The Emperor's Mercenary Concubine: Madam Fifth

Chapter 747 The way of the doctor 5

Chapter 747 The way of the doctor 5 
"Meow!" A very unfriendly meow sounded again.

Yue Qianxun gave the little one a weak look: "Why do you like to follow me?"

Just now when the civet heard Yue Qianxun molested Luo Xishui, she wanted to vomit and showed a look of contempt. No matter what, the civet just didn't like Yue Qianxun.

Of course, Yue Qianxun didn't pay attention to this little thing at all, ignored its various winks, and silently recited the formula in his heart. The Shuiyun sword was suspended in the air. Bye action.

One person and one sword quickly disappeared from sight, Luo Xishui stared blankly into the distance, the figure in green clothes was really handsome, and his face was still burning hot.

"Meow~meow~" the cry of the civet was completely regarded as an air cannon.


Xueqing left the Nanshan Medical Center and came to a small mountain village tens of kilometers away. She heard that a plague had occurred in this place, so she rushed to have a look.

This village is located on an oasis with mountains and waters. It used to have abundant harvests all year round, so it can be considered a wealthy village with more than a thousand households.

However, a disaster took away the peace and tranquility of the village.

There was a terrible plague at the beginning of this year, and hundreds of people died of the plague.

The villagers are like frightened birds, not knowing how to face this disaster.

The village chief was an old man in his 50s. He ordered that all the villagers who had the plague be burned to death.

Lock them in a big thatched hut, and set fire to them to death after the ceremony tomorrow.

The people in the village thought that it was because the god of the earth was angered. The weather has been good these years, but the gods have not been served well, which caused natural disasters.

So the village head sent people to select two boys and two girls from the village, four children as sacrifices, dedicated to the god of the earth, four children aged three to nine, that is, human sacrifices.

This is a very cruel means of sacrifice.

The victim was tied to a wooden post, anointed with oil and garlanded with flowers.

While dancing around him, all the people wished the God of the Earth to bless them from the catastrophe and live in peace.

The method of executing the victim is to tie the victim to the trunk of the wooden elephant, and people surround it, and when the trunk of the wooden elephant turns in front of them, they cut off a piece of the victim's flesh, so that the victim will be cut to death one by one.

Then offer the meat to the God of the Earth.

The next day, just after dawn, the village was preparing for the start of the children's sacrifice ceremony.

They tied the crying children to four big wooden pillars, and then danced and sang.

When they finish dancing, that's when these innocent kids' nightmares really begin.

The dancing villagers are very happy, even if they have their own children, they are one of the sacrifices. They firmly believe that if they please the God of the Earth, the plague will disappear.

The singing and dancing are over.

The villagers all held knives in their hands and surrounded the children.

The village chief was still singing and dancing on the high platform, wearing a long wizard robe, singing some tune: "God, God of the Earth, we sincerely pray to you, please bless us..."

The cries of the children grew louder, and the four children were bound to numb hands and feet, and they had a premonition of what was going to happen next.

At this time, a blue light suddenly appeared in the sky, and a villager noticed the blue light: "Look, what is that?"

"Is it the God of the Earth?" Everyone was surprised and delighted.

An old green ox came carrying a woman in blue from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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