The Emperor's Mercenary Concubine: Madam Fifth

Chapter 837 Searching for Treasures 8

Chapter 837 Searching for Treasures 8
"It's just an experimental cat." Xueqing replied.

"Meow! Meow——" Xiaobudian was very unhappy with Xueqing's answer. It is a noble civet, a civet!A super civet that can perceive the past and predict the future!

"The little one seems to understand our language." Luo Xishui was pleasantly surprised to find that the expression of the civet was particularly rich every time.

"It's smarter than ordinary cats." Xueqing replied politely.

"So it's not an ordinary cat, no wonder..." Yue Qianxun narrowed his eyes, staring at the yellow and white civet.

"No wonder what?" Luo Xishui asked Yue Qianxun with her head turned.

"Hey, it's nothing. No wonder it also knows that I'm a handsome guy. Opposites repel each other." Yue Qianxun said evasively and perfunctorily.

Xiao Yao hugged the little purple fox, didn't say much, and followed Luo Xishui obediently.

Under the guidance of the civet, Xueqing and others went to the depths of the forest. There were beasts howling in the forest, but the absolute murderous aura emanating from Xueqing and Yue Qianxun made ordinary beasts dare not approach, and instead lingered around. travel far.

The civet is like a dog, sniffing the ground all the way.

"Do you think the trees here are different from others?" Yue Qianxun questioned.

"The trees here are all dead branches, as if they don't have enough soil nutrients." Xue Qing said.

Luo Xishui and Xiao Yao looked at the nearby trees, and it was true. The leaves over there were still green, but here... and the branches had weird shapes.

Suddenly, the civet seemed to smell something terrible, kept meowing, stepped back a few steps, and threw itself behind Xueqing's feet.

"What's wrong with the little one?" Luo Xishui asked in confusion.

Xueqing closed her eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and Luo Xishui saw the strange look on the owner's face, so she stopped talking.

Xiao Yao looked at Yue Qianxun, and found that there was also a layer of frost on Yue Qianxun's face.

"Murderous!" Xue Qing opened her eyes and spit out three words.

Yue Qianxun held the hilt of the Shuiyun Sword tightly with one hand, and made a posture of drawing the sword at any time.

"Sister Qing, what's wrong?" Luo Xishui's heart rose to her throat, and she suddenly felt mysterious and terrifying.

The little purple fox's head was deeply buried in Xiao Yao's arms. Xiao Yao looked around and couldn't feel anything, let alone the murderous look in Xueqing's mouth.

"Yue Qianxun, take good care of Xishui, Xiao Yao, and Xiaobudian. Go back the way you came!" Xue Qing said with a serious expression.

"The opponent's strength is far above yours, I won't leave." Yue Qianxun said firmly, determined to fight side by side with Xueqing.

"If you don't leave, what about Xishui and Xiao Yao?" Xueqing gave Yue Qianxun a wink that didn't allow for further hesitation, "Leave immediately! I entrust the lives of Xishui and Xiao Yao to you."

"Sister Qing, leave us alone, your life is important!" Luo Xishui said.

A character who is more powerful than the owner will make the owner worry and fear like this, who is it?Xiao Yao's heart was pounding.

"I'll be fine, Yue Qianxun, can you go?" Xue Qing cast a sharp glance at Yue Qianxun.

"Sister Qing, don't make things difficult for Mr. Yue, Xishui would rather die than put the owner in danger." Luo Xishui insisted.

"Okay, if you don't go, I'll go!" Xue Qing's eyes flickered slightly, and now he can only distract the other party's attention.

She smelled a familiar scent, and Xueqing already knew who it must be him, that's right.


"Miss Qing—"

Xueqing quickly disappeared, and Luo Xishui hurriedly grabbed Yue Qianxun's clothes: "Young Master Yue, where is Sister Qing going? Go and chase her!"

(End of this chapter)

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