Yellow Spring Taboo

Chapter 123 Help

Chapter 123 Help
The moment I saw this face, I felt like my entire scalp was numb. I blinked hurriedly, and when I wanted to see it more clearly, that person had already disappeared into the vast night.

"Sister Yu, do you see it?" I turned my head and asked Qin Yu next to me nervously.

"See what?" Qin Yu looked at me suspiciously.

"A face, a human face! It's hidden in the hair of the man just now."

Qin Yu frowned when she heard this, and said how could this be possible, she didn't notice it.

"Could it be that my eyes are dazzled?" I blinked my eyes in a daze, then glanced at the chocolate box in Qin Yu's hand, and then seemed to think of something: "Sister Yu, who is this guy? He sent you off suddenly This, the meaning of the representative is a little bit of that!"

Qin Yu glared at me, then turned around holding the chocolate box and walked towards the Sanhua Xuan Pavilion. Out of curiosity, I followed.

After entering the Sanhua Xuanguan, Qin Yu first put the somewhat rusty chocolate box on the side coffee table, and then walked to a bluegrass not far away. Such pebbles.

Immediately, she poured the entire box of pebbles into the flower pot, a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Sister Yu, do you like pebbles like this very much?" Looking at Qin Yu's expression, I already guessed it.

"Yeah!" Qin Yu didn't hide it, she nodded at that time, and then said that she grew up by the sea when she was a child, and was sent to Maoshan because of a change in her family. At that time, she was less than two years old. , the memory of her hometown has almost been forgotten, and she can't even remember her parents, but this kind of pebbles is the only one that she remembers very clearly.

I oh, and then asked her if she would go back to the hometown where this cobblestone was born to have a look after she grew up?
Qin Yu shook her head, saying that she had never been back, because she had no idea which sea was the place where such pebbles were born.

I frowned, saying so, it seems that you have forgotten where your hometown is, but the man just now, since he was able to find this kind of pebbles, why didn't you ask him where your hometown is?And what is the relationship between that person and you? It seems that he is interested in you.

Qin Yu shook her head, and said that she knew that person two years ago, when he fainted at the door of her Sanhua Xuanguan due to hunger, so she rescued him.

After this person was rescued by Qin Yu, he found that Qin Yu liked such cobblestones very much, so he would come to the Sanhua Xuanguan every one or two months to repay her kindness, and brought her such pebbles. A box of pebbles.

At that time, Qin Yu also asked this person where these pebbles came from, but this person didn't say anything, and every time he delivered the pebbles to Qin Yu, he left in a hurry. Even now, Qin Yu Don't even know the man's name.

I said oh, and said this person is really strange, so I remembered the face hidden in that man's messy hair just now, and said, Sister Yu, could it be that you really didn't find the face in his hair?

Qin Yu still shook her head and said no, if there were really weird things, she couldn't have missed it, maybe it's because your eyes are blurred.

I nodded, thinking that this might be the reason. After all, Qin Yu is an authentic descendant of Maoshan, and he is also a three-flower body protector. His skills are much higher than mine. If there are any monsters hidden in that person, it is impossible for her not to find out. .

I checked the time and it was almost midnight, so I said goodbye to Qin Yu and went back to school.

When I returned to school, it was already past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. There is no doubt that I returned to the dormitory after being scolded by the aunt in the dormitory again.

Because of the previous battle against the corpse woman, I mobilized the power of the underworld forbidden technique, and at the same time used the underworld curse. At this time, my whole body felt weak for a while, and I really wanted to have a good sleep.

The dormitory was very quiet. I turned on the light, but found that there was no one in the dormitory. I frowned, thinking that the emperor and these guys had gone out to surf the Internet and hadn't come back yet?

So, I habitually called the emperor and asked if this guy was in the Internet cafe, and if he would come back tonight, if he didn't come back, I would lock the door, so as not to be disturbed when he fell asleep.

But what puzzled me was that no one answered my call for a long time. I thought it might be because this guy was too engrossed in playing games, so I called Liu Dong and Jiang Chao again.

To my surprise, the calls from these two guys still didn't answer. I scolded, thinking that these guys really don't care about playing games, so I threw the phone aside and went straight to the room. The door is locked.

Just when I locked the door and was about to go to bed, my phone rang suddenly. I opened it and saw that the caller was not from our dormitory, but a female classmate in our class.

This female classmate is named Liu Yi, she is one of the most beautiful women in our class, and she is also Jiang Chao's dream lover, but this girl has high vision and is very materialistic, so she doesn't like Jiang Chao's unhandsome looks at all. And poor dick, on weekdays she gets in touch with some rich young masters in our school, and basically has no interaction with people in our dormitory. Said it was a phone call, and I didn't even say a word to her in class.

She called me suddenly, it made me feel as if someone who died suddenly had faked a corpse, and it shocked me.

I didn't think much about it, so I pressed the answer button on the phone and said hello!

I had just finished saying hello, and before I had time to say anything else, I heard an extremely frightened and anxious voice from the other end of the phone: "Wu Dao, is it Wu Dao!"

I was startled when I heard this voice, and an ominous premonition suddenly hit my heart. I hurriedly said that I was Liu Yi, what's wrong.

"Help, Wu Dao, hurry up and help!"

My nerves tensed, and I hurriedly asked Liu Yi on the other end of the phone what happened, but the other party didn't say anything, just kept calling for help.

I was also a little anxious, and hurriedly asked her where she was now.

"Experimental building, old experimental building!"

Hearing this place, I felt a chill run down my back. Our old laboratory building has been abandoned for more than ten years, and the gates are usually locked. It is said that the reason why this laboratory building was It was abolished because nearly 20 years ago, a graduate student in the Department of Chemistry jumped off the building because of too much pressure.

In the beginning, the school did not close the laboratory building because of the graduate student jumping off the building, but in the next few years, one after another, people would often hear "bang" coming from the laboratory building at midnight. There was a sound of falling objects, but when they went to check the source of the sound, they found nothing.

After a long time, rumors of the school's laboratory building being haunted began to spread, and it was said that several students were killed in the laboratory building by the chemical student who jumped off the building. to discard.

Therefore, this old laboratory building is said to be a forbidden area of ​​our University of Science and Technology. Even if these students pass by there on weekdays, they would detour or leave in a hurry. But this Liu Yi, how could she have such courage to go there? This old lab building?

To be honest, I didn't want to pay attention to this Liu Yi at the beginning, after all, I'm so tired now, I even felt that she was so idle that she called this call deliberately to tease me, like this kind of thing, those boring girls It's not that I haven't done it.

Seeing that I didn't reply for a long time, Liu Yi yelled again in horror: "Wu Dao, help, save us!"

"You guys?" My nerves tightened, and I said Liu Yi, besides you, who else is there in the old laboratory building?
"Zhang, Zhang Juan, Li Fengyu, Zhou Lei, and Li Yi and Jiang Chao from your dormitory!"

When I heard the names of these people, I shivered at the time, and then shouted at the other side in an angry tone: "Why do you go to the old laboratory building when you have nothing to do? Eat enough to support yourself."

Liu Yi on the other end cried immediately, and then I heard a piercing scream from over there!

(End of this chapter)

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