I don't want five to five

Chapter 346 Our factory has a wonderful plan to secure the world, lost brother Kai and broke the arm

Chapter 346 Our factory has a wonderful plan to secure the world, lost brother Kai and broke the army
The female voice of the first-blood system soon resounded through the sky.

There are no miracles.

After all, Crown died because of his own support... Teleportation can't make him have a life-saving barrier in the duel, and bringing corruption potion will make him lose one HP provided by Dolan's Ring!
So he could only watch Yasuo get 400 yuan...becoming the first professional player to be solo-killed by the opponent!

But fortunately, he still has TP on him, otherwise, if he dies and loses troops now, then this mid-lane laner would already be GG!

Crown cursed a few words, and was annoyed, ready to press tp to return to the tower and withdraw troops.

On the other side of him, Lu Kai was full of smiles, enjoying the boasting and praise of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Of course, there is also the sad sigh of the factory manager who failed to get an assist...

In the words of the factory director, if Lu Kai could wait patiently for a while, he might be able to help the middle lane get a blood easily without paying double summons.

Lu Kai also nodded and said yes to this, but he justified with a smirk, saying that he was actually trying to free up the factory manager for a wave of F4.

As for the 200 yuan for assists... isn't it just a matter of hitting three extra crabs?
There is no need for him to bother the factory manager even if he kills a chicken... This is the correct awareness of a well-behaved piggy!

The factory manager was also taken aback by Lu Kai's words.

Why did he suddenly become so tall?
But the factory manager is not a fool after all.

In other words, even if he is a fool, he knows that no matter how many make-ups, the audience in the live broadcast room will not make "666" for him!
So after a little silence, I looked at the Tsar TP in the middle road... The factory manager took the initiative to ask for Ying, saying that after the Tsar's wave of troops was launched, he would definitely go to the side of the river to plant an eye!

At that time, as long as he hits the belly of the barrel beautifully, he will definitely be able to bring this TP back to the tsar, and bring him to justice again!

"It feels a bit difficult. Even if I can deliberately position him to the other side to ward, he must have a WEQ in his hand, and it is easy to drift away directly after the stun is lifted."

Lu Kai shook his head, and didn't think the factory manager's suggestion was such a good one.

"How come, I still have a flash, keep Q to roll the barrel, as long as he goes out with E, I will definitely slow him down again!"

The factory manager was very interested, and he also wanted to try a wave of killing.

"Then you have to chase him all the way to the bottom of the tower. If Zac is playing F4 at this time, he jumps out with E power directly on the spot, wouldn't we be perfectly squatted by him?"

Lu Kai continued to express his opinions.

He likes to kill, and he is also used to junglers such as Xiangguo, and has been helping the mid laner on the opposite side in military training.

But the more he got used to it, the more he knew the process of military training.

In many cases, you don't even need to think and calculate specifically, just take a quick glance, and you can have an intuition of whether the gank will be successful or not.

But he didn't say that too firmly.

After all, Changzi is also a scheming world-class jungler, and he also has the terrifying strength of the top [-] kings in Hanbok.

"Squat back, squat back, he didn't dodge, and he's another Zack, can he kill us both?"

The factory manager smiled and spoke confidently, as if he was already confident about this wave of ganks.

Everyone on the bullet screen saw that the factory director was so persistent, and they all encouraged typing, saying when did my brother Kai become so indecisive and hesitant?

Can't you learn from the incense pot in the same team?
Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, and people are rich in recklessness!
"Okay, let's try Bobby and see how Zhuge Mingkai's strategy works!"

Lu Kai also smiled.

I feel that he seems to be too cautious because of the life-and-death game of the promotion match.

After finishing speaking, he adjusted his position wittily while bragging about himself in the factory, as close as possible to the lower half of the wild area, waiting for the arrival and rendezvous of the next wave of troops!
After the tsar returned from his resurrection, he naturally dared to follow the line of troops all the way out of the tower.

After all, he is full of health now, but Yasuo only has one-third of his health because he was carrying the tower before... It is impossible for him to let this guy stay comfortably in the lane and rely on his talent to slowly suck blood.

But before that, Crown also knew to put a hole in the river.

Since Yasuo was too far away from him now, he didn't show too much caution, and went directly to ward from above the thick wall.

He walked to the side of the grass in the river in a normal way while making up the knife, and randomly inserted a ward into the grass from here.

But it doesn't matter if you don't insert it, once you insert it, you will startle yourself!
Because there was a wine barrel with a sullen face inside, and it ran towards him at an extremely fast speed!
And at this critical moment, Crown finally showed the strength of his Lck top mid laner.

If you don't have time to use Q to move a sand soldier over a long distance, then he will directly face the sand soldier next to the soldier, and press the E skill to move a short distance!
Facts have also proved that there is nothing wrong with his reaction and decision-making.

As if performing acrobatics, he drifted directly at close range the moment the factory director barrel E came out, passing by the barrel's big belly!

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help screaming.

And the factory director who got E to the air also became angry at that moment...

He didn't expect that Crown would have such a reaction... Otherwise, he would definitely choose E flash instead of direct E!

But it's too late to say that now.

Since E is empty, then he has to make a quick decision to see who chooses to retreat or continue to pursue.

In this wave, he chose the latter without hesitation.

Because he didn't want to be so funny in Lu Kai's live broadcast...

This is really detrimental to the great reputation he has built in the past few years!
So, he called Lu Kai in the earphones to hurry up.

At the same time, press a rolling wine barrel directly on the czar who landed on E over there!
He was right, anyway, he was far away from the defense tower, as long as his Q slowed down to the barrel, even if Yasuo was chasing A, he might be able to kill this guy again with basic attacks alone!

But the factory manager didn't expect that Crown and Ann's head were also in the double row, and he didn't expect that An's head Zach was bending over the F4 wall to gather strength and prepare to jump out...

So this wave of command in our factory made another big mistake.

When the Hulk figure appeared and accurately reached Yasuo who had no soldiers to move, the expressions of the audience in the entire live broadcast room changed...

And when Yasuo, who was already on one-third of his health, had nowhere to escape, and was stuck to death by these two people all the way, the live broadcast room was already full of wailing.

This nima factory director is like an actor, forcibly arresting people, forcibly killing my brother Kai in the middle of the road.

It's no wonder that many people have swiped the wine barrel with Da Sima... It's really that the wine barrel in our factory can't play any role in this wave of running and withdrawing!

"I'm crying, I said earlier that it is possible to squat back, but you still don't believe me!"

Seeing the black and white of his screen, Lu Kai, who struggled for a long time, could only shake his head with a wry smile.

The factory manager was also embarrassed and laughed dryly, saying that this wave was purely accidental.

Everyone on the bullet screen was amused by the factory director... It was said that Zhuge Mingkai's ingenious plan was invincible, why did he let my brother lose his wife and lose his army out of nowhere?


Sorry, brother Kai is fine.

But if you fold soldiers, it seems that it is not so accurate.

Because this wine barrel is safe and sound after the run away.It turned out to be serious going back and forth... Just go and collect the big wave of soldiers who were pushed down the tower by Zack and the Tsar one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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