Chapter 253

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: What happened?
Nicole the Golden Python: It's not good, many adventurers ran to the underground palace we found, and everyone has already gone there to stop them.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: My God, why did this happen!
Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: We don't know, those players came too fast.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: How is the battle going now?

Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: Orlando was overthrown once, and Victor died once. There are too many players. Now Pease is rushing there. I stopped it and said that I will wait until you come.

Nicole the Golden Python: I... I got the corpse back.

One-legged King Allen: Well done, please give me a bowl of salted fish soup.

Silver Horn Uzi: ()

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Let's not do anything for now, wait until I get there, stay away from those players, don't scare them.

Jamie Langley Parrot: As expected of Laifu, he is calm enough. If you need help, you can call in the group. Brad Pidan is about to be beaten by me.

And an hour before they chatted, that is, when he just stopped selling news, several top-ranked clubs had already felt the Pavo Swamp according to the coordinates he gave.

There are at least dozens of large and small clubs and guilds. The total number of players is nearly ten thousand, and the number continues to increase as the news is announced.

Nearly [-] players, in the previous games, such a large number of daily activities is not too overwhelming. What's more, these nearly [-] players belong to some forces, so they can survive on the game people.

A quaint underground palace is now presented in front of them.

They didn't quite believe it at first.

However, some of them have been able to deduce its origin from the style of these buildings. The officials have spent a lot of effort on the construction of the world background. The libraries in the main cities and colleges are not just decorations.

Some players can even study the official thinking of designing this game from the documents provided by the official.

There are more or less such people in large guilds.

"Those gargoyles are complete, and they must still be alive. According to the official parameters, their lifespan can reach 10 years. It is estimated that there is no longer life than them. Later, the production technology of gargoyles was lost. Unable to create new gargoyles."

"You mean, this underground palace has a history of 10 years?"

"Of course not. Although the gargoyle can stand for 10 years, it has only been lost for 5000 years, but this also shows that this place has a history of at least 5000 years."

"What era was it 5000 years ago, the era of the Holy See?"

"Evil magician, the book I read said that evil magician ruled for thousands of years, and then the priests of the Holy See and the ancestors of the Satyr Empire rescued people from the hands of ancient magicians, 800 years It seems that 200 years have passed since the end of the dynasty of China and the situation of the three kingdoms that we have today."

"In other words, this underground palace was before the ancient magicians."

"Then what forces ruled this continent before the ancient magicians?"

"There is no record in the data, but I think this underground palace should be able to tell us something."

Those who spoke were all slightly older people who were keen on archaeology. Even if it was the so-called history designed by a group of game designers, they could study it with gusto.

Before the battle started, these archaeological experts belonging to different guilds or clubs were very harmonious.

In fact, there is no interest conflict between them at all, only the guild they belong to, the boss who pays them wages.

After the judgment of a group of archaeological experts, a conclusion that made everyone happy was drawn.

That is, this underground palace is not a temporary disguise. It has a history of at least several thousand years. Whether it is to promote the progress of the game or the value it should contain, it is very worth exploring.

If there is still any doubt, when a green-skinned lizard rushed out, everyone believed in this underground palace even more.

After all, the baby always needs monsters to guard everyone so that everyone can feel at ease.

This green-skinned lizard was very strong, and it insisted on facing the attack of the hundred and ten people for several minutes.

A level 35 boss, in front of players with an average level of [-], if he can't hold on for a few minutes, the green-skinned lizard Orlando will really become a rookie.

The master of the system didn't give Orlando the responsibility to guard the underground palace, but Orlando had already regarded the underground palace as his own, and he didn't even estimate the combat power that so many adventurers could erupt.

Before dying, it saw Nicole, the golden python.

Unexpectedly, this boa constrictor, who usually only knows how to eat, would stand up for himself, so desperate.

After shedding a drop of tears, he quickly merged into the swamp. Orlando, the green-skinned lizard, received his lunch box again and waited to be resurrected by the system master.

A golden python rushed out, once again confirming that there must be an amazing secret hidden in this underground palace. The only discordant thing is that after this giant python overwhelmed many players and rushed to the scene, it whipped ten tails to death. A few people, and then ran away with the corpse of the green skin lizard in its mouth, without any nostalgia.

Tens of thousands of players watched this scene helplessly.

It must be explained here that the combat effectiveness of players cannot be simply summarized by the number of people. For example, how is the combat effectiveness of [-] players and [-] players against a monster.

Some people may say that isn't that thirty times?

The combat power of 100 players is no different from that of [-] players. If all [-] players rush forward, the combat power shown may not even be as high as [-] players.

Because virtual reality games cannot pass through walls and people, there is no way for a group of people to stand together.

It cannot be said that 1 people have no advantage. 1 people can completely surround the monster with three layers inside and three layers outside. The innermost 300 people fight, and once someone dies, they will be replenished immediately.

In this case, the monster is facing 300 people with constant reinforcements.

It's easy to consume the golden python Nicole alive, after all, it won't add blood to itself, and the automatic reply is not as fast as three hundred people beating her to deduct blood.

Unless she runs away when she can't fight like she is now, the players can't keep her, which is the result of the two parties' helplessness.

Not long after the golden python ran away, the players finally believed that the things inside the magic cover were real, and there was a huge fortune waiting for them, so they finally started to attack the magic cover with skills and swords.

No matter what kind of magic shield, whether it is the lowest level or the highest level, the principle is the same.

Units inside are immune to any damage until the magic shield is broken.

It is also very simple to enter the magic cover, just break it, so the players unite and start attacking the big cover desperately. If they form a circle, about a thousand people can attack the magic cover.

After beating for a while, they felt tired and had no mana points, so they changed to another batch.

Seeing them start to attack the magic shield, the salted fish king Victor, who was called by the green-skinned lizard Orlando, couldn't sit still, so he also rushed up.

(End of this chapter)

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