Chapter 140
Standing in the courtyard of the Ling family, looking at the empty courtyard, Lin Hao was full of doubts. It stands to reason that Ling Zihai is not exercising in the courtyard at this time every day?

Where did people go today?

With doubts, Lin Hao walked directly to the living room with the lights on.

However, although the lights were on in the living room, there was still no one there, even the coffee table where the old man and Ling Dongtao often sat and drank tea was empty.

Lin Hao couldn't help but think in his mind, you know it's dinner time, could it be that these people ran out to have a big meal?

But immediately afterwards, Lin Hao overturned his guess, because if he had gone to eat a big meal, the old man would not ask him to come back.

Putting the packed dishes into the microwave oven in the kitchen, Lin Hao went to the old man's room to take another look, but the old man was still nowhere to be seen.

In desperation, Lin Hao took out his mobile phone and called the old man.

As soon as the call was connected, before Lin Hao could ask anything, the old man said directly:
"Come to the balcony on the second floor."

After the old man finished speaking, the phone was hung up when Lin Hao was about to speak.

"What the hell is the old man doing?"

Although he was puzzled, Lin Hao went to the kitchen to adjust the time of the microwave, and then walked towards the balcony on the second floor.

Walking up to the second floor, I saw the old man and Ling Dongtao sitting opposite each other from a distance, and there was a game of chess on the table in front of them.

The two of them frowned intently, staring at the chessboard, fighting back and forth, having a great time killing each other.

Lin Hao quietly came to the side of the two, and did not disturb them, but quietly stood aside, carefully watching the game between the two.

Time passed slowly, and the half-curved silver moon in the sky had unknowingly climbed into the sky.

The evening breeze was gentle, and none of the three seemed to notice the passage of time. The game on the chessboard became more and more intense, and Lin Hao's mind was completely immersed in the chessboard.

I don't know when it started, the dove-egg-sized mass of internal energy in Lin Hao's dantian slowly turned, and the silver moon in midair was like mercury pouring down on the ground, casting a silver-white light curtain over Lin Hao's body.

The ball of internal force the size of a pigeon egg in Lin Hao's dantian was turning faster and faster.

While the inner force in the dantian was spinning rapidly, it also frantically absorbed the silvery white moonlight covering Lin Hao's body.

After the absorbed moonlight was condensed in the dantian, part of it was absorbed by the rotating mass of internal force, continuously increasing the volume of that mass of internal force.

The other part flowed into the meridians, and continuously moved through the meridians in Lin Hao's body. As the internal force moved over and over again, Lin Hao's meridians had quietly undergone earth-shaking changes.

Everywhere in the body, the meridians of different thicknesses become tougher and wider as the internal force continues to flow.

Lin Hao's strange appearance naturally alarmed the old man and Ling Dongtao who were concentrating on the game on the chessboard.

Ling Dongtao opened his eyes wide, staring at Lin Hao firmly, opened his mouth, and was about to exclaim.

The old man covered Ling Dongtao's mouth with quick hands and eyes, frowned and shook his head at Ling Dongtao, motioning him to keep quiet.

After Ling Dongtao nodded, indicating that he understood, the old man slowly released his hand covering Ling Dongtao's mouth.

After the old man let go, Ling Dongtao took a few breaths.

For a moment just now, he wondered if the old man was going to kill himself.

After taking a few breaths, Ling Dongtao took a look at the abnormality on Lin Hao's body, then looked at the old man, intending to ask some questions.

After all, the abnormality in Lin Hao's body is too shocking.

It's because Ling Dongtao has experienced countless battles in his life, big and small, and his hands have been stained with the blood of many gangsters, so he won't frown even if he kills someone.

However, he was still shocked by the strange appearance on Lin Hao's body.

But the old man also seemed to see the doubts in Ling Dongtao's heart, pointed at Lin Hao with a serious face, and then made a gesture to Ling Dongtao not to disturb Lin Hao.

Seeing the old man's very serious expression, Ling Dongtao had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart, and quietly looked at the abnormalities around Lin Hao.

Seeing that Ling Dongtao didn't bother Lin Hao, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, frowned, and carefully observed the strangeness of Lin Hao's whole body.

The more he looked, the more furious the old man's brows became, until the last two brows were directly twisted into two big pimples.

Suddenly, the old man's brows, which had been twisted into two big pimples, completely relaxed.

Touching the goatee on his chin, he looked at Lin Hao excitedly.

At this time, Lin Hao had completely lost consciousness, and didn't even know that the changes in his body were different from those outside his body.

I just feel that my thinking seems to be trapped in nothingness, it seems to be still, and it seems to be infinitely changing.

After a long time, when the crescent moon in mid-air was slowly sinking to the west, a fish-belly whiteness slowly lit up in the east.

The silver moonlight surrounding Lin Hao gradually became weaker.

When the crescent moon completely sank in the western sky, the silvery white moonlight around Lin Hao had disappeared.

The old man and Ling Dongtao let out a long sigh of relief, stood up and stretched, and sighed in their hearts: the whole night is finally over.

The old man turned his head to look at Ling Dongtao and explained:
"Lin Hao..."

Before he finished speaking, the old man opened his mouth wide and froze.

Ling Dongtao also looked like he had seen a ghost, covered his mouth, and pointed at Lin Hao exaggeratedly.

It's just that after the reminder from the old man, Ling Dongtao was very conscious this time and didn't make any sound.

I saw that the silver moon had completely sunk on the western horizon, and as the silver moon sank, a fiery red sun slowly appeared on the eastern horizon.

Although the sun only showed half of his head, Lin Hao's whole body was wrapped in golden light at this moment.

The fist-sized internal force in the dantian in Lin Hao's body that had just been silenced began to spin crazily again after being drawn by the golden glow of the rising sun.

Countless golden rays of the rising sun poured into Lin Hao's body, and all of them were condensed and transformed by the group of internal forces in his dantian.

After the transformation, part of the Chaoyang Jinhui that entered Lin Hao's body was directly integrated into the mass of internal force in his body, while the other part flowed into the meridians, and through the meridians, penetrated into the cells in all parts of the body.

After a while, a stench emanated from Lin Hao's body, and the smell became stronger and stronger.

In order to prevent Lin Hao from making any mistakes, the old man and Ling Dongtao pinched their noses and held on.

After a long time, the sun has completely jumped out of the horizon and has risen in midair.

The golden glow of the rising sun surrounding Lin Hao also slowly dissipated.

Lin Hao slowly opened his closed eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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