My iceberg smiled

Chapter 300 Together with Bear 1

Chapter 300 Together with the Bear

"Otherwise?" Zhinao Zero asked.

"It seems that there is no other way. The more you talk, the easier it is to be exposed. You are right, pretend to be stupid, and play to the end!"

After saying that, Han Qianxiao avoided everyone's eyes and ears, and quietly slipped back to the bedroom in the direction she came out.

After sneaking back, he collapsed on the bed and fell asleep soundly.

Han Qianxiao was indeed tired, but she really fell asleep heartlessly.


Just when Zhuo Qiu was in a hurry to call his young master, he suddenly found Han Qianxiao sleeping soundly in the bedroom.

He was dumbfounded again.

At this moment, there are ten thousand muddy horses galloping past in my heart...

what the hell!

The child who disappeared suddenly just now appeared again?
Zhuo Qiu was afraid that his eyes would be dazzled, so he frantically shook his head, and looked again, the child was still there.

He even stepped forward to poke Han Qianxiao's sleeping face, it was soft and tender.

The more he poked, the more unreal he felt.

how is this possible……

how can that be……

"What are you doing?" Suddenly a familiar cold voice came, and Zhuo Qiu, who was making a move on Han Qianxiao, sat down on the ground in fright.

When seeing that cold young man glaring at him with a black face, Zhuo Qiu couldn't even speak clearly.

"Small...young master..."

"I asked what are you doing?" the boy repeated with a cold face.

"I...that...she...Little Pudding, she..."

When Zhuo Qiu was incoherent, the little guy on the bed turned over, rubbed his eyes and sat up.

As if smelling the smell of a boy, he tilted his head softly and called out: "Brother?"

"Xiaoxiao." Hearing the little guy's call, the boy's expression immediately softened a lot.

He took off the coat on his body, walked towards the bed, and naturally took the child into his arms.

Seeing sweat on the other party's forehead, he wiped it off with his fingertips.

"Is it hot? Why are you sweating?"

Han Qianxiao said without blushing, "Xiaoxiao is afraid that her brother is not here, so she hides under the quilt and sleeps."

Han Mochen immediately turned his gaze to Zhuo Qiu.

The meaning of the look is obvious: how are you taking care of the child?

Zhuo Qiu really couldn't explain it, when he found out that Han Qianxiao was gone, his heart was in a mess.

I have been looking for the child and found it now, but who would have thought that the child would appear again out of nowhere.

When he poked the little guy's face in a daze, who knew he would be caught by his young master again.

Han Mochen didn't come back sooner or later, but he came back at this time.

He felt that he couldn't be scolded so vaguely, he had to explain clearly.

"Master, listen to me. Little Pudding just disappeared. I didn't see him when I entered the room. I lifted the quilt and saw a teddy bear. I..."

"Brother Ah Qiu, are you talking about Xiong Xiong?" The little guy suddenly interrupted Zhuo Qiu, took out the teddy bear from behind, held it in his hands, and said innocently.

"Yes, it's this teddy bear. I didn't see any sign of Little Pudding, and I even used Han's guards to search the courtyard."

Han Qianxiao suddenly said: "I've been sleeping in the room, with Xiong Xiong."

As she spoke, she also imitated the sleeping action, which meant that the teddy bear was sleeping a little outside just now, and she was sleeping in the innermost part of the quilt.

"Impossible!" Zhuo Qiu clearly remembered that he lifted the entire quilt, and there was only a teddy bear inside, not Han Qianxiao.

There are many children on the bed, he is a personal bodyguard, wouldn't he know?

 There are 2 more updates, writing... later...

(End of this chapter)

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