Chapter 407
Lin Fen hurriedly got up and ran over, pulling someone casually and asking, "Brother, may I ask, do you know where the homes of Yang Cuiliu and Girl Man are?"

"I don't know." The man left.

Lin Fen asked several more questions, but they all said they didn't know.Su Laosan and Lin Jiangdong also asked many people, but everyone said they didn't know each other.

Not far away, there was a bean curd vendor setting up a stall, and Lin Fen hurried over: "Ma'am, do you know which mayor's house has moved here these days?"

Aunt Niang is more than 50 years old, with kind eyebrows and good intentions, she is very kind: "What are you looking for?"

"To tell you the truth, that house is my sister-in-law. I needed help from my sister-in-law in an emergency, but we were busy at home a few days ago, so we didn't come to check the door, so we didn't know each other at all." Lin Fen explained.

"So that's the case. Then you are asking the right person. I live on West Street. There is a new family one hundred meters away from my house. The people are very kind. I wonder if it is the family you mentioned?" the aunt replied.

Lin Fen grabbed the aunt's hand excitedly: "Thank you aunt, thank you for your kindness, how do you get to West Street?"

"Go along this road, then turn left at the end, turn right at the second intersection and keep going." The aunt answered patiently.

"Okay, thank you, thank you auntie." Lin Fen hurriedly called Su Laosan and his own father and went straight to West Street.

After walking for about a stick of incense, the three of them finally came to the end.

From a distance, I could see that house, with a black-painted gate and red brick walls, which looked grand and large.

And there is a large red brick wall next to it, which seems to be unfinished, but it is already as tall as a person.

"It should be this one, let's hurry over and ask." Lin Jiangdong went straight over, and knocked on the door vigorously.

Lin Fen and Su Laosan were very nervous. They knew that it was inappropriate to come to find their sister-in-law like this, but they really had no choice.

Yang Cuiliu in the yard was watering the cucumbers, when she suddenly heard a rapid knock on the door, Yang Cuiliu was taken aback and hurried over.


This sound made Lin Fen and Su Laosan outside the door extremely excited.

"It's sister-in-law, it's sister-in-law's voice." Third Su said, "Open the door quickly, sister-in-law. I'm the third child."

Hearing this sound, Yang Cuiliu quickly opened the door, looking at the three people outside, Yang Cuiliu was taken aback.

"Lin Fen, third child, why are you here?" Yang Cuiliu subconsciously looked behind them, but he didn't see Sun Hehua, Liu Qin and Mrs. Su, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, please help me." Lin Fen knelt down on the ground with a plop.

Yang Cuiliu was dumbfounded: "What are you doing, the third family, get up quickly, go into the room and say, get up."

"No, sister-in-law, just let me kneel here. It was my fault before, I deserve to die, and I didn't stop the second sister-in-law and fourth sibling from coming to trouble you.

I have never cared about it, although I occasionally say a few gossips, but I have never harmed my sister-in-law's family, let alone made trouble.

Now my younger brother got into a prison in the town because of a fight with someone, and begged my sister-in-law for help. I thought of all the people I should ask, and all the ways I should think of.

I beg my sister-in-law to let go of the past and help me. It doesn't matter if my sister-in-law beats me or scolds me. I just hope that my sister-in-law can save my brother. "Lin Fen begged excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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