Chapter 205
Aggrieved, almost succeeding in aggrieved.

On the seventh floor, Orange Wind was almost insane.He kept attacking the undead dragon that was rushing towards him, but his attack power was so powerful that he was helpless.

Especially when the fighting power of this undead dragon is getting stronger and stronger, it gives the feeling that Orange Wind is getting weaker and weaker.He couldn't understand at all why there was such a big gap in strength between the front and back of this undead dragon.

When I first entered the seventh floor, although this undead dragon was strong, it was much worse than the ones I encountered before.So he felt that he had a chance to break through the seventh floor this time, but he didn't know that things had changed drastically.

The longer the delay, the stronger the undead dragon will be.Especially those fighting skills, which were still very immature at the beginning, but later on, their strength continued to improve.

Why is it like this, has King Xun really broken through?

Feeling more and more weak, even Orange Wind can no longer attack.After staying on the seventh floor for three full days and three nights, the consumption of soul power has reached the extreme.


Suddenly a voice sounded, and a huge thunderbolt fell from the sky.It hit the orange wind without the slightest drop, and the white light was transmitted to the ground from the head to the bottom.The bones trembled constantly, accompanied by the scream of Cheng Feng.

His body was smashed to pieces, and the whole skeleton disappeared.

Outside the trial tower, Cheng Feng's embarrassed figure appeared.But what surprised him was that there were not as many voices of envy as before.On the contrary, it is very quiet here now, and all the skeletons' attention is on the trial tower.

The soul couldn't help but snorted coldly, and Cheng Feng walked over to look at the trial tower.Looking at his whole skeleton, he was stunned, because he saw the position of the red dot representing Wei Xun.

The eighth floor, Wei Xun is now on the eighth floor.

Shocked, Cheng Feng could only sigh deeply.If so, Wei Xun has passed the seventh floor and entered the eighth floor.But he recovered quickly, broke into the eighth floor and his soul was killed, that was also a very fast thing.

"Orange Wind, when did you come here?"

A voice sounded, it was Huang Da, the eldest disciple of Huang Dian.

The soul twitched, and Cheng Feng found that he seemed to be really ignored.Resisting the grievance in his soul, he said, "What's the situation now, you just came here?"

Nodding his head, Huang Da pointed to the red dot on the eighth floor of the trial tower: "You don't know, it's King Xun. He has already broken into the eighth floor, and he has already stayed on the eighth floor for ten It's hours."

ten hours?Ten days in the trial tower?
The ratio of the time outside to inside the trial tower is 24:[-], and one hour outside is equivalent to one day inside the trial tower.After staying for ten hours, that was a full ten days on the eighth floor.

No one knows how dangerous the eighth floor is.But what Orange Wind can be sure of is that the eighth floor is definitely more dangerous than the seventh floor.

The strength of King Xun is actually so powerful? !
From this moment on, Cheng Feng was truly impressed by Wei Xun.The gap in strength between himself and him was so great that he couldn't catch up even if he flattered him.More importantly, the gap between them has become too large to be bridged.

After carefully looking at the red dot on the eighth floor of the trial tower, Orange Wind quietly left.

Soon the information here was sent back to various palaces, and this also caused an uproar.

"What did you say? That King Xun actually stayed on the eighth floor for ten hours?"

In the Yellow Hall, Green Hall, and Blue Hall, the three elders all stood up in surprise.The tone was full of disbelief, but soon this disbelief was replaced by surprise.

What is inside the eighth floor is the clearest to those who have been inside.There is Queen Dumesa inside, the queen Dumesa with an army of pythons.

After staying there for ten days, how did King Xun do it?
This was the first thought that popped up in their souls, and they were all shocked beyond measure.They broke into the eighth floor, but they all came out after two or three days.

With one's own strength, it is impossible to fight against the army of pythons all over the place.Thinking of those boa constrictors overwhelming the sky, their bodies trembled involuntarily.

They never want to encounter that kind of situation again, it is really too scary.

In the Red Palace, the First Elder remained silent without speaking.

This news also shocked him, but the performance of King Xun was already acceptable.Breaking through the seventh floor means that he killed the undead dragon, and now he has spent ten days in the eighth floor.

"The strength of King Xun may have reached the top level of the Golden Skull."

Even if this fact is hard to accept, it is actually the case.This is the most clear thing for him, who is the high-level strength of the Golden Skull.

If it wasn't for the strength reaching the top level, it would be impossible to persist in the eighth floor for such a long time.The strength of Du Meisha inside is terrifying to the extreme.

The original self couldn't react at all, and his body was petrified.After coming out of the trial tower, his soul was also damaged.It took a full month to recover from this injury.

The most terrifying thing about Du Meisha is not his python army, but her eyes that can petrify the soul.And since Wei Xun hasn't come out yet, it proves that Du Meisha's eyes have not been opened.

In the Zidian, the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder sat together.

"Old Qi, the boy Xun Wang is probably stronger than us, right?"

After hearing Zijin's report, the Sixth Elder immediately asked with a sigh.

"That kid hides so many things, who knows how far his strength has gone." Shaking his head noncommittally, the Seventh Elder laughed and said, "At that time, I thought he had just evolved into a golden skull."


On the eighth floor, the sky is already red.

A ray of bright golden color flew continuously, and flesh and blood flew everywhere it passed.The splashed blood spilled into the sky, falling down like strips of red silk in a mess.

An angry howl sounded, turning his attention away.I saw a bone dragon whose bones were shining with lightning, constantly squeezing the big pythons past.Where the lightning passed was scorched, and the sharp teeth were directly inserted into the bodies of those pythons.

One person and one bone dragon aggressively suppressed and killed the besieged boa constrictor.

"The strength is not bad, but after a long time, can you really resist it?"

Although her eyes were not opened, Du Meisha could clearly see all this.The fighting power of Wei Xun and Bei Si has well proved their extraordinary.

But so what, the fighting power of a hundred pythons is terrifying.

Being strong at the beginning does not mean that it lasts for a long time. The longer the time drags on, the stronger the strength will continue to decline.This truth will soon be confirmed, a hundred pythons are not so easy to kill.

"Happy, this incisive taste is very happy."

Wei Xun, who turned into a bone knife, kept shooting on the field.Every time it is swiped, it will bring a blood flower, and these blood flowers will make a big boa constrictor lie directly on the ground.

Wei Xun didn't kill them, he just made these boa constrictors incapacitated.He is enjoying, enjoying this comfortable process.In the solipsistic state, the high-level strength of the Golden Skull is enough to make everything possible.

Contrary to Wei Xun's unrestrained attack, Beth's attack is much more brutal.The bone teeth continued to bite, allowing those big snakes to wrap around his bones.

However, no matter how powerful the power is, sometimes the quantity still becomes the key.The number of boa constrictors is large, which eventually caused the strength to be unable to keep up.As a result, the next scene appeared, outnumbered.

One python, two pythons, three pythons...

Continuously circling up, the huge tail wrapped around Beth's skeleton.Can thunder and lightning burn their flesh, but when there is too much flesh, the power of thunder and lightning will be greatly reduced.

"You lowly stinky snakes dare to surround me, my lord..."

Bei Si's angry roar resounded all over the eighth floor, and at the same time, it also brought Wei Xun's thoughts back.When he saw Bei Si who was surrounded, Wei Xun recovered from his solipsistic state.

"Is it not possible after all? Has the number really become the decisive factor?"

After a cold snort, Wei Xun tightly held the Overlord's Halberd in his hand.He threw it vigorously towards Bei Si's position, and at the same time Wei Xun's voice sounded.

"Xiaoba, get your lightning out."

The thunder and lightning directly pierced the head of one of the boa constrictors, and in the next moment countless thunder and lightning shot out.The boa constrictor with a flesh body immediately became a conductor to spread the lightning.

chi chi~
The sound of scorching sounded one after another, and the next moment, the place where Bass was located was thunder and lightning.Bursts of black smoke came out, accompanied by countless screams.

"What's going on, why do I feel so comfortable?"

Contrary to the screams, Bess felt waves of excitement rippling from his soul.The lightning current of the same attribute spread to its skeleton, and then entered its soul.

How much lightning the Overlord Halberd has absorbed, even Wei Xun, the master, can't know.Because the Overlord Halberd absorbs too much lightning, it will absorb it as much as possible wherever there is lightning.

The most powerful of them is the law of heaven and earth, the kind of lightning that can destroy the world.Constantly refining its halberd body and strengthening its halberd soul.

And the right amount of thunder and lightning is a great supplementary energy for Bass.Immediately after the two co-produced, there was a chemical reaction.The soul is constantly growing and increasing, and the strength of Beth is rising.


Just when the screams were everywhere, a domineering dragon roar sounded.A beam of light descended from the sky and landed on Bei Si.Bathed in golden light, thunder and lightning flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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