Chapter 495
When he was in the capital, Xu Zhuo didn't meet Xia Lingsha, because Xia Lingsha went to Europe. A classmate, the royal princess of a small European country, specially invited Xia Lingsha for her birthday.Although they didn't see each other, Xia Lingsha called Xu Zhuo and had a heart-to-heart exchange.

Therefore, Xu Zhuo directly boarded the plane to New York.

This is Xu Zhuo's second visit to New York.

New York City is indeed one of the most prosperous cities in the world. It is full of traffic, bright neon lights, and rows of high-rise buildings, like a steel jungle. In terms of prosperity, it is indeed far better than the first-tier big cities in China. Standing in a very high place, it will make people People couldn't help shouting out a sentence in English: "beautiful~"

However, compared with China, New York is far behind in the field of mobile payment.It is more customary to use cash or credit card here.There is no such thing as the convenience of taking a mobile phone with you when you go out in China.Xu Zhuo also deeply felt that China's renaissance is very likely to come from behind.

It happened to be in the evening when Xu Zhuo came to New York, but he still had some friends here. After a phone call, Emily, the beauty in the workplace, dropped everything and drove over to pick him up in a hurry.

In fact, Xu Zhuoshan can fly with a sword, so he doesn't need anyone to pick him up, but, as a friend, he hasn't seen him for a long time, and he really misses him very much.

Emily is the same as before, wearing a slim professional suit, showing graceful curves, she has blond hair, a tall figure, wearing red-rimmed glasses, bright eyes and white teeth, she looks very sweet and intellectual, and she is Caucasian, with a complexion Extremely white and delicate, if there is any difference from before, it is naturally more beautiful!
As soon as Xu Zhuo's words of praise came out, Emily immediately smiled and became even more flirtatious. She repeatedly said that Xu Zhuo's mouth was covered with honey, and she chose to say nice things.While talking, he brought Xu Zhuo into the car, and the two sat down. There was a traffic jam in front of them, but it couldn't spoil their good mood, especially Emily, who was very talkative after seeing Xu Zhuo, and said no Stop, have a good chat.

Emily speaks Chinese very well, and after speaking for a while, she switched to English.Mainly to help Xu Zhuo continue to practice English.After all, one more language means one more skill, so it’s not overwhelming to have more skills.

To Emily's surprise, Xu Zhuo's English has improved a lot, and he is more familiar with it than last time, and he is not much different from an authentic New Yorker.What Emily didn't know was that Xu Zhuoxiu had become the Eye of Wisdom, and his IQ was greatly improved. It can be said that learning English is more effective than many language geniuses.The last time he came to New York, he was only in the Wanhua Tianyan stage.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the most powerful thing about this magic pupil technique is that it allows people to evolve, not only the body and divine power, but also tends to intellect.

It’s been a long time since we saw each other, and Xu Zhuo came all the way here again. The meeting gift is naturally indispensable. Xu Zhuo thought for a while, and took out a big diamond ring from the space bracelet, which was ten carats in size, and a pigeon egg of amazing value. .

This diamond ring was specially refined by Xu Zhuo. It was carved crystal clear and dazzling, and there are many hidden inscriptions on it. It is not only beautiful, but also has special functions. .There is also the function of positioning. If something happens to Emily, the diamond ring will bloom to protect her, and as a substitute to help Emily resist disasters. Of course, depending on the degree of disasters, this diamond ring will crack or even burst. Crush, no matter what happens, Xu Zhuo will know immediately.

There is no woman who doesn't like such a big pigeon egg diamond ring. Emily was dizzy all of a sudden. It's just that if you like it, you like it, but it's too expensive, so Emily doesn't accept it.She estimates that the value of this diamond ring is at least 200 million.How dare you accept it.

"It's too precious, and you didn't propose to me, so why give such a big diamond ring?" Emily felt a little resentful, and said in her heart, if he knelt down to propose to me and gave me such a big diamond ring, I would definitely He agreed right away.It's a pity that it's just a gift from friends. It's so precious, how can I accept it?

Xu Zhuo said: "Which one of us is with whom. What a good friend. Last time in New York, you took care of me and picked me up by car."

Emily said: "That should be it. Besides, you also helped my brother a lot by helping him get rid of his drug addiction. I don't know how to thank you!" Emily thought for a while, and then She sneaked a shy glance at Xu Zhuo, and said in her heart that she seemed to be able to repay this kindness only by offering her body.Of course, she knew that was impossible.Xu Zhuo has a girlfriend.

"By the way, how is Mike now?" Xu Zhuo asked.While talking, he grabbed Emily's hand involuntarily, and put the big pigeon egg diamond ring on her hand with his own hands.

Emily felt dizzy immediately, and her body was a little weak. Fortunately, she was sitting in the car, otherwise, she didn't know if she could stand up.

"He, he... is fine." Emily stammered, and as a Westerner, she blushed once again.Secretly scolding myself for being useless in my heart.It's too embarrassing for a person to wear a ring forcibly, and Xu Zhuo makes his bones weak and tendons crispy.

Emily wanted to take off the ring and return it to Xu Zhuo. After all, it was too precious, but Xu Zhuo stopped her.Xu Zhuo said seriously and seriously: "Actually, this ring is nothing to me. If you push it back and forth, you won't treat me as a friend."

When it came to this point, Emily had no choice but to accept it half-heartedly.But in my heart I was really happy.Partly because of the diamond ring, partly because it was a gift from Xu Zhuo.

Then we talked about Emily's younger brother Mike, that kid is quite honest now, with the lesson from last time, he can be called a prodigal son who turned around and never touched drugs again.Now I work in an auto repair shop in a decent manner.Although it was hard work, it was also very fulfilling.Recently, I also made a girlfriend from a clean family.The girl is a customer service staff of the auto repair shop, her name is Dora, her appearance can only be described as average, but her heart is kind and pure.

Emily took Xu Zhuo to the place where she lived, and found a western restaurant to treat Xu Zhuo to dinner. Emily was not a rich person, so the restaurant she found was just so-so, a mixed kind of restaurant.However, Xu Zhuo is not so hypocritical, he can eat in any restaurant.

At Xu Zhuo's strong request, Emily also called her younger brother and her girlfriend.

As soon as Mike and his girlfriend came over, they called Xu Zhuo brother-in-law when they saw Xu Zhuo, which made Xu Zhuo and Emily embarrassed.However, Emily didn't tell the difference, and Xu Zhuo couldn't say bluntly that I'm not your brother-in-law. It would be even more embarrassing, but he just laughed, which was vague.

"Hey, sister, what a big diamond ring. Is this a gift from your brother-in-law?" Mike, with sharp eyes, saw the big diamond ring on Emily's finger, which was extremely dazzling under the light, and exclaimed in surprise .

His girlfriend's eyes also brightened, and she took a few more glances, but there was not much admiration in her eyes, and her expression was still indifferent, which made Xu Zhuo nod secretly. It seems that this girl named Dora Really honest, innocent, and a good girl.

Emily gave Mike a blank look: "Don't talk nonsense! This diamond ring is fake." She said this a little loudly, because a strange man next to him has already paid attention to this side. They are two black men and a white man, who are secretly harboring malicious intentions. , To play the idea of ​​this diamond ring, Emily simply said it was fake, and cut off their minds.

With Emily's attire and her usual income level, buying this kind of diamond ring is absolutely unaffordable, so when she loudly said it was fake, others believed it.

Those strange men were immediately disappointed, and they were planning to make a fortune later, but now they left immediately.

But Mike didn't believe it. He heard from her sister about Xu Zhuo's identity, and knew that Xu Zhuo was a super boss. How could there be fakes in the things he sent?

However, Mike also knew the truth of not revealing his wealth, so he didn't mention it.Emily also secretly decided that she would only wear this ring on high-end occasions in the future, and put it away in ordinary places or at night, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.You know, although New York City can be called the most prosperous city in the world, its security is definitely not good.Women still have to learn to protect themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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