Chapter 236
An old cow, looking at him so expectantly, Master Su suddenly became Alexander.

But the cows that have been blown out have to be blown out even if they are kneeling.

He was very curious about what kind of tricks followed the old cow's "Could it be that you are...", but he has already pretended to be sophisticated, and if he is asking now, it will be completely cheating.

"I don't know why your envoy came here?" The bull demon believed half of it, and the other half was because Su Mo was too low now.With a gang of mobs and two broken boats that were stolen, it doesn't look like a master who can tear the soil and seal the border.

"Hehe, this..." Su Mo crossed Erlang's legs and rubbed his ankles, still very advanced.

In fact, it’s not that he doesn’t want to speak quickly, but that there are too many things to consider, and he can fabricate a seamless big lie in an instant. That’s not ability, it’s talent, and for an honest person like Su Mo, lying is really embarrassing for him.

Fortunately, he quickly thought of his speech.

First of all, drink a glass of wine slowly - not to mention, the special milk wine of Niu Moren is unusually delicious. When you leave, you must take a few jars back to give it away.

"Brother, it's because the two of us hit it off right away, that's why I told you so much. Do you think these people I brought are really my subordinates?"

"It's hard, isn't it?"

"Hehe, if so many people know my identity, can our organization still be so mysterious and powerful?" Su Mo waved his hand disdainfully: "These sand sculpture adventurers are just a disguise for me to hide my identity."

"I see, no wonder they don't respect you very much."

"Uh...cough cough, to be honest, there are no more than five people in this world who know my identity, and you, brother..."

"It's difficult for me to be one of these five people?" Lao Niu was really a little excited this time. They are not as simple and mentally retarded as the rumors on the mainland, but they are not a race that is good at intrigue. Only five people know his identity.

"No, you may be the sixth, not among these five people." Su Mo smiled sweetly.

"But I already know it now, why is it still possible?" Lao Niu was puzzled.

"Because once our conversation is not harmonious, and you are of no use to our organization, you won't have long to live outside of this door." Su Mo fiddled with the teacup in his hand, and said sullenly.

"Your secret cultivator will bully the cow too much!" The old cow was furious at first, then terrified, and finally sat back on his seat slumped.

If the person on the other side is really a member of the Secret Order, they really have such strength to make him disappear inexplicably. He has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has really seen a member of the Secret Order.

People from this organization are said to be everywhere, but you can't see them without one.

It is very likely that the person lying next to you every day is a member of the Order, and it is also possible that your parents, or your son, became a member of the Order without you knowing it.

"Of course, since I found you, I think you are useful, and you will definitely become a member of the secret order." Su Mo hit a stick first, and then gave a sweet date. If a fight really breaks out, he It is very likely that this old cow cannot be beaten.

Looking at the logo on his chest, it was clearly a Tier [-] Berserker, an NPC above Tier [-].

"What do you want me to do? I, Romeo, will never do the thing of betraying the Bull Devil, and I will never do it even if I die." The old cow looked determined and regarded death as home.

"Betray the Bull Demon? Why, what good does it do me, buddy, put away your ridiculous excuses, our journey is the sea of ​​stars, not such a small mountain of thunder." Su Mo said. Show a look of disdain.

In fact, he was also apprehensive, fearing that the old cow would run amok and die.

I don't know if the net will be broken, but the fish is probably dead and can't die anymore.

"Well, what do you want me to do, and what benefits can I get." Romeo, who is over 200 years old and is about to enter old age even among the bull devil race, is putting aside possible betrayal and guilt. After the feeling, the raging ambition was ignited.

"There is nothing you need to do for the time being. It's not about organizing people who don't need to do things, but because of your current situation, you can't do anything." Su Mo was very blunt.

The old cow who had been subdued lowered his head in shame.

"Now, all you need to do is to develop Niu Mo Port." Su Mo pointed Jiang Shan.

"I've always been developing the Bull Demon Port." Romeo argued for himself in a low voice.

"This kind of development speed, and its effect, is too bad. You have wasted such a good port." Master Su was very angry. As a business genius, he really couldn't understand the wasteful behavior of Niu Mo Port.

"My lord special envoy, please advise!" Romeo hesitated for a moment whether to kneel down to show his respect, but Su Mo stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Let me ask a few questions!"

"Please say."

"What do pirates lack the most?" Su Mo asked.

"Food, women." The old cow replied.

"Forget about women, your behavior of giving your wife to others to sleep is not only barbaric, but also boring. Do you know what the mainland calls this behavior, called tauren, oh, forget it, let's not talk about this. As for food , this is the key, you can definitely get more food and sell it to the pirates."

"Everyone knows this, but we don't have any food either. The land in the middle of our Jilei Mountain, Niumo Harbor, and Jilei Canyon is grassland, so we can't grow food." Lao Niu actually didn't think so.

"So, those humans on the shore, and those merchant ships passing here, what do they lack?"

"They are short of goods, and these Jilei Mountains don't have any."

"Are you stupid? They have no shortage of goods, because they can purchase goods for sale anywhere, but they lack stolen goods, the kind of luxury goods that have been robbed and hoarded by pirates, but have never been cashed in."

"Yes." The old cow Romeo nodded his head.

"You can buy stolen goods from pirates and sell them to profiteers, and buy food from profiteers and sell them to pirates at a high price." Su Mo concluded.

"This is not good." Lao Niu was very embarrassed: "The Kingdom of Keluo prohibits such transactions."

"Your boss is lying there, he is asleep, not dead. Even if the Kingdom of Keluo knew about your deal with the pirates, would it be difficult for them to turn against you?" Su Mo pointed at the old cow's nose and almost yelled.

"It seems to be like this." Romeo picked up the jug and filled it up for Su Mo, letting him moisten his throat and continue cursing.

"And your green-haired fellow, do you think it's very profitable to collect money like this? It's short-sighted, too short-sighted." Su Mo took a sip of wine and continued to complain: "If no one comes here, what are you using to develop the port? Listen to me, beat up that green-haired monster tomorrow, and then throw it into the sea (fuck, you dare to charge me 150 gold, and keep it secret for me), open the door to welcome guests from all over the world, not only will you not charge tickets, but when you leave Get some souvenirs."

"Yes." Romeo continued to nod wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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