Dragon King is coming

Chapter 258 The 4th place can't be won

Chapter 258 No. 4 can't compete

At the starting line, the girls first jumped on the backs of their male partners. Ke Yaxuan gave the order to start, and the men began to run.

Du Fanghui urged Liu Yujie: "Hurry up, we must win Zhang Liaotuo!" At the beginning, I thought that Liu Xiaoning was on the order because he wanted to show off his affection in front of her, but now, Du Fanghui insisted on winning against her!

Can Liu Yujie catch up to Zhang Liaotuo's speed?Chen Zhiheng and Yin Chengyang were also very fast.

But Zhang Liaotuo has a sense of proportion. In the first match, he let Chen Zhiheng and Yin Ruoling, the host and hostess, win first. Nor is it called letting.

Yin Chengyang is also a person who knows how to behave. For Yin Ruoling and Ding Jiawei, he was not as happy as Liu Xiaoning when he won, so he consciously ranked third.

Du Fangjian and Liu Yujie were too far behind. When the top three reached the finish line, they were only halfway there!
The onlookers cheered hard, but the contestants knew that they wanted to see who would be at the bottom.

Liu Yujie was urged by Du Fanghui twisting his ears, trying his best to surpass Du Fangjian, Du Fanghui thought angrily, at least he couldn't come to the bottom!

However, Du Fangjian suddenly got excited, rushed forward, passed Liu Yujie, and defeated Liu Yujie by a distance of ten meters!
When Du Fangjian crossed the finish line, he was exhausted, and even Ke Yaxi, who was behind him, fell to the ground. Du Fangjian was panting hard, but he couldn't figure out why he suddenly gained strength.

Yin Chengyang smiled and said nothing. He knew that Chen Zhiheng had used his magic power to deliberately let Du Fangjian win against Liu Yujie.

Ke Xingye shouted from a distance: "Fang Jian, you're doing great! That's it, bring Yaqian to cheer!"

Liu Yujie finally ran to the finish line with Du Fanghui on his back. He was so tired that he couldn't stand up straight. He was panting with his hands on his knees. Du Fanghui still blamed him: "You can't even beat my brother! I'm lighter than Yaqian, okay? ?”

Ke Yaqian was not happy, and ignored the sand all over her face, Gulu got up and shouted unconvinced: "Why are you lighter than me? You are heavier than me! Don't think that you look weak, you can eat well at home." More than anyone else!"

"I don't eat as much as you do!" Du Fanghui was already angry, "You said you married into our family, what else would you do besides eating?"

"I just became the young mistress of the Du family!" Ke Yaxi put her hips on her hips proudly, "You are going to get married, but you came back with a bad face, eat from the Du family, and use the Du family's!"

Du Fanghui and Ke Yaxi were about to fight, and Ke Xingye and Luo Jinyi hurried over to try to persuade them to fight.

Ke Yaxuan raised her forehead, Du Fanghui and Liu Yujie failed to show off their love, but let people watch a sister-in-law fight, it's really embarrassing!

"Okay, okay," Ke Yaxuan persuaded, "In the next game, let's not compete in physical strength, let's compete in guessing words. The boy and the girl will do the action and the other will guess the word. In the specified time, which pair will guess more? Which pair wins."

Ke Yaxuan and Du Fanghui often play this game at friends' gatherings. Du Fanghui and Liu Yujie have always been partners. Ke Yaxuan hopes that with the convenience of the host, Du Fanghui can win once and gain some confidence in the following games.

But Ke Yaxuan miscalculated again, Chen Zhiheng, Zhang Liaotuo and Yin Chengyang all had high IQs, and they could guess right what the girl opposite was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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