I don't want five to five

Chapter 282 It's a pleasure to teach you a lesson

Chapter 282 It's a pleasure to teach you a lesson

While Lu Kai was complaining secretly, the other "judges" also sent over their scores.


The one who received unanimous praise was his former teammate, top laner Shenchao.

Including him, all seven people gave Shenchao a high score of over 90.

It can also be seen that this guy, Shenchao, successfully proved with just one shot that he not only has the strength to play professionally, but is also good enough to be the starting top laner of an LPL!
Other than that, Proclamation of Death and Apocalypse scored well.

Only the two anchors, Shanniruo and Electric Baton, had different scores.

Maybe it's also because their rank style of play is too double-edged... Lu Kai can only wait and see how their style changes in the next few games.

He didn't believe that pigs and electric batons who had played professionally with all kinds of highlights would only be as superficial and simple as this game showed!

Xiaoxiao also took Xika to the training room at this time.


While Lu Kai, Puppy PDD and the others were chatting and laughing casually, the second BP also directly announced the start.

Ban people can't see anything yet.

It is still the current version of OP heroes such as the captain Riztamu male gun.

But it was the turn of the selection, after the opposite blue side chose Qian Jue... They immediately saw that the Avengers team had suddenly made a huge change!
It doesn't matter if they choose a Braum first.

But mostly this tsar...

It's not that there are no Tsar rank bureaus.

In fact, the hero's mechanism and the electric baton are completely irrelevant... Outsiders have hardly seen him play this kind of mid-lane mage who needs to develop at a slow pace!
This also made Lu Kai and others look forward to the process of this match instantly.

They really want to see, after getting the pure competition lineup, whether these veteran players who have retired for a long time can still kill them in four ways like the one above!
And EPC saw that the opponent came up with this kind of Czar Bron's field control consumption system, and they directly chose two strong openings.

Lissandra in the middle, assisting the bull head.

The pairing of these two heroes with Qian Jue in the jungle position can be said to minimize the fault tolerance rate of the entire lineup.

Seeing the top three picks of the EPC, not to mention Lu Kai and PDD, even the former coach of the TL team, Cui Benwei, also subconsciously changed his face slightly!
He was indeed taken aback by the three-handed selection.

Because he knows that if the two sides are in a stalemate or EPC has an advantage, then in the case of Qianjue Lissandra Bullhead each having a big move, the Avengers may even have a luxury to replace one person!
Also visible.

This LSPL is not the rotten fish and rotten shrimp that the outside world thinks.

Just being the coach of a mid-range team can keenly grasp the Avengers' loopholes in BP, and directly arrange such an awesome lineup for his team!

of course.

On Xiaoxiao's side, she didn't change her style just because the hero on the other side was awesome.

Anyway, this is just a trial training series, not the kind of life-and-death BO5 that decides whether to advance to the LPL.

Xiaoxiao continued to arrange the so-called game heroes for the players... This time, it was a revised version of Quinn.

The top laner Quinn is fine.

But the problem is that because of his age, this Superman now prefers to play some old top laners.

For example, the stone man Rambo, and the crocodile titan weapon.

So Quinn's choice is also a huge challenge for Shenchao.

It's fine to play well, but once it explodes or OB soy sauce, it will directly affect his points evaluation in the hearts of everyone!
The other is the excavator in the jungle position.

This is not Shan Niruo's housekeeping hero... The purpose of choosing it is the same as the others, just to know whether his hero pool reserve can keep up with the times!

EPC's response is also very beautiful.

Troll top order.

Resist pressure in the early stage, and you can also fight for a single belt with Quinn in the middle red stage.

Even if Quinn dares to open a big roam, he can rely on his own WQ, steal towers and advance frantically, and go directly to lead them all the way!
In the end, they chose another Lucian, also to strengthen the early outbreak.

In case the Lissandra troll doesn't do enough damage, you won't be able to win team battles in the early and mid-term!
This is the end.

The dust of the EPC lineup fell to the ground.

It is very strong, and it also makes Xiaoxiao feel amazing.

He and Xika glanced at each other, and they also remembered this scene firmly in their hearts.

LSPL Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Even if they have rich experience, it seems that they have to play [-] points and take every regular season game seriously.

Otherwise, if you want to replicate the unbeaten victories of YM and WEA, it will be almost more difficult than reaching the sky!

But they also continued to insist on their own.

In the last choice, they helped Death Proclamation get a powerful version of the small cannon...to match Braum's bot lane!
Check out the lineup.

Old players like Lu Kai and PDD frowned slightly.

To be honest, as far as BP is concerned, EPC is more than one level stronger than the Avengers.

So this one also pays more attention to the headwind ability of the electric stick Shan Niruo and others.

A qualified professional player must be calm, and must know when his lineup is going to be strong!


The game is loaded into it.

In the first-level regiment, the Avengers chose to invade as always.

This time they have Bron cannons.

It stands to reason that the first-level fighting ability should also be ranked in the forefront of LOL.

However, their style of play was already figured out by the cunning EPC coach after the first hand.

He let the EPC sit on the sidelines.

One step ahead, the five people got stuck in the grass on the blue square red buff wall...


In the case of Niutou flashing Q beautifully, their first-level regiment was defeated directly.

Even though Little Pao Quinn was all output crazily, they were already caught off guard by the opponent.

The tragic result of 1 for 5 also made the seven judges outside secretly startled.

Xiaoxiao even shook her head and sighed softly... I hope this loss can teach everyone a lesson, and in the future, don't be single-minded and just think about fighting and invading!
And after this level of regiment.

Looking at Qian Jue, who got three heads, Lu Kai had already had an ominous premonition in his heart.


Only at the third level, Qian Jue forcibly caught the czar who hadn't flashed in the middle.

After Lissandra succeeded in the EW initiative, no matter how the Czar played it, it would be of no avail... A 0-2 start came directly, which also made the electric baton feel depressed. For the first time, he wondered if he was not suitable for a comeback!

But this is just the beginning.

Kindred with four heads.

Who knows who touches it.

Especially the excavator was perfectly dodged by the troll for the first gank at this time... This made Qian Jue's development take off perfectly.

While other teammates suppressed and gained the advantage of making up the knife, Qian Jue also unscrupulously stole wild marks.

When he returned home at the fourth level, he directly synthesized the second-level red punishment jungle knife... It also fully interpreted his invincibility and the aggrievedness of the excavator!

 I was away on a business trip on Monday, and it was a transitional chapter. I can only guarantee that it will never be updated. I still remember that in the fourth update, there will be a fifth update in time for next month's big push. I'm really sorry~!

(End of this chapter)

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