My iceberg smiled

Chapter 246 Save Her

Chapter 246 Save Her

At the moment when the blood shot, Xu Changyuan's body fell limply, pressing on Han Qianxiao's body.

It was at that time that Han Qianxiao lost consciousness.

And a certain figure ran over with all his strength, and pushed away the corpse that was holding Han Qianxiao aside.

When Han Qianxiao's appearance appeared in front of everyone's eyes, everyone's eyes froze.

An almost overflowing anger and hatred stimulated people to tremble all over.

On the messy bed, the blood was bright red, staining a not-so-good-looking picture.

And so many untimely scars on that little guy just make people feel suffocated and insane.

With trembling hands, the young man tore off the rope binding Han Qianxiao's hands at the head of the bed.

Because his nerves had almost collapsed, he didn't notice that the little guy's hands were actually tied with a rope, and they would fall off as soon as they were pulled.




"I'm late..."

"It's my brother's fault, Xiaoxiao, open your eyes, okay?"

Looking at such a picture, Han Qianxiao is like a broken puppet that has been trampled and trampled by people, and also like a fallen angel that has been crushed by filth, the white and pure soul is buried in a red funeral at this time.

This made people who witnessed this scene feel that the child was dead.

On Han Mo Chen's usually cold face, there was only panic and helplessness at the moment.

The place in his heart hurt so badly, it hurt to the bone marrow.

It hurts ten times and a hundred times more than the last time I saw this little guy hurt.

Seeing Han Qianxiao lying on the bed with her eyes closed, covered in blood, in a tormented position, he didn't even dare to feel the child's breath and pulse.

He fears……

terribly frightened...

Afraid of touching it is a bone-piercing coldness.

The blood on this bed is still warm, is it that man's?Or Han Qianxiao?

Han Mochen has always had that calmness that surpassed those of his peers, but that calmness completely collapsed after seeing the scar on Han Qianxiao's neck.

He was a little dazed, and his breathing suddenly stagnated.

In my mind is the scene of being choked by the throat in a daze.

The thing Han Mochen didn't want to recall the most suddenly exploded violently in his mind, making his throat feel fishy and sweet for a moment, and the rusty taste in his mouth made him feel very uncomfortable.

The scar on Han Qianxiao's neck made him feel the last trace of despair when his lung cavity was squeezed out of oxygen.

Xiaoxiao... Did she also experience the despair he felt before he was about to die? What would she be thinking at that time?Are you afraid?Helpless?Desperate?

Seeing Han Mochen standing there blankly facing the child on the bed, and then suddenly covering his neck and breathing hard, Fang Ci immediately felt something was wrong.

Zhuo Qiu also noticed it, and the two looked at each other, Fang Ci pulled Han Mochen closer, Zhuo Qiu hugged Han Qianxiao on the bed, and quickly evacuated from the bloody place.

"Mo Chen! Breathe hard! Breathe!" Fang Ci shouted.

After rushing out of the basement and coming outside, the light suddenly stimulated Han Mo Chen, and the outside air also awakened Han Mo Chen's consciousness that was lingering in the nightmare.

The moment his pupils slowly focused, he squeezed Fang Ci's sleeve tightly.

On that day, Fang Ci met for the first time, the usually indifferent and fierce young man, pleading with the hoarse words in a gesture that almost wished he could kneel down: "Save her..."

 Brother Chen: I don't want you to die.

  Xiaomei: Brother, I’m still here. [I'm trapped by the little black room in my head, woo woo woo! 】

(End of this chapter)

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