Taoyun Primary School Doctor

Chapter 530 Weird Village

Chapter 530 Weird Village

"This place is really weird!"

Lin Hao said to himself, feeling that this place is too unusual. He didn't feel it when he came in before, but now he found that the whole day he was here was like a dream, which made him a little creepy.

But it's useless to think too much now. It's basically impossible to turn back, so I can only grit my teeth and move forward. As long as I survive this hurdle, the road to most of Yunmeng will be much easier.

While thinking, Lin Hao glanced at the surrounding situation. Under the faint moonlight, he could see rows of stone houses separated by small alleys, but the entire stone village was empty.

"Look ahead and talk about it."

Lin Hao muttered, Ma Rongrong and the others had disappeared at this moment, so Lin Hao had no choice but to walk carefully along the path.

Fortunately, although there is mist around at this moment, it is very thin, and there is a faint moonlight falling on it, so that Lin Hao can barely see the surroundings, and the feeling of being isolated from the five senses gradually disappeared.

Along the path, Lin Hao walked all the way forward. The surrounding stone houses looked dilapidated. They had stood upright for an unknown number of years, and many wooden doors were rotten. Only the stones that made up the house lasted for a long time. , still firm.

Lin Hao moved forward along the path, surrounded by silence, and a large area of ​​moonlight poured down, adding a sense of mystery to the place. Suddenly, Lin Hao's expression changed, and he looked forward.

I saw a small courtyard in front of me that was different from ordinary stone houses. This small courtyard was not made of stones, but surrounded by wooden fences. However, due to the passage of time, the wooden fences had decayed and collapsed in pieces.

This small courtyard caught Lin Hao's attention. He stepped over the collapsed fence and walked in. The small courtyard looked very desolate. The ground was uneven and covered with weeds. A broken puppet.

Those puppets look very delicate, not as regular as those made by craftsmen, but like a woman who laboriously made them with an ax and knife in order to make a toy for her child.

In addition, there was only an ancient well left in the yard, and there was a faint chill from the mouth of the dark well, which made Lin Hao feel goosebumps uncontrollably.

Of course, all of this is Lin Hao's guess. Lin Hao sighed and glanced inside. He could see the empty room through the broken window, except for a crumbling wooden bed that would collapse at any time. , there is only an old painting hanging on the wall in the house.

Lin Hao pushed the wooden door lightly, and the wooden door that had been scoured by the years suddenly collapsed. After the dust cleared, Lin Hao walked in, and he walked towards the old painting hanging on the wall.

This is a painting I don't know how many years ago. The whole painting has turned yellow. It depicts a woman. This woman has an ordinary appearance, but she is kind. She is dressed in linen and looks at the baby in her arms lovingly.

The baby couldn't see what it looked like, and was held in the arms of a woman, with a look of doting on his face. It was thought that the person who came to draw this painting should be a man, and he drew such a picture scroll for his wife and children.

But for some reason, after seeing this painting, Lin Hao felt an inexplicable sense of sadness in his heart, especially when he looked at the woman, he felt like tears were about to burst out of his eyes.

After a while, Lin Hao woke up with a start, his heart became clear all of a sudden, and the sense of sadness in his heart disappeared. At this moment, when he saw his position, his whole body suddenly felt cold.

Unknowingly, he came to the courtyard, and the ancient well was in front of him, and he was about to take a step at the moment. It is conceivable that once this step fell, he would fall directly into the well. Please wake up at once, I am afraid that he will fall into the well without knowing it.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao took a deep breath and quickly kept his mind. At the same time, he walked quickly to the door, looked inside, and saw the old painting hanging on the wall at a glance.

It's just that the person in the painting at this time gave Lin Hao a chill, because there was no kindness in the woman's expression at this time, it was clearly full of weirdness.

"What a bitch!"

Lin Hao couldn't help swearing, and didn't dare to go in. Instead, he spat hard and walked out with his arms folded.

He didn't look back, and walked away from the small courtyard directly, and walked forward quickly. It wasn't until he walked a long way, and the surroundings became stone houses again, that the creepy feeling in his heart gradually subsided.

At this moment, the front suddenly opened up, and the rows of stone houses stopped here, not at the end, here is an open field, about half the size of a football field, scattered on the open space. Less stuff.

On one side of the open space, there are a large pile of various weapons scattered, and these weapons look old, and the color is dim, and the meaning of decay can be seen in the dark night.

Lin Hao walked over, squatted down, and wanted to pick up a spear under his feet, but the moment his hand touched the spear, the whole spear turned into fly ash with a bang.

This scene fell in Lin Hao's eyes, and he was a little shocked at once, but he was relieved after thinking about it. These weapons must have been placed here for many years, and they have already been oxidized and decayed.

Lin Hao stood up again and looked forward. Apart from some wooden stakes that were about to rot, there were three huge cauldrons of different sizes, but the smallest one was half the height of a person, and the tallest one, impressively It is more than half a chip higher than Lin Hao.

"Is this the training ground?"

Lin Hao looked around in surprise, this place looks like a training ground, because there are all these utensils and wooden stakes, and these three giant tripods, all of which prove that this is the training ground of those people in the past.

Lin Hao walked over and caressed the smallest of the three giant tripods. This giant tripod was bronze in color and looked thick and solid.

I don't know what kind of material it is made of. After such a long time, those spears and other weapons have been reduced to ashes, but this giant tripod has no signs of oxidation.

At this moment, Lin Hao's expression changed without turning his head, but he slapped the giant cauldron with his hand suddenly, and his body suddenly moved sideways as if moving.

The next moment, a claw struck and hit the giant tripod, and there was a sound of metal and stone clashing. Lin Hao looked towards the giant tripod with an ugly face, only to see a black figure flashing past, and then The other party disappeared.


Seeing the other party disappear into the night, Lin Hao didn't dare to relax in the slightest. He guarded the long knife and dagger in front of him at the same time, and looked around to be on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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