Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 265 The Sheriff

Chapter 265 The Sheriff

The magistrate is almost 50 years old. He has no wife, not even a mistress. It is said that he has a son who is out of town, and a daughter who is married to Tallinn, thus becoming an in-law with a great nobleman.

Don't think that this sheriff got his job by selling his daughter.

In fact, he has been a border security officer for many years. At that time, his daughter may not have been born. For decades, he has been a rigid and strict person.

His hasty return was unsuspecting and the soldiers bowed their heads in honor of the loyal defender of the kingdom.

Su Mo passed by without squinting, his steps were heavy and a little unnatural.

He had observed Lord Sorin's legs and feet, and they seemed to be injured. Before the transformation technique reached a certain level, he could only observe with his own eyes, and then imitate the appearance of the other party as much as possible.

"My lord, I caught two mercenaries and tied them to the training ground." Two soldiers ran towards him and saluted the magistrate.

This magistrate's mansion is heavily guarded, and the old soldiers almost regard their home as a military camp. Except for a few servants, all soldiers live here, living, training, and protecting.

"..." Su Mo frowned, but after all, he didn't dare to speak, but nodded heavily.

The two soldiers were accustomed to his taciturnity, and accompanied him through the garden path and walked in. Su Mo had been here last time, so he had a certain impression, and bought a topographic map from the tavern.

On the training ground, there are pairs of soldiers practicing. They are strictly disciplined, and they do not attract their attention when others come.

Two mercenary-looking people were trapped on the pillars and had already begun to receive punishment.

Although the sun was shining today, it still couldn't bring much warmth to everyone in the deep winter. However, the two mercenaries were all wet from top to bottom, obviously they were deliberately splashed with water.

It's cruel.

The beard and hair of the two mercenaries had already started to freeze, and their bodies were shaking like sieves.

I really wonder if they can wait in this state until the real sheriff returns home after patrolling outside.

"..." Su Mo raised a hand and spread his fingers.

"Fifty lashes, my lord has an order, give these two men fifty lashes each." The soldiers understood, and they understood what he meant without Su Mo opening his mouth. Immediately, a soldier ran to grab two thick black hair Bright whip.

Uh, I mean they can be released after 5 minutes, I didn't say fifty lashes.

Su Mo looked at the desperate eyes of the two mercenaries with a very guilty conscience. The fifty lashes in the barracks were not the fifty lashes in the Gongdou drama, they could really whip people to death.

But he didn't have time to sympathize with these two cubs, and the transfiguration was only half an hour for the time being.

If he showed his true colors in front of these soldiers, or if he didn't get it done before the sheriff came back, then his fate would definitely not be better than these two mercenaries who were doused in cold water in the winter and had to be whipped fifty times.

He nodded deeply, and walked away.

The two soldiers wanted to follow, but he stopped him with a wave of his hand.

He walked for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Master Sheriff!" Seeing the Sheriff walking straight towards him, the servants almost peed in fright. They were afraid from the bottom of their hearts about this lord who ruled his family by military law.

"Take me to see the dog." Su Mo said vaguely.

The voice was very problematic, but the servant was so nervous that he couldn't even speak clearly, his mind was buzzing, so it was naturally impossible to tell the truth from the fake.

"Yes, my lord." The servant led the way with a pale face. Because of Su Mo's fast pace, he had to trot forward, and it only took a short time to reach the kennel.

It doesn't matter whether the magistrate is clean or not.

As the military chief of an important town on the border of the Federation, the magistrates are among the richest men, not to mention that he is married to a nobleman, as can be seen from the area of ​​the magistrate's mansion, which is dozens of times larger than ordinary people's houses.

If the place is small, how could it be regarded as a military camp.

Even the security steward's kennel is very spacious. Not only is there a huge and luxurious dog cage, but there is also a place for the sheriff to work and sleep next to it.

A charcoal fire was burning in the fireplace, keeping the whole kennel warm.

The big dog I saw last time was locked in a cage. When the sheriff came in, he immediately wagged his tail happily and stuck out his tongue.

It walked around the cage anxiously, wanting to get out.

Having been raised by the sheriff for so many years, it has developed the habit of going out on patrol every day. Wherever there are criminals bullying the weak, where there is discomfort, thieves are hiding here, and it can't escape its eyes and nose.

Su Mo looked at the big dog from a distance, but finally gave up his plan to get closer.

He pretended to cover his mouth and coughed a few times, as if suffering from a cold, he walked behind the desk and sat down, picked up the sheriff's quill and paper to start writing.

The servant didn't need to order, and started busy changing the warm water for the big dog.

"Take off that collar and give it to me." The sheriff coughed and ordered the servant vaguely.

"Hey!" The servant didn't dare to question, and immediately led the big dog over, trying to take off the collar on the big dog's neck, which had a pair of small bells on it, engraved with the family emblem of the Thorin family.

It is said that this is also a once glorious family, but they were on the wrong team during the turmoil of the demise of the Satyr Empire.

The big dog resisted a little, it wanted to get close to its owner.

Something was wrong with its owner, if it wasn't for the sheriff's constant coughing that worried him, it should be able to tell that there are more strangers here.

The servant finally took off the collar and handed it to the Sheriff respectfully.

"I don't need you here anymore, go and get busy with your business." The sheriff waved his hand and asked the servant to leave the place. The servant didn't dare to disobey and turned and left without hesitation.

Just as he was about to open the door, he stopped and summoned up his courage to speak.

"My lord, the weather is too cold. You must take care of your health. If you miss the young master and young lady, please send a letter to ask them to come back this year."

After speaking, he didn't dare to look back at the magistrate's expression, he left tremblingly.

Fortunately, he didn't hear the order from the sheriff to let him go to the training ground to receive the whip. Today, the sheriff has a really good temper.

After the servant left, only Su Mo and the big dog were left in the room, looking at each other awkwardly and politely across a cage.

Su Mo took out his weapon from his backpack. A short gun is enough, a bow and arrow is not necessary, and a long sword is inconvenient. With a shake of his hand, the magazine of the short gun popped out, eight yellow-orange bullets Stay in the magazine honestly.

No idea how many bullets it takes to kill this big dog.

Those mercenaries said that this big dog is actually an ordinary dog. When he was a puppy many years ago, he wandered alone in the cold winter. The sheriff took him home and kept him until now.

(End of this chapter)

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