Chapter 656
"Just what?" Fang Ruxi asked suspiciously.

"I went to modern times and found that everything there was not as I imagined. I had no choice but to attach myself to Pu Sen, who had just met them at that time. Before I could say anything, I was beaten by Nangong Yanchen that day. Injured, I have no choice but to come back here again."

Speaking of these, Wen Yaxuan was still a little angry, if it wasn't for Nangong Yanchen, maybe he would be the one in modern times.

Fang Ruxi was stunned when he heard that, his face full of disbelief.

However, Nangong Mingyu sharply asked the cause of the problem: "As far as I know, it is impossible for Yan Chen's martial arts to defeat Mr. Wen. Why?"

"That's right, Yan Chen's martial arts are not as advanced as mine, but in modern times, and because I'm possessed, I don't have martial arts."

Nangong Mingyu nodded: "I see."

"What happened next?" Fang Ruxi had already digested the news, so she naturally knew that they would not give up.

Wen Yaxuan bowed his head a little bit ashamed when he said this: "I was beaten back, and Lang Er insisted on bringing Han Xiao and the others back in person. As for the rest, I don't know."

Therefore, it is Xuanyuan Minglang who is staying in the modern age, and Wen Yaxuan was the one who fought with Nangong Yanchen before.

"Lang'er?" Fang Ruxi asked in a low voice, "Isn't it the martial arts leader, Xuanyuan Minglang?"

"Ahem..." Wen Yaxuan covered her mouth and coughed lightly, pulled her throat and nodded, "Exactly."

"That's right, I almost forgot that Xuanyuan Minglang's martial arts hall is in Luzhou."

Speaking of Xuanyuan Minglang, Fang Ruxi naturally thought of that... the man who made her heart ache.

Nangong Mingyu got up: "Okay, thank you very much Mr. Wen for your frank treatment today. I hope there is any news about Yan Chen in the future. I hope Mr. Wen can send someone to the translation office to inform us. I am very grateful."

"Ahem..." Wen Yaxuan also stood up and nodded, "I will definitely send someone to the translation office to inform you about the news about King Yan. You don't have to worry too much, he is doing well in modern times."

"Thank you."

"I'll send it to you."

Nangong Mingyu stopped and said kindly: "Mr. Wen is not feeling well, so there is no need to see him off."

Looking at the man of the Yan Kingdom in front of him, Wen Yaxuan was in a daze and could still see his demeanor back then.

The person in front of him who looked like a god's mansion was the person he admired the most in his life.

Now seeing him standing in front of him, and showing the kindness and deepest affection for his beloved~woman from time to time, every bit of it made him feel emotional.

Wen Yaxuan returned to the medicine house, looking at the bright red blood in the emerald green vessel on the table, he really wanted to go to see Han Xiao again in modern times.

But the strength of the fence can only carry one person.

At this moment, he wondered what happened to Xuanyuan Minglang over there?

Whether Han Xiao has been made aware of his existence, they have already found him.

When Liluo left, he said: In the modern age, you can't reveal your identity by yourself, even if you reveal yourself, you can't say it, because it's a taboo.

A taboo against greed.

Yes, it is taboo.

It is already an act against the heavens to be able to see someone who has already lost his beloved. If he wants to continue to be together, it depends on each other's good fortune.

As for the identity, of course it cannot be revealed by oneself, but by the loved one to discover by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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