My iceberg smiled

Chapter 669 1 Must Not Be Xiaoxiao

Chapter 669 Must Not Be Xiaoxiao

in the restaurant.

Zhuo Qiu really chewed and ate the two steamed buns in the refrigerator and the half bowl of porridge left in the pot.

Although it is not so hot anymore, he is not too particular about a big man.

While eating, I sighed in my heart: The young master's cooking skills have improved a lot.

Even if it's just steamed buns with porridge, it's still sweet and delicious.


While he was eating, the young master kept sitting opposite him, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Being stared at by my young master while eating, there is always a feeling of being supervised. Those eyes seem to say, "If you waste a drop of food, you will die."

After Zhuo Qiu finished eating completely and put down the bowl, Han Mochen on the opposite side said, "The head teacher called and said that Xiaoxiao went to school to attend a class yesterday."

"En." Zhuo Qiu subconsciously echoed, and then: "Ah? Didn't Little Pudding yesterday..."

Sick with fever, are you at home?

How did you go to school?

After Zhuo Qiu realized it, he asked: "Master, you mean, the one who went to school yesterday..."

Han Mochen said firmly, "It must not be Xiaoxiao."

He guarded Han Qianxiao the whole time yesterday, took her body temperature every once in a while, and changed the cold handkerchief on her forehead. He would never show up in the first class in the morning as the head teacher said 9) In the classroom of the class.


Zhuo Qiu: "That person looks so similar to Little Pudding, even the teacher and classmates haven't noticed it, could it be..."

Halfway through the other party's speech, Han Mochen understood the meaning, and said, "I thought so too, so Ah Qiu, you have to go to Haiping No. [-] Middle School tomorrow."

Zhuo Qiu cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks on the table, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll check it out myself tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he looked worried again: "Master, what if... it is really what we think, what should we do?"

Han Mochen raised his head slightly, looked at the ceiling, with a trace of confusion: "What should come will always come, let's talk about it when we meet."

He had already counted on this day.

As long as they stay in Haicheng, they will meet sooner or later.

Haicheng is said to be big, but it is not as big as Longjing, and it is said to be small, but it is not small. After all, it is one of the top cities in the country.

Being able to stay with Xiaoxiao in this place for six years is already beyond Han Mochen's expectation.

Now there is an intersection with that place, both accidental and inevitable, Han Mo Chen is not surprised.

There was one thing that he didn't tell Han Qianxiao.

In fact, he had already investigated most of the information about the Shen family when he first came to Haicheng. About who is currently in the Shen family, how many assets and businesses are there in the family, these things, he has not stopped learning about these things for six years. thoughts.

The Shen family now has two children, Shen Meng and Shen Zhen, one of whom is Han Qianxiao's biological younger brother.

But to Han Mochen, it doesn't matter much, unless it is a relative that Han Qianxiao personally recognizes, otherwise he is just a stranger.

Even if this blood relative may be [-]% similar to his Xiaoxiao.

Han Mochen subconsciously didn't want them to meet, but he still couldn't resist the power of fate.

According to the six years of observation, the Shen family has never taken the initiative to find Han Qianxiao.

Perhaps looking at it from an outsider's perspective, they would think that the Shen family is too cold and cold, but Han Mochen is very happy to see this situation, and it is best not to provoke it.

Han Mochen didn't know what happened yesterday, and had to wait for Zhuo Qiu's investigation tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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