Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 228 The sea water was very blue that day

Chapter 228 The sea water was very blue that day
"Wow, two ships, did you see the two ships, haha!" Chong Chong, who beat the tiger, laughed.

His middle school teammates also laughed, as if these pirates were not here to kill them, but to send a ship to show their love.

Others with some brains looked solemn.

Two big ships!

At least two things should be explained. First, there are so many pirates that cannot fit in one ship. Second, there are probably two captains among the pirates. There are at least two to three bosses.

"Baiyun, Black Earth, my God!" Beside Su Mo, Fu Jiafeng gasped.

Su Mo was puzzled and asked cautiously: "Do you know them? What's their origin?"

At this moment, Su Mo had doubts about his own life, why he had never heard of the Baiyun and Heitu, in fact he knew nothing about these names among pirates, but why did Fu Jiafeng, an idiot, know.

Why can't I compare to an idiot!
"I heard them at the Spring Festival Gala." Fu Jiafeng was also very serious.

Su Mo swallowed the blood that was almost spurted out, resisting the urge to throw this thing out and give it to the pirates as a gift.

"They stopped. They saw that there were too many of us, so they didn't dare to come." Song Zhibo found a good reason for the pirates' abnormal behavior. He is now the vice president of the Fashen Temple.

It will be his turn to be the chairman next week, and the senior officials of the Fashen Temple are all rotated.

This group of teenagers designed a very cumbersome rotation mechanism. Everyone in the [-]th Taibao has the opportunity to be the chairman, which is enough to make future management experts dumbfounded. However, such a fine tradition has not been carried on. After all, they gradually quit the game. , it will be difficult to find such a second-year guy.

"The pirates have disembarked, and they seem to be planning to swim over." Holding the one-way navigation telescope given by Su Mo in his hand, Rorschach gave the correct answer.

That's right, the pirates parked their boats far away, and jumped off the boat one after another like dumpling. They obviously learned the lesson of the failed pirates last time, and they will never give these shameless people any chance this time.

"It seems that you have been scared." Luo Fengfeng Feihua expressed his admiration.

"By... out of thin air to defile people's innocence!" Su Mo felt that his handsome face had a fever.

What do you mean, the pirates are the bandits and thieves, okay? Why do you make yourself look like a villain?

There are so many pirates that the splash from their swimming looks like a huge wave, hitting the shore from a distant starting point.

"Get ready to fight, it looks like a hard fight!" Tian Dazhuang said.

There is only one anti-war Luofengfengfeihua here, so a berserker like him must stand at the forefront to provide everyone with strategic protection.

"These damned pirates, I have to let them know what happens when they insult me." Su Mo muttered cursingly, then took out a bottle from his backpack, and threw it out with all his might.

When the bottle was in the air, Su Mo shot the bow and arrow, and shot the bottle with precision.

The dark red liquid in the bottle was spilled into the ocean, and was soon emptied by the blue water. Normal people couldn't understand what he was doing.

"What's inside?" Zui Wo's eyes lit up.

"Blood!" Su Mo snorted coldly, and took out a bottle again.

A few bottles were thrown onto the sea and exploded, soon covering a small area of ​​the sea with a faint red color, but they didn't last long. There is no existence in this world that can contain everything more than the ocean .

"Why can't I understand?" Song Zhibo tugged at his friend's sleeve.

"Ahem, it's okay if you don't understand. I taught him this trick for several weeks, and I finally taught him it. If you can understand it at a glance, how can I mess around?" Fu Jiafeng still stumbled at the beginning, but later The more you speak, the more fluent you become.

"What is in the bottle, why is it thrown into the sea?" Song Zhibo asked without shame.

"You can tell just by looking at it. Are you annoying to ask this and that? If you have a low IQ, learn more." Fu Jiafeng closed his eyes pretending to be profound.

Oh my god, I can't make it up anymore.

Song Zhibo was stunned for a moment. Ever since he knew that Tie Ma Binghe was Fu Jiafeng's horse boy, he was naturally shorter than Fu Jiafeng. After all, the idol he worshiped was other horse boys, so he didn't have an advantage no matter what.

"Shark!" The Zuiwo people on the battlefield could see clearly what Su Mo wanted from the beginning to the end.

They just don't understand why such a few small bottles of blood can attract so many sharks rushing towards them frantically.

Salted Fish King Victor: Mom sells batches!

One-legged king Alan: Mom sells it!

Jungle Leopard King Dickens: Mom sells it!
The blood of the boss is full of magical power, not to mention the blood essence of the monsters, the monster apostles.

Su Mo had been engaged in slaughtering pigs for a period of time, so he knew the principle of killing pigs and leaving blood. Although the blood gradually solidified in the flesh and blood after the monsters were killed, some of them would still remain.

Su Xiaojiu didn't like blood and most internal organs, so Su Mo kept some.

The pirates were already in chaos, they also saw the school of sharks, and while hesitating whether to turn back or move on, they were already surrounded by sharks.

"This is really a bad idea, I said it long ago." Boss A couldn't help cursing.

"Oh, is that so, why do I remember that when I proposed this strategy, you were still very supportive, and said that you are the best swimmer pirate other than the pirate king, look at you, you have the ability to swim faster. "Boss B is not to be outdone.

"Damn adventurers, what the hell did they throw into the sea, Aunt Towel?"

Fortunately, their combat power is very good, they are boss templates, and they will not die easily, but the younger brothers they brought are not so lucky.

The level of sharks is no worse than that of pirates, and it is in their home court. Many pirates screamed and howled and were dragged into the water, and then turned out a large bubble of blood, attracting more sharks to come here meal.

They must be thankful that this is not the Red Sea, otherwise the Red Sea piranhas would definitely let them know what swiftness is.

"Are we just looking at it like this?" Pretty boring.

"Second brother, let's start." Su Mo tilted his head, motioning for Lao Mao and the others.

The assassin old cat nodded, walked a certain distance upstream of the sea water, and then jumped into the water with a plop, and with him were Tian Dazhuang, Luo Xia, Yun Fei, Zuiwo Sand Field, and Bancheng Misty Rain.

"What are you going to do?" Chongchong, who was fighting the tiger, had already noticed them.

"Go and snatch the boat. You guys are fighting the boss here, and we'll go snatch the boat. Everyone has a clear division of labor." Su Mo is not a god, he didn't expect things to develop in this direction.

There are several bottles of BOSS blood in the backpack, and he is completely reluctant to throw them away. Who knew they would come in handy.

A big crisis has turned into a show for pirates and sharks. It's hard to say whether those two bosses can go ashore. Even if they do, they probably won't have much health.

(End of this chapter)

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