Chapter 275 Conspiracy
After Qin Yanfeng returned to the mansion, he ignored Liu Ning's words and devoted himself to mourning for Jiang Xian.

He built another room next to the Buddhist hall, dedicated to enshrining Jiang Xian's tablet.There are many lanterns, Buddhist altars, and incense burners.He stayed here all day, looking at the name on the tablet in a daze.

As for the Songzhu Courtyard, except for Nanny Xu and Cui Nong, all the maids were arranged to go to other courtyards.

It was only when she was gone that she realized how spiritual the animals she raised were.

Xiaomao Tuanzi is always noisy at ordinary times, but now he is lying beside the empty rocking chair, with his head slumped, and has been like this for two consecutive months.

Nanny Xu and Cui Nong tidied Jiang Xian's things as usual, wiped the Linghua mirror clean, arranged the storybooks neatly, and even fed the fish and shrimp she kept in the tank.It's just that Jiang Xian raised them for food in the past, but now no one eats them, so these fish and shrimps are only kept here for thought.

Qin Yanfeng would occasionally sit in the main house of Songzhuyuan all day long.

It's been more than two months, and the smell of medicine in the main house has not dissipated.

Sitting at the table, he would always look at the little window facing east.The sunlight is sieved by the window lattice pattern into mottled shadows, if there is nothing.He would imagine Jiang Xian standing in front of the window in the past, with her hands resting on her cheeks, her bright eyes shining brightly, expecting to meet him.

Meet "Song Qi".

Whenever this time, Qin Yanfeng felt extremely regretful.

She likes "Song Qi", then he will be "Song Qi" for the rest of his life.Why did I hesitate at that time?Let Jiang Xian lose hope.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't take off his mask.

As long as she is happy, as long as she can stay with her forever, it doesn't matter what status or power it is.

Unfortunately, he understood too late.

Qin Yanfeng closed his eyes, tightly clutching the sachet with twigs in his palm, his throat choked.

Basically only Cui Nong and Madam Xu took care of Songzhuyuan.

Qin Yanfeng knew that they hated him, so he didn't go to trouble, took the initiative to avoid the two loyal slaves, and moved to Meiboyuan.

Princess Jiayun shed tears day and night, Duke Yu felt sorry for the princess, regretted Jiang Xian's early death, and cried several times.Songzhuyuan is a place that makes people feel sad when it is almost mentioned.Over time, Songzhuyuan gradually became a tacit forbidden place of Yuguo Gongfu, and no one dared to mention it casually.

On this day, Qin Yanfeng took the initiative to find Princess Jiayun and told her a decision.

Princess Jiayun was shocked, and asked in puzzlement, "Why? Is there something wrong with Liu Huan?"

"Nowhere is good."

"Regardless of the relationship between Duke Yu's mansion and his mother and concubine, your grandmother alone would not agree!"

"Grandmother?" Qin Yanfeng sneered, "She doesn't care about anything, she doesn't ask about anything, it doesn't matter whether she agrees or not."

When Jiang Xian married him, his grandmother didn't say anything; Jiang Xian was seriously ill, but her grandmother was still immersed in her Buddhist hall; until Jiang Xian passed away, this grandmother didn't show up either.

Grandma has changed.

She is no longer the kind relative in his memory.

Although what he said was true, Princess Jiayun still pointed at him and yelled: "You are so bold, and you can arrange it for grandma?"

Qin Yanfeng looked cold.

Without raising his head, he said: "Mother, I just want to let you know that I'm here this time. I'm done."

Princess Jiayun burst into tears. She flicked her sleeves and questioned: "Why do you have to make trouble again? The relationship between Liu Huan and Duke Yu's mansion is not broken at once!"

Qin Yanfeng frowned, looking through the window at the hut next to the Buddhist hall.

"She doesn't like Liu Huan."

"She doesn't like it, and neither do I."

Princess Jiayun suddenly fell into a chair as if her soul had been taken away.

Ever since Jiang Xian passed away, Qin Yanfeng has been dazed.If it was the daughter-in-law's wish, then she, the mother, could not change Qin Yanfeng's mind.

Qin Yanfeng's slender fingers took out a letter from his pocket, and pushed it onto the table next to Princess Jiayun, "Mother, please come and deliver the letter to grandpa in person. The sooner the better."

(End of this chapter)

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