Chapter 187 Whistleblowing
The cold wind outside the window swept the sky and it was freezing, and the house gradually warmed up.

Jiang Xian handed Duan Wenchun a cup of ginger tea, and said softly, "Take a sip to warm up your body. Are you hungry? I'll ask Nineteen Niang to get you some side dishes."

Holding the blue and white porcelain cup of ginger tea, Duan Wenchun was extremely moved.

She raised her eyes and asked, "Sister Jiang Xian, know everything?"

"I don't know the details." Jiang Xian was silent for a moment, and asked tentatively, "The Seventh Prince really wants to rebel?"

"Nothing! It's slander!" Duan Wenchun was so anxious that tears were about to come out. She put the teacup away and stood up abruptly, "It is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing! We were rounded up last night, and he was also confused Shui, I don’t know what’s going on! I escaped from the city with great difficulty, and today I pretended to inquire about him, only to find out that he was framed by someone!”

Liu Ning is a dragon and a phoenix among people, even in such a desperate situation, he was quick-witted, led away the pursuers by himself, and sent Duan Wenchun out of the encirclement immediately, and neither of them was caught.

Some officials of Liu Ning's party feathers were under house arrest in the palace, and the Seventh Prince was sealed, but Ke Qing, like the one mentioned before, fell through the net.

Duan Wenchun planned to rest for a while, join Zeng Shu and others, and try to rescue the Seventh Prince.

Jiang Xian thought about it, Liu Ning couldn't do such a stupid thing.She personally questioned Duan Wenchun just to confirm this point.

Who would slander Liu Ning?The answer is obvious.

"It's Liu Huan, it must be him!" Duan Wenchun wanted to go with her.She took a sip of ginger tea, "I framed Liu Ning, he must be the crown prince."

Duan Wenchun and Liu Ning walked in Penglai Prefecture once, the original innocence and ignorance faded away, and they learned a little way of life.

"Then what countermeasures do you have now?" Jiang Xian asked.

Duan Wenchun shook his head, unable to hide the sadness in his eyes, "I don't know."

There is no doubt that Liu Huan is behind the scenes, but they don't have any evidence.If there is evidence that Liu Huan framed him, Duan Wenchun will definitely find ways to do so.

"Sister Jiang Xian..." Duan Wenchun's big eyes filled with hot tears, "Will I bring misfortune to others? When I was a child, no one in my family liked me; I finally fell in love with the Seventh Prince, but there were troubles. First, I Being framed by his aunt, and being framed by his own brother..."

"How can this be your fault?"

Jiang Xian immediately stopped her pessimistic thoughts.

If you really want to blame...then blame the author of "The Concubine as Empress" for creating difficulties for lovers without thinking of tricks.

When Duan Wenchun said this, he was suddenly puzzled by one thing.

She tightened her delicate eyebrows, "Liu Huan must be secretly monitoring me and Liu Ning. But when Liu Ning took me away from the capital, he didn't even tell Zeng Shu, his confidant around him. Except for him and me, it is impossible for anyone to know that we are in Penglai Prefecture. Moreover, the soldiers that Liu Ning stationed are the descendants of the soldiers of the previous dynasty. They are local fishermen, and each of them has a household registration certificate! How can he be charged with the crime of "garrisoning soldiers"?"

It was also a coincidence that Liu Ning knew these fishermen.

He and Duan Wenchun rescued the grandson of the fisherman's chief.When I first came to Penglai, I had no place to live, so I stayed with this family temporarily.

Duan Wenchun was kind-hearted, seeing that many people in Penglai prefecture were poorly clothed and hungry, he set up a porridge shed in the morning to make good friends; Liu Ning was resourceful and resourceful.The head of the fisherman guessed that the identities of the two were extraordinary, so he took the initiative to reveal his identities and surrendered.

Liu Ning is not a fool, so don't reject the elite soldiers who come to your door for nothing.Relying on the fact that no one knew about it, he took these thousands of people for his own use.

During the day, there is nothing wrong with each other, and the former soldiers will fish and farm; at night, Liu Ning will teach them knowledge and drill the troops.They were carried out in the most secluded salt fields. The fishermen had a tight heart, and they were from the former dynasty. It is impossible for an inner ghost to inform them.

(End of this chapter)

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