Chapter 143 Peace of Mind
In the middle of the night, it began to rain patter outside the house.

The sound of rain and wind disturbs people's dreams.

Jiang Xian was not asleep.

Because of the rain, the temperature outside and indoor dropped, and Jiang Xian's throat was itchy, coughing uncontrollably.She has been in poor health, but as long as she is not in pain, she will not reveal it.For example, irregular heartbeat, cold limbs, tightness of breath...all were ignored by her.

Ignoring doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

These ailments have been following her like a shadow. The weather is cold and the climate is changeable, and they will come and go again and again.

In contrast, coughing is the most easily detected symptom.

Jiang Xian hugged the quilt and coughed, intermittently.Like the continuous desolate autumn rain outside the house, it is worrying.

The woman beside her was tossing and turning, Qin Yanfeng couldn't ignore it.

He sat up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, and pretended to be sleepy.

"I'm sorry, I quarreled with you." Jiang Xian's first reaction was guilt.

Qin Yanfeng got out of bed, searched in the cupboard, and found the medicine prescribed by Doctor Du, " took it last time. Take two more."

Jiang Xian understood.

She immediately took the medicine bottle, poured out two pills and put them in her mouth.The sweet and astringent medicinal taste filled the mouth, and the itchy throat disappeared after a while.

Qin Yanfeng said: "This medicine is for you."

"how about you?"

"I still have a lot more." Qin Yanfeng said nonsense.

Jiang Xian was tortured enough by the cough, she no longer tried to evade, "Thank you, then I'll take it." She rubbed her coughing chest, and felt that the medicine Qin Yanfeng gave her tasted no different from the medicine Song Qi gave her.

"Qin Yanfeng, your medicine...was given by Imperial Physician Du, right?"

Qin Yanfeng said "hmm".

"Apart from you, did Imperial Physician Du give it to anyone else?"

Qin Yanfeng's tone was cold, "I don't know."


Jiang Xian tapped her forehead and laughed dumbfoundedly.She would ask Qin Yanfeng such a question, it's no wonder he could answer it.

Jiang Xian's mind is clearer now, she glanced at the man next to her by the dim candlelight.

Qin Yanfeng is no different from handsome. The warm light softened his sharp-edged outline, and a few strands of messy hair hanging from his temples made him a little more gentle and elegant.

He spoke for her today, Jiang Xian was very happy from the bottom of her heart.Holding her chin with one hand, she smiled at Qin Yanfeng and said, "Thank you for today."

Qin Yanfeng was taken aback, "Thank you for what?"

"Because you spoke for me today." Jiang Xian's eyes bent into crescent moons, "I was dumbfounded at the time when Colonel Wang made such unreasonable remarks. If Fengheju regains its place, it might go too far."

It's good that she didn't mention this person, but when Wang Yu was mentioned, Qin Yanfeng's mood immediately became gloomy.

He works for the second prince in the dark, and no one knows his true identity except the second prince's confidantes.Wang Yu was in the clear and had done a lot of mindless things. Qin Yanfeng suggested to the second prince several times, but was dismissed by the second prince with excuses.

If in the past, Qin Yanfeng opened his eyes and closed his eyes, but this time Wang Yu provoked Jiang Xian and made obscenities on her. Just thinking about it, Qin Yanfeng became furious.

If Wang Yu is not taught a lesson, how can he be worthy of his vengeful temper.

Jiang Xian wanted to chat with Qin Yanfeng for a while, but Qin Yanfeng was out of his mind and kept immersed in his own world.Jiang Xianji talked with Duck for a long time, and his mouth was dry, but he didn't get a reply from Qin Yanfeng.

Jiang Xian smiled helplessly.

She said goodnight to Qin Yanfeng softly, turned around and fell asleep facing the wall.

It is raining at night outside the window.

In a trance, Qin Yanfeng felt that the two of them were still in the original mountain and water dock, getting along harmoniously and leisurely.

He knew that Jiang Xian wanted to chat with him, but he didn't dare to answer.

He is now the demented eldest son of Yuguo Duke's Mansion, not an assassin who roams the world without restraint.If you say too much and make mistakes, if Jiang Xian sees the clues, it will be troublesome.

After Jiang Xian took the medicine, she stopped coughing and soon fell asleep, breathing long and evenly.

Looking at her soft sleeping face, Qin Yanfeng felt inexplicably at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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