Yellow Spring Taboo

Chapter 549 Nine Yin Crazy Demons

Chapter 549 Nine Yin Mad Demon
At this time, the blood-feathered peacock did not take human form. When we saw such a mixed-feathered chicken rushing towards us and uttering human words, those monks were already terrified. Seeing that his neck turned red and a ball of flames spewed out of his mouth, those monks ran back into the hall in fright.

Blood Feather Peacock is indeed a master of fire control. He can control the intensity of the flame at will. The divine fire hit Yizhen monk just right, and quickly burned him into a dry bone. Cut sparkling.


I grabbed the glowing bone with a palm, and the relic flew into my hand in an instant. Holding the relic, I looked at it and put it in my pocket after confirming its authenticity.

Then Xiao Hei turned into a big black snake again, and Jian Wu and I jumped on it one after another.

"Wait, master."

The blood-feathered peacock blushed, and immediately jumped onto Xiao Hei's back. I didn't stop him this time. Indeed, with this guy by my side, it would be much easier to take relics.

To our surprise, although this blood-feathered peacock is extremely unreliable on weekdays, at certain times, he is more reliable than anyone else in handling things.

This time, I don't know where he found such a map for us. The map is densely marked with the major Buddhist gathering places in the Yin-Yang world in our country. Where there are marked places, there must be eminent monks who have achieved the Tao. These include the Bodhi Temple in Bashu, the Great Buddha Temple in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai, and even the Potala Palace in Tibet and Jinshan Temple, the former nest of Fahai. Among these temples, at least one of them is awarded There are several eminent monks, and there are more than one eminent monk in world-famous Buddhist places like the Potala Palace and Kumbum Monastery.

But now in the 21st century, authentic Buddhism has largely degenerated into a commercial area, and there are very few people who truly believe in Buddhism. As a result, eminent monks who have attained the Tao are even rarer.

This map of Blood Feather Peacock almost marked all the areas in the domestic Yin-Yang world where there are eminent monks, but even if all these people were killed, they could only gather less than 72 relics, which is less than [-] relics. The goal is still a long way off.

Fortunately, in some famous Buddhist temples, there are relics inherited, such as Kumbum Monastery, Bodhi Temple and Potala Palace, which are famous domestic Buddhist temples, and there are many relics left by eminent monks after their death.

Therefore, as long as the relics in these temples can be snatched, it is not difficult to collect 72 relics.

So, in the next period of time, according to the markings on the map brought by the blood-feathered peacock, we began to wander non-stop among the major Buddhist temples in the yin and yang world, killing the entire Buddhist sect.

Half a month later, I have entered twelve Buddhist temples in a row and killed nineteen eminent monks. Including the relics originally stored in these Buddhist temples, I got a total of 33 relics.

After half a month of continuous massacres, the story of me going back to the old road of Yin Tianzi becoming a confidante more than 2000 years ago has spread throughout the entire Yin-Yang world. This is undoubtedly a huge storm, and countless people have crowned me The title of Nine Yin Mad Demon.

A month later, I went to the Potala Palace in Tibet, killed the living Buddha in the Potala Palace, and took thirteen relics from the palace, which pushed the massacre of the Buddhist sect to a peak.

Now, I have a total of 46 relics in hand, which is still one-third short of 72 relics. I did not stop the slaughter. I went to the Great Buddha Temple and killed four eminent monks. I took nine relics, plus the previous 46 relics. A total of 55 pieces, 72 pieces short and [-] pieces left.

After the Great Buddha Temple, I have become the well-deserved number one devil in the world of Yin and Yang, and there are countless self-proclaimed upright cultivators chasing and killing me. Along the way, I met gods and killed gods, met Buddhas and Buddhas, In the end, there were not one thousand but eight hundred righteous people who died in my hands, and even the entire Yin-Yang world was terrified.

In addition, the authorities put pressure on the Supernatural Investigation Bureau, because my crazy behavior has caused social panic, and even issued an ultimatum to Jiao Yuchen. Take it according to law.

For this reason, Jiao Yuchen also sent many masters to arrest me, but I beheaded them all one by one. Even Maoshan, Longhushan, and Shushan, the top pillars of the three major gates, also sent me wanted. My friend, I still didn't show any mercy, and I also cut him off.

Now I am completely crazy, no matter who is here, anyone who wants to prevent me from resurrecting Bai Rushuang will die.

Another three days later, I went back to Bashu and came to the gate of Bodhi Temple.

The reason why the Bodhi Temple is named Bodhi is because it is said that this is the place where the Bodhi Patriarch sat down. There is a tall tower in the temple, known as the Bodhi Pagoda. There are nine relics, including one relic left after the ancestor Bodhi passed away.

As soon as I arrived at the mountain gate of the Bodhi Temple, before I walked in, the town bell in the temple rang, shaking the entire Bodhi Mountain.

On the martial arts training square in the temple, a large number of monks stood in front of the Buddhist hall with long sticks, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Bodhi Temple is one of the few Buddhist temples that has not been commercialized in the world of Yin and Yang today. The monks in the temple also have real skills. Among Taoist gates, Bodhi Temple is second only to the three pillars. The four major Buddhist gates are authentic.

Now the Great Buddha Temple has been visited by me once, followed by the Bodhi Temple, and then Kumbum Temple and Jinshan Temple. As long as I complete the four major Buddhist temples, I will be able to collect 72 relics.

The three of them, plus a chicken, just swaggered into the Bodhi Temple. It was already evening, and the Buddha's light could be vaguely seen on the top of the Bodhi Pagoda. There was a white cloud on the top of the pagoda. Under the shroud of the Buddha's light, it was as if the Lord Buddha had descended into the world.

My bad name has already spread throughout the Yin-Yang world, and now when I come to this Bodhi Temple, those monks are also frightened when they see me, but this kind of Buddhism is no more authentic than other commercial Buddhist temples. It is a serious practice, and the mind is naturally different from ordinary fake monks. Although they are afraid, no one backs down.

"Devil, leave the Bodhi Temple."

The moment we stepped into this martial arts square, the monks over there gave me serious warnings, but I turned a blind eye to them, holding the anti-magic ruler, red eyes, and walked towards the Bodhi Pagoda with murderous intent on my face.

At this moment, in the Buddhist hall, eighteen bronze men who looked like cast copper rushed out of the hall, and rushed towards us with big strides.

"Eighteen bronze men?" Facing the eighteen bronze men, Jian Wu behind me said in surprise, "Shouldn't this belong to Shaolin Temple?"

"The Shaolin Temple only appeared in film and television works. The real Shaolin Temple has already been completely commercialized. There are not even any eminent monks in it." Xiao Hei next to him replied, and then turned into a 20-meter-long snake and flew into the air .

Blood Feather Peacock and I jumped onto Xiao Hei's back and flew towards the Bodhi Pagoda.

On the martial arts square, Jian Wu drew out the long knife behind her back. She didn't have the slightest timidity when facing the Eighteen Bronze Men. Jian Wu was at the pinnacle of half-step power long ago, and she was only one battle away. Then she was able to raise her cultivation to the realm of great power, and now the eighteen bronze figures of Bodhi Temple can just be a stepping stone for her to be promoted to great power.

Soon, Jian Wu fought with the eighteen bronze men in the square, and we flew all the way to the top of the Bodhi Pagoda.

Now it has been more than a month since I have been dealing with the Buddhist sect, and I have more than 50 relics on my body. The relics are the accumulation of the essence of each eminent monk’s practice during his lifetime, and there is a great induction between them. When I approached the top of the Bodhi Pagoda, These relics on my body also involuntarily emit bursts of Buddha's light.

Just when we were about to enter the top of the Bodhi Pagoda, an old and thick voice suddenly sounded in the air: "Wu Dao, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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