Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 233 Master Su Opens Again

Chapter 233 Master Su Opens Again
Fu Jiafeng had already cooperated with Su Mo's request to pull the boat over.

This is the real leaning over. Standing on the side of the ship, you can jump to the opposite side. You only need wooden boards with hooks on the two side rails to allow pirates to transport goods from one ship to another.

The first to be transported was the wrecked ship that lost its power system.

Everyone went to help—of course they were all men, and there were almost no women on board the pirate ships, because the pirates believed that women would bring disaster to the voyage.

However, this is not absolute. It is said that there is a group of female pirates going north, near the polar regions. They control the northern seas, mainly engage in commercial activities, and conduct business with the Magic Kingdom. Occasionally, they will go south to the Holy See's territory to plunder. .

After loading, it filled a small half of the warehouse.

"It's all food, it's not worth much money." Maybe it's a good thing for pirates, because they don't do production, but what do players need food for?

"Don't worry, I'll find a good buyer for them." Su Mo was full of confidence.

Food is difficult for others to handle, but it is no problem for him. Count Dracula will give him a satisfactory price.

Their underground base consumes a lot of food every day-the NPCs in this game also need to eat, and they don't stand there all day long like those sand sculpture keyboard games in the past.

For example, the skill trainer, the player went to find it, and found that he was not there.

Take a closer look at the sign next to it. I went to eat. See you in half an hour. This is a relatively reliable skill trainer. Su Mo has seen a sign written by a skill trainer. It is very funny. It says I lost money at poker yesterday, so I'm not in the mood to go to work today.

Then transfer the ship to the other side to unload that ship's cargo.

This time, the variety was richer. Su Mo even found a box of jewelry and gold coins, but he couldn't touch them. They were carried and transferred by the pirate leader, and they were not faked.

Silk, cloth, and various specialties can all be sold in the market.

The price of the jewelry and gold coins in that box is hard to estimate, but Su Mo thinks that the box can sell for at least [-] gold coins, which shows how gratifying the harvest of these pirates is.

A merchant ship as big as someone else's business is full of loads, and it can earn [-] to [-] yuan for a round trip, while pirates are just fighting.

Of course, these things are about to change hands.

"How to fight, there are quite a lot of pirates here." Fu Jiafeng's little black face flushed with excitement, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"Aren't you the boss, you make the decision." Su Mo replied angrily.

" boss is not for robbery, aren't you good at this?" Fu Jiafeng argued strongly.

"Call me brother, or I won't tell you." Su Mo said.

"What's your name, brother, why don't I call you brother-in-law? Let me tell you, my sister is very powerful. It's okay for one to beat you and the other." Fu Jiafeng had an idea and found that this deal could be done.

Find someone to treat his sister so that she won't beat him up all day long.

It can also indirectly control Old Demon Su, so wouldn't Old Demon Su let him be driven at that time?

One hits himself two?

Su Mo had already imagined that a fat woman with a height of 1.8 meters, a width of 1.8 meters, and a weight of more than one-tenth of a ton jumped up and sat down with her huge buttocks. She was even more vicious than Panda Qiuqiu's father.

He couldn't help shivering, shaking his head violently to drive this horrible scene out of his mind.

It seems that when he gets out of the game, he must give Fu Jiafeng a solid beating, so that he doesn't put himself and his sister together.

"It's basically over. This is the last trip." Luo Xia came out of the enemy's cabin and nodded to Su Mo.

Su Mo and the old cat glanced at each other, and then they raised their knives and slashed.

They didn't cut the BOSS.

The level of the pirate leader is definitely not low, at least forty. After all, he is the boss in charge of the three ships. Even if they stand still and let the two of them hack it, it will take at least half an hour to hack it to death.

So, they cut planks.

The wooden planks between the two ships were connected to the sides of the two ships, which played a role of connection and fixation. The quality was not bad, but it was definitely not very strong. The sea was damp and rotted to a certain extent.

Two sharp knives chopped down, and the plank was cut directly.

The leader of the pirates was carrying a sack of cotton batting-this thing can be used for weaving cloth, and it can also be used to fill quilts, and it is a good thing in the eyes of pirates-and he was walking on the plank, when the accident happened.

If he had been holding his jewelry box, Su Mo would probably not be willing to cut this knife.

"Ah!" In a hurry, the pirate leader actually didn't have time to ask what he was confused about, and he couldn't say anything cruel. All he uttered was a very poetic lament.

On the sea, the sound of falling into the water is actually not so obvious, but at this moment it shocked all the pirates.

What the hell kind of operation is this!

Not to mention standing on a wooden board, even if the pirate leader is standing on a rope, several players can't push him down.

"Scatter duck!"

Fu Jiafeng finally understood. He yelled and rubbed fireballs, and the twelve fireball gods smashed on the pirates one by one. The friendship who was carrying things shoulder to shoulder just now immediately drew their swords to face each other.

So heartless!

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and soon spread to all corners of the four ships.

As for the pirate leader holding a sack of cotton, he found himself floating in the sea at the beginning, so who can the cotton float on?

"I fell!"

"Is there some misunderstanding?"

"Did you accidentally cut off the plank?"

When he heard the chaotic shouts of killing from above, he put away his cute luck and began to curse.

"Drop a rope, pull me up, and let me deal with them!" The pirate leader felt very tired. He obviously had great strength, but he was flopping about in the water. The ship was too smooth, and he couldn't climb up at all. .

A pirate was very clever, holding a bundle of ropes and throwing it down.

The pirate leader grabbed the rope and tried his best to climb up. Seeing that he was about to climb up, he saw a head protruding from the side of the ship, smiled at him, and cut the rope with a knife.

Poor pirate leader, he fell into the sea again, even if he is the BOSS, he must abide by Newton's Apple Theorem.

The pirates were quickly wiped out, most of them were hacked to death, and a few jumped into the sea to escape.

The pirates soaked in the sea and watched the two big ships set sail again. They felt sad, but they were more or less relieved. They planned to climb back to their own ship later, and then go back to regroup.

However, there was a scene that made them vomit blood.

Their original ship also started to move.

Obviously, Master Su doesn't even plan to leave them a boat!

(End of this chapter)

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