Chapter 778 Origin 7
"Your father made great contributions to the Western Empire, and you didn't kill people. The king of the Western Region wouldn't be foolish enough to kill you everywhere."

"No, once those men in black know my situation, they will definitely kill me. It is even more impossible for the king to care whether an insignificant person lives or dies. I can only survive if I hide here." Xiao Yao knew his father a long time ago. He is upright and upright, and has repeatedly contradicted the great king Xia Houduan.

Therefore, Xia Houduan, the emperor of the Western Realm, is superficially united with the general Xiao Xu and his ministers, but secretly Xia Houduan hates Xiao Xu very much. Now it is impossible to know who the murderer of the tragedy in the General's Mansion is, and people's hearts are unpredictable.

The young man spoke in an orderly manner, and it seemed that his mind was very clear. Xueqing showed disdain and snorted coldly: "Your whole family is dead, and you are so greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Xiao Yao's eyes were firm: "I live to avenge my parents and everyone in the General's Mansion one day!"

It was hatred that kept him running and wanting to live. He was stronger than he imagined. Facing the bloody feud, he didn't fall down, he didn't cry, on the contrary, he had such determination.

Xue Qing's heart trembled, in the young man's eyes, she seemed to see the cruelty in his eyes four years ago.She saved him and persuaded him to turn back, but he also said that he wanted revenge, and he couldn't turn back, so he had to keep going.

Under his revival, the dark forces revived, and his name, Xuanyuan Xu, caused a sensation in the entire alien continent, bloodthirsty like a demon.

The powers of the major empires are fighting openly and secretly, and they have no time to intersect with the dark forces. The forces in the dark realm are getting more and more fierce, calling out desperadoes from all over the world, and occupying the entire desert of death, which is unprecedentedly powerful.

His ambitions expanded day by day, his obsession became deeper, and he couldn't turn back at all.

But today, on this young man, Xue Qing saw the same unwilling eyes, just like the night of the full moon heralded the blood-red disaster.

Xiao Yao slammed his head to Xueqing: "I beg the owner of the museum to save me. In the future, I will sacrifice my life to repay the owner."

Xueqing came to her senses, clenched her hands, and said cruelly: "My hospital is not an asylum, I don't need to hand you over to Xia Houduan, but you must leave Tianxue Medical Center and Nanshan immediately! From now on , don't tell anyone that you met me."

"Sister, owner!" Xiao Yao thought that leaving Tianxue Medical Center would lead to a dead end.

There are so many people looking for him outside, the special guards of the Western Empire, and those murderous monsters...

Xueqing ignored Xiao Yao, left the room, and ordered Luo Xishui to drive Xiao Yao away immediately, so as not to cause a catastrophe to Tianxue Medical Center.

Luo Xishui knew the seriousness, although she couldn't bear it, seeing that Xueqing had made up her mind, she drove Xiao Yao out of the hospital and gave him some silver to keep him away from Nanshan.

But Xiao Yao refused to leave, and knelt outside the side door, begging Xueqing to accept him as a student of Tianxue Medical Center.Only when he is alive can he have the opportunity to track down the truth of the Miemen massacre and have the opportunity to take revenge. The medical center is his only lifeline.


Just like the night when Xiao Yao came to Tianxue Medical Center, there was thunder and lightning, violent wind and rain, Xiao Yao's body wounds had not yet healed, and he knelt outside the side door, motionless.

"My lord, she has been kneeling at the door of the medical hall." Luo Xishui said to Xueqing.

"En." Xueqing responded lightly, leaving him alone, he walked back naturally.

Luo Xishui didn't try to persuade her anymore, she knew that the owner of the museum thought about how to behave properly.

So Luo Xishui gave an order to all the disciples in the medical center not to pay any attention to Xiao Yao.

(End of this chapter)

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