Chapter 372
Jiang Xian didn't know where Fang Yao got her confidence, she thought she would be his younger brother and sister.

It was getting late, and she had to go back to cook for Grandma Meng.

Jiang Xian smiled at Fang Xuan, and said lightly: "You guys talk, I'll go back first."

Fang Yao raised her hand to stop Jiang Xian, "Sister and brother, stay here and talk."

"It seems that there is nothing to say." Jiang Xianrao has a good temper, but she couldn't help being a little irritable, "Mr. Fang, you are Fang Xuan's elder brother. You should know that I have someone I like. He is only leaving temporarily and will come back soon."

"I guess I won't come back."

Fang Yao twitched the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Xian misses Qin Yanfeng these days.That day, Fang Xuan spoke a lot of bad things about Qin Yanfeng, and she was already angry, but she didn't expect Fang Xuan's brother to say the same thing.

Jiang Xian was immediately displeased, "Whether you come back or not has nothing to do with Mr. Fang!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xian was about to leave, but just as she took her left foot, she suddenly felt top-heavy and almost fell into the mud.

what happened?

Why is your head dizzy?
Jiang Xian held her forehead with one hand and the wall with the other, and shook her head vigorously.

Fang Yao was overjoyed when he saw this.

He nudged the stupid Fang Xuan with his elbow, and angrily said, "Why are you still standing there? Take her into the house!"

"What... what?"

Fang Xuan wanted to help Jiang Xian, but she kept in mind that men and women could not kiss each other.

Fang Yao hated that iron can't be made into steel, and knocked his forehead, "You're so stupid! Quick, get Miss Jiang into the room first."

Both Jiang Xian and Fang Xuan still don't understand the situation.Fang Xuan only thought it was helping Jiang Xian, and helped her into the room. Jiang Xian was so weak that she lay on her side on the student's long desk, unable to get up.

Fang Xuan said anxiously: "Xiaoxian, why did you suddenly fall ill? I'll go find a doctor for you..."

"What doctor are you looking for? You idiot!"

Fang Yao glared at Fang Xuan, and immediately closed the doors and windows.He took out the medicine bottle that he had prepared before from his arms, and shook it in front of Fang Xuan's eyes, "Do you know what it is? This is the secret medicine I got from the capital, Meixiang powder! It doesn't matter if she is a chaste and strong woman or everyone else." Girl, after taking this medicine, let her be at your mercy! As long as the raw rice is cooked, are you afraid that she won't have her heart on you?"

This is Fang Harrier's usual trick.

Except for the young lady of Duke Yu's mansion, this trick did not work out, but for other women, it can be said to be tried and tested.

Most of the women in the Yuan Dynasty had feudal thoughts. If they were really confused, they would be afraid of losing their reputation, so they had no choice but to give in half-heartedly.

Although Jiang Xian was weak all over, her ears were still sharp.

After hearing Fang Yao's word for word, she gritted her teeth angrily, grabbed the ruler with all her strength, and hit Fang Yao unexpectedly.Her movements were limp and weak, but unexpectedly, she swung the ruler and drew a red mark on Fang Yao's smeared face.

"Ouch!" Fang Yao bared his teeth in pain.

He jumped away, covered his hot and sore cheeks, and became angry with embarrassment, "Okay you! I thought that we would be a family in the future, so I should be more lenient to you, but you are so ungrateful!"

Jiang Xian had already used up all her force in drawing him a ruler.

She leaned against the wall limply, unable to speak, panting heavily with a flushed face, her eyes shot at Fang Yao like a knife, " are really shameless! You can think of such indecent methods Come out?" Jiang Xian bit the tip of her tongue, tasted the bloody smell of rust in her mouth, and regained a trace of clarity, she said to Fang Xuan who was embarrassed at the side: "You claim to read sage books, how can you be with such a dirty person?" Complicity? Fang Xuan, you...don't let me down, send me home, we are still friends. Otherwise...otherwise I will never forgive you. "

(End of this chapter)

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