nine dead doctors

Chapter 461 Heading to Sydney

Chapter 461 Heading to Sydney
Xia Lingsha's best friend is also a wealthy family. Her father is an Australian member of parliament. At the same time, the family has a large-scale manor, which deals in various products such as milk powder and wine, which are sold all over the world.

In fact, Xia Lingsha is not afraid of anyone even if she goes alone. She has an inexplicable relationship with the Spider Queen. It is impossible for someone like this to pose a threat to Xia Lingsha.It's just a secret, and the Xia family didn't know about it, so at the strong request of her parents and grandfather, she arranged for two accompanying female bodyguards.One of them is the little goose that Xu Zhuo is very familiar with.

Not only Xia Lingsha was not there, Hua Qianyu, Hua Ziqian and others had already returned to their hometown in Ningcheng.But Hua Wulie, Hua Xiaoque and others are wandering around, and rarely stay in one city for a month. I heard that they went to Las Vegas recently to join a relatively large-scale modeling competition.Both of them got acquainted with many international beauties and young models.The lives of these rich and young are simply enviable.

Xu Zhuo actually doesn't like too lively occasions, especially when there are many strangers.In the capital, without Xia Lingsha, he felt lonely and had nothing to do, so he simply went back to his hometown.Give the family members a panacea by the way, grandparents, fathers and mothers, each with a panacea to prolong life.

At their age, it is no longer suitable to practice any kind of kung fu. The most convenient thing is to take the elixir, adjust the energy and spirit with the elixir, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality, and it is still possible to live to 120 years old.Xu Zhuo's future life is destined to be long, he really can't accept it, all his relatives have passed away, and he lives alone in the world, so now he has to plan ahead.She also plans to marry Mo Xuan as soon as possible and have a few more babies, so that they can practice kungfu from childhood and inherit her mantle.

During the time when Xu Zhuo was at home, he really enjoyed the warmth of the family, and had time to settle the gains during this time.His cultivation became more and more profound.

Now that he has returned to the south, as the vice president of Ginkgo Hospital, there is no reason why he should not enter the "house".Therefore, Xu Zhuo went to Ginkgo Hospital to get a card and work for a few days.Although he hasn't been away for a long time, Ginkgo Hospital has already replaced a group of people, many of whom don't even know him.There is a sense of right and wrong.Recalling the past, the scene of practicing here with Mo Xuan is vivid in my memory.Especially Lu Yongju, although hateful, later the other party unfortunately passed away from cancer, and the two settled their suspicions. Xu Zhuo also attended his funeral, which is also embarrassing.

Ni Xiaomiao finally found a boyfriend. He was a nice young man with an unattractive appearance, but he was very honest. He didn't mind that Ni Xiaomiao was married twice, and he was very kind to Ni Xiaomiao's parents-in-law.Xu Zhuo had a meal with them and gave Ni Xiaomiao some gold to make jewelry.

In Xu Zhuo's interspatial ring, there are piles of gold, and giving Ni Xiaomiao a few catties will not hurt his bones at all.It's just that Ni Xiaomiao and her boyfriend both refused, saying it was too precious.

Xu Zhuo said: "I run outside all the year round, and I may not be free to come when you get married. This is also a big event of your marriage, you want it, you want it."

Under Xu Zhuo's repeated insistence, Ni Xiaomiao accepted it.Her boyfriend was actually very shocked. He had heard that Xu Zhuo was rich, but he didn't expect that he was so rich, and he would give away pieces of gold at random. What a shame.

However, Ni Xiaomiao was still a little sentimental in her heart, because she actually had a good impression of Xu Zhuo, but she also knew that it was impossible to be worthy of Xu Zhuo, and Xu Zhuo had never treated her in that way. Meaning, put out that restless heart.Now that Xu Zhuo gave her so much gold as a wedding gift, she just wants to cry.It's just that you have to be strong in your bones, and you just hold back, and don't let the tears fall.

After Zeng Yulan heard about it, she was also envious, and pestered Xu Zhuo to ask for gold. Xu Zhuo joked: "When you find a boyfriend and want to enter the palace of marriage, brother must not hesitate to give a big gift, at least five or six catties of gold is Indispensable!"

“哈哈,这可是你说的!”曾雨澜很开心,她知道许卓向来言出必践的,只是,内心深处也跟倪小苗一般,咬牙很想揍许卓,因为,她最想嫁的Or Xu Zhuo.It's a pity that Xu Zhuo has never had any feelings for her, and just treats her like a younger sister.

Xu Zhuo was lying on the bed at night. After finishing the video with Mo Xuan, he used his mobile phone to scan his self-media. His popularity gradually increased, and the number of fans had already exceeded [-] million. In the doctor industry, he was quite well-known.There are many people seeking medical treatment from him. Almost every day, hundreds of people ask this question and that question. Some questions can be answered, but it is more difficult to come to him for medical treatment.After all, Xu Zhuo is only one person, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone's requirements.

Afterwards, he also read the news, watched and watched, and there was an anecdote that attracted him. It was about a place in the United States where a space-time channel appeared, and then many people were interested, and some even hired mercenaries to rush in, wanting to To explore the new world and contribute to the development of mankind, however, people never came out after entering. In the next few days, people kept entering and disappearing, and finally alarmed the local government. But at this time, time and space The channel suddenly disappeared.

There is even a picture of the space-time channel on it, which is probably taken by the people who were present at the time.

There are many people commenting on this news, but most of them don't believe it. In fact, news like this will always appear without interruption, and there are even vivid videos released, but many of them are produced by special effects.What aliens, UFOs, prehistoric monsters, as realistic as you want, but how many things are true?It's all made up by some people, just to attract attention and click-through rate.

However, Xu Zhuo felt a sudden in his heart, and he believed it a little bit.After all, there are now three spatial nodes in China alone, the Baidao Lake in Hangzhou, the Forbidden City in Beijing, and the secret realm of the Lijiang Sword Sect.

Although the Lijiang Sword Sect appeared in the secret realm, it is equivalent to the earth world.After all, that secret realm is very small, and it has always been connected with the earth world.

Xu Zhuo paid close attention to it and wanted to see if the space node over there would appear again. If it did, he planned to fly to the United States as soon as possible to seal it in order to avoid causing more deaths.

In the dark world, or the bright world, although the technology in it is not as good as that of the earth, the civilization of gods and demons is highly developed, and ordinary people cannot afford to provoke it, even with a submachine gun.Once the two civilizations collide on a large scale, it will definitely be a bloody era.Xu Zhuo is currently trying his best to prevent this from happening.As for the future, he will think of a way again.

Fortunately, that space node was never opened again, or no one reported it.Xu Zhuo didn't bother to care about it, because Xia Lingsha called, and in Sydney, Australia, there were similar space nodes that opened from time to time.He had to rush to Australia as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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