Husband pinched my peach blossoms again

Chapter 296 The Little Rabbit Appears Again

Chapter 296 The Little Rabbit Appears Again
"Xiaoxiao, I remember, of course I remember, but I miss you very much now, can you please?"

Originally, they could sleep together at night, but they hadn't seen each other for so long, and her smell was so good, how could he be willing to stay in the empty room by himself, and wronged himself.

"Minglang, no, I can't do it today, okay?" Han Xiao pushed away his hand, covered her body with the quilt, and pushed him away with her hand, but Xuanyuan Minglang's hand seemed to be attached to her body. He couldn't push it away, but became more and more unscrupulous.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Minglang remembered what Han Xiao said before, and said that he had something to talk to them at night, so he told her once... and temporarily 'wronged' himself and let her go.

Xuanyuan Minglang... looked at Han Xiao radiantly, and smiled with happiness on his face.

"Minglang, don't sneak into my room like this next time, I will be angry." Han Xiao scolded with a straight face.

Xuanyuan Minglang had an innocent face, flashing his charming peach eyes: "Xiaoxiao, didn't you feel uncomfortable just now?·················· ·······································

"Xuanyuan Minglang, shut up." Han Xiao····························· ··················································································​​

Han Xiao opened the door and walked out of the room. She still has to arrange the surprise for tonight.

Xuanyuan Minglang secretly laughed behind her and shrugged.


When Han Xiao approached the room where she planned to surprise tonight, she saw the red-haired little rabbit sleeping on the little lantern she had made. Open it, and the rest are tightly closed. How did the little rabbit get in?
With all the weird things before, this time Han Xiao never ran up to the little rabbit and picked it up like before, but stared at the little rabbit warily, and asked vigilantly, "Why are you here?" here?"

The little rabbit looked at her with round eyes, and naturally couldn't answer.

"You have been following me all this time, what do you want to do? Or what do you want to get from me?"

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(End of this chapter)

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