Chapter 651

Yin Chengyang was worried that his younger sister Yin Ruoling would see through that he had something on his mind, so he shot the arrow hastily, but it fell short.

Yin Ruoling giggled shamelessly, and Yin Chengyang knew that he wanted to cover up, so he was even more embarrassing, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Yin Ruoling said bluntly: "Brother, if you want Jiawei, go visit the set! Those big and small actors in the crew, who have boyfriends and girlfriends, probably have no one to visit Jiawei, so you don't plan to go to Jiawei. Is Wei supporting the field?"

Yin Chengyang put the bow and arrow into the portable space, he lowered his head slightly, his eyes were dim, and he said blankly: "Jia Wei is happy, live the life she likes, work hard on filming, and realize her dreams. She doesn't have me, Will be happier. It was I who couldn't help but confessed to Jiawei!"

Yin Ruoling was thoughtful, and said to the point: "Brother, even if time goes back, in that situation, you will still confess your love to Jia Wei, because you really love her!
"When my seal restriction was lifted and my memory was restored, I also thought about leaving Zhiheng so as not to implicate him, but Zhiheng never gave up. He even prepared to give up the position of the prince of the Dragon Clan of the Underworld at any time for me. ready!

"Zhi Heng said that this is a promise between two people who love each other to share weal and woe. If the other party is in trouble and they choose to leave, we can just let it go and live a so-called more stable and happier life?
"A person who is willing to advance and retreat with us, we should cherish him if we meet him! Brother thinks that leaving Jiawei now is to treat Jiawei well? Will she be happy? This is not what Jiawei wants!
"Jiawei can't let you go, your evasion and indifference will only make her sad! What she wants is your love and care! My brother may not be able to give Jiawei a stable life, but you can love her more! Love her more !"

Yin Chengyang was silent for a long time, and said guiltily: "It's my fault, I wanted to use Jiawei at first, I..."

"It doesn't matter at first!" Yin Ruoling said with a smile, "The result is more important. If brother feels guilty, he will pay himself to Jiawei!"

"That's right," a man's joking voice suddenly interjected, "Anyway, I've been seen by others, so I'm Jiawei's! They didn't say they dislike you, you should be happy!"

Yin Chengyang stared at him with chilling eyes, when did Chen Zhiheng come here?He has repeatedly entrapped him, and before he even started a fight with him, he popped up to make fun of him again!
Chen Zhiheng seemed to know that no one else was going to kill him, he put one arm on Yin Chengyang's shoulders, looking like a good brother.

Yin Chengyang narrowed his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Say it, keep talking! Tell me all about how you lied to my sister!"

Which one does Chen Zhiheng play?Yin Ruoling's eyes stared at him dangerously!

Chen Zhiheng quickly withdrew his hand, grabbed Yin Ruoling's waist, and coaxed: "Honey, let's go, Chengyang wants to be quiet! Oh no, Chengyang wants to think about Jiawei quietly!"

My husband has changed and become so naughty!Looking at this handsome smiling face, Yin Ruoling really wanted to pinch her hard!
Chen Zhiheng took Yin Ruoling away, and Yin Chengyang looked at his clingy wife's back, feeling infinitely emotional in his heart. In order to take advantage of Chen Zhiheng, he had been paying attention to Chen Zhiheng's feelings for Yin Ruoling, no matter how Yin Ruoling's identity changed. No matter what his life experience has become, he dotes on Ruo Ling so much!even--

Give up the position of Prince of the Underworld Dragon!It's rare for such a man to be a brother!

(End of this chapter)

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