You need an explanation, otherwise the emperor won't let you go."

"Be honest, my son, or... hum!" Xia Houjin's eyes were full of warning.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang secretly gritted her teeth, wishing to bite him to death.

Chu Bei frowned, looked at the two, and pulled his lips slightly, "Who sent you the message, do you still know that person?"

The imperial palace is like a big dye vat, with fish and dragons mixed together, even though most of it has been cleaned, there are still eyeliners hidden in the depths.

Today there is a big banquet, and all the officials are invited, and there are many people coming and going. The maids and servants brought by the ministers can sneak in at will, which is hard to guard against.

"This princess will remember this kind of mere dog slave!" Nanliang Ninth Princess said coldly.

That dog slave deliberately used Chu Bei to lure her to the harem, almost killing her.

If she is found, her life will definitely be worse than death.

Chu Bei lowered his eyes, his eyes flickered slightly, he didn't continue to ask, he just said, "If someone asks, you just say that you came to the harem to visit Concubine Yu."

If you want, let someone take her to Yufu Palace.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang was unwilling to do so, but if this would make a big fuss, it would damage her reputation, not to mention that she hated Xia Houjin so much that she didn't want to have anything to do with him.

So he followed the palace people to Yufu Palace.

After hearing the news, Fuyu, Nanliang Regent and others were also invited to Yufu Palace.

They all know what happened.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang's face was ashen. He knew that someone wanted to plot against them.

"This king will not say anything about it, thank you Concubine Xian for saving Rong Yue."

Zhao Shisan bowed slightly to Xia Houjin.

Then he glanced sharply at the Ninth Princess of Nanliang, and said sullenly, "Rong Yue, what about the rules and etiquette you have learned, why don't you thank Concubine Xian."

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang pouted slightly, unwilling to be reconciled to being blessed by Chaoxia Houjin, she gritted her teeth secretly, "Thank you Xianfei Empress for saving my life, I will never forget it!!"

The corners of Xia Houjin's lips twitched slightly, and she said with a smile, "You don't have to be polite, princess. Now Nanliang and Junguo are about to open up business, and each other will settle their suspicions. The emperor doesn't want such a good thing to be ruined. For the sake of the princess's reputation, I hope the regent and the princess can forgive me. We will investigate this matter closely and give the princess an explanation."

Xia Houjin left Yufu Palace after speaking.


On the other side, when Chu Bei left Ziyang Palace, a woman also quietly left her seat.

Followed all the way to the harem.

Until a figure entered the cold palace.

She was overjoyed and couldn't control her excitement.

In the cold palace, in the very empty hall, the incense burner was burning, and the cigarette smoke was curling up.

The man was tall and slender, standing in front of the window, when he heard the voice, he turned his head, revealing an incomparably handsome face, the moonlight was hazy, and the cigarette was intoxicating.

At this moment, he was blushing slightly, leaning on the wall, breathing heavily, apparently he had been tricked when he came in, he stared at the woman in front of him with unusually cold eyes, the light in his eyes flickered, revealing a burst of anger.

Zhou Ruolan curled her lips into a smile, her eyes showed joy and excitement, and she approached him step by step, she couldn't restrain her ecstasy, watching the man fell to the ground, panting slightly, that appearance almost drove her crazy.


"Haha, Brother Bei, you will be mine after tonight."

As they said, the two of them rolled together, burning firewood...

The entire cold palace was filled with the sound of clothes being torn and panting.


The birthday banquet was almost over, Chu Bei came out of Linmo Hall and went straight to Ziyang Palace, came to sit beside the empress and sat down calmly, not knowing that someone disguised himself as him to mess with others in the cold palace.

Even if he knew all this, he would pretend not to know, and would just sit back and watch the show.

Mu Wan looked at him, raised her eyebrows and asked, "What happened?"

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly, "The Ninth Princess of Nanliang fell into the water, and she has been rescued and sent to Yufu Palace."

Having said that, Mu Wan glanced at the envoy's position, the Regent of Nanliang, Fuyu, and Nan Sheng were not in their seats.

King Qi, just came back, his face was gloomy and ugly, a good thing was ruined by someone, he was in a bad mood, but he got up again after a while, saying that he was going to Yong'an Palace to visit the Queen Mother.

There were a lot of empty seats, King Ling, King Ling, and others were not there.

It can be seen that they are all going to see the queen mother.

I heard that when the queen mother woke up and learned that the eldest princess had been sent away, she started to make trouble, and several princes rushed to persuade and appease her.

Mu Wan held the wine glass tightly, her eyes were dark and cold, she couldn't tell what she was thinking, raised her glass and drank, then got up and left.

It's time for this party to end.

Everyone got up and planned to leave the palace.

The sons of the aristocratic families who were playing in the imperial garden, and the ladies of the family all went back to their parents in order to prepare to leave the palace.

The show girls will stay in Chuxiu Palace for one night, and people will come to pick them up in various palaces tomorrow.

At this time, someone suddenly asked in surprise, "Hey, where is Miss Zhou?"

A curious voice made everyone stop.

That's the Queen Li.

When the person disappeared, Prince Li was naturally in a hurry and asked someone to look for him.

Miss Zheng stood up, "Cousin, I just saw Miss Zhou followed someone to the harem with some beautiful girls..."

She hated Zhou Ruolan for taking the position of princess from her long ago.

Sending someone to watch her, to see if there is anything abnormal, they want to use this as an excuse to force her to give up the position of princess.

But the girl who was following Zhou Ruolan hasn't come back yet, she boldly guessed that she must have bumped into some ulterior secret and was silenced.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yan was so excited that she couldn't help but say this.

Upon hearing this, Prince Li's face changed slightly, and he glared coldly at Zheng Yan, "Don't talk nonsense, Miss Zhou must have gone to Shoukang Palace to visit the imperial grandmother."

His eyelids twitched, and seeing Ling Wang's half-smile expression, he immediately felt uneasy, and immediately sent someone to look for him.

But he wanted to search for people in the palace without the consent of the empress.

So Mu Wan was stopped by the call and failed to leave.

She sat down impatiently, "Let the people in the palace look for it. Everyone sit down first and see if there are fewer people around you. Don't lose people just once you enter the palace."

Hearing this, those noble ladies rushed to see their daughters and sons.

The palace banquet is very complicated, and every year at the palace banquet, someone will be tricked or something.

Especially the sons of high-ranking and powerful families with good family backgrounds are bound to be targeted.

The same goes for every lady.

There was an eldest princess who fell into the water before, and she gave medicine to Concubine Shu, and those noble ladies couldn't help being afraid.

Fortunately, the eldest princess was sent away in time.

After watching the circle, I can rest assured that my son and daughter are fine.

Only Miss Zhou disappeared, and Mrs. Zhou couldn't help being startled and afraid, she held the girl's hand tightly, and said to herself, "Where is the magpie, is that girl gone too?"

(End of this chapter)

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