Chapter 419
Princess Jiayun thought that Jiang Xian would be her daughter-in-law in the future, so it was harmless to talk about the past.

So, she carefully described the "Xuan'er" in her memory.

The more Jiang Xian heard it, the more astonished she became.

That "Ye Hexuan" is completely different from the domineering and vicious image in the book.She is gentle and virtuous, does not fight or grab, is approachable to everyone, loves fried candied chestnuts and dried fruits, likes to collect food from all over the world, sleepy and sweet, kind and charming.The handwriting is not good, but the painting is good, black and white lines, light and shadow; although congenitally weak, but the heart is very strong...

"By the way, she is also good at temperament."

"is it?"

Jiang Xian didn't know why, but felt ashamed, "Pipa or Qin Xiao?"

"Not at all. She can compose music." Princess Jiayun heard Cui Nong say it before, she frowned and thought for a while, then slapped her thigh, "Using "Bodhisattva Man", it is called... what is the lyrics composed by Li Qingzhao, I made a tune, and it sounds good." The tune was catchy, and Princess Jiayun immediately hummed it.

Accompanied by the melodious and familiar tune, Jiang Xian's face turned pale.

She clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves and asked abruptly, "Is this a song composed by Ye Hexuan?"

"Well. Yes."

" is this possible..."

Jiang Xian's heart was in a mess.

The tune is hers.

It was the tune that she used to take time out to compose while working overtime, and she would never remember it wrong even if she turned into ashes!But how did Ye Hexuan know?Still like her, using Li Qingzhao's "Bodhisattva Man" as lyrics?

She remembered asking Granny Meng that there was no Li Qingzhao in the history of the Yuan Dynasty.

This is an era of parallel fiction, and if Ye Hexuan knows "Li Qingzhao", it means that Ye Hexuan is not the Ye Hexuan in the original book!Is her soul transmigrated?Who would that soul be?

Gentle and kind, likes to eat sugar-fried chestnuts, can sketch and design rocking chairs, and understands "Bodhisattva Man" in her mind...

Jiang Xian's eyes widened, the beating candlelight was reflected in the pitch-black and stunned pupils.

Her heart was beating wildly.

I vaguely guessed something, but couldn't believe it.

Princess Jiayun continued to chat with Jiang Xian, and found that she was a little absent-minded, thinking that she was sleepy, so she asked her to go to the wing to rest first.After walking a few steps, Princess Jiayun thought of something, turned her head and said with a smile: "Xiaoxian, if you don't want to see the spirit seat of the young lady before you enter the door, then don't go to the Buddhist hall."

As we all know, the hut next to the Buddhist hall is the place where the "Ye Hexuan" incense tablet is enshrined.

Princess Jiayun believed that Jiang Xian would not want to go there.

Jiang Xian answered "Yes" with a smile.

But when he turned around, he left the maidservant, groping in the dark alone, and stumbled to the Buddhist hall.

In the evening wind, the Buddhist halls and buildings with upturned eaves are connected to the city. From a distance, they are black buildings.The hut next to it has no plaque or name, but Jiang Xian knows that it must be here.

She walked towards the hut step by step.

For no reason, I wanted to go in and have a look.Go and see that "Ye Hexuan" who is very similar to herself, go and see that soul that has captured everyone's hearts in just one year.

Just a few feet away from the hut, there was a sudden noise next to it. It was late at night, and it seemed that there were a few disputes from the Buddhist hall next door.Jiang Xian was surprised, she subconsciously turned her head to look, but just in time saw a familiar figure walking out of the Buddhist hall.

She was so surprised that she couldn't help calling out, "Grandma? Why are you here?"

Grandma Meng was startled.

Before she had time to react, Jiang Xian had already walked up to her.

(End of this chapter)

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