Husband pinched my peach blossoms again

Chapter 107 Getting Rid of Nangong Yanchen

Chapter 107 Getting Rid of Nangong Yanchen

Yunshe is located in the outskirts of the city, surrounded by a bamboo forest, the sound of the bamboo leaves salada when the wind blows, and the music of the sky.

Fresh and tranquil, just like Situ Qingyu's character, gentle and elegant.

The small yard is surrounded by fences. There are many kinds of plants planted in the yard. You can tell at a glance that these are some herbs.

In another corner, there are also a lot of herbs drying in the sun.

In the place where the herbs are dried, there are some firewood piled up, no need to guess, there is naturally a hearth on the side.

There are three rooms in Yunshe, one is the main hall, the bedroom is on the east, and the study is on the south.

However, behind the three bungalows there is a medicine stove, which is Situ Qingyu's favorite place to stay on weekdays.

Looking at the simple furnishings here, it doesn't look poor or luxurious, just like the owner here.


Situ Qingyu's martial arts has always been superior to Han Haoyu's, and this will follow him, so naturally he has not been discovered.

Han Haoyu didn't find the person he was looking for in 'Yunshe', so he decided to go to Princess Yan to find out in person.

In his impression of you, Han Xiao has always been docile and will not leave you for no reason.

Situ Qingyu was dressed in white, and he stood out so prominently in the quiet night. He frowned when he saw Han Haoyu lightly leaping into Prince Yan's mansion.

Although he couldn't figure it out, he still jumped in.

He saw that Han Haoyu hijacked a servant of the Yan Palace, with a sword on the servant's neck, because the distance was a little far, Situ Qingyu didn't hear what he asked.

However, judging by Han Haoyu's expression, he must have not found the answer. Instead, he was surrounded by a more intense murderous aura, and he jumped out of the Yan Palace.

After Han Haoyu left, Situ Qingyu also quickly grabbed the neck of the servant who had just escaped from danger: "Say, say what you just said again."

He deliberately lowered his voice so that no one would recognize his voice.

The slave was trembling with fright: "The princess seriously injured the prince, and then fled the palace without a trace."

"What?" Situ Qingyu stood in front of the servant in shock when he heard the news.

As soon as the servant saw his appearance, he pointed at him and wanted to say something, but he had no chance.

Because Situ Qingyu blocked his mouth in the simplest way.

Letting go of the person in his hand, Situ Qingyu looked at the person lying on the ground. He was not a murderer. When he saw that the other party recognized him just now, he was also in a moment of urgency, so the strength of his hands became stronger.

"I'm sorry."

The person is already dead, at this time, he naturally won't make any more entanglements.

He quickly left Yanwang Mansion, landed in front of a lake, and thought about it carefully.

"The princess seriously injured the prince, and then fled the palace without a trace."

Situ Qingyu understands that Han Xiao is not the kind of person who makes trouble out of no reason, and if she can make a move, it must be because Nangong Yanchen has done something excessive after returning from the palace.

But at this time, where would she go alone?
Hou Ye's Mansion is definitely not here.

"Xiaoxiao, where have you been?"

Situ Qingyu clenched his fists tightly, and there was a cold breath on his warm face.


Han Xiao can't sleep tonight, not because of the man in black beside him, but...

It has been an hour since she stood under the peach blossom tree, but she still can't think of what she should do next to get rid of Nangong Yanchen.


(End of this chapter)

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