Chapter 688
 "You are not my opponent! Don't let go!" Fengxuan knew that he was not ruthless enough, he would not give up, he hesitated and gave Jun Yutian another palm.

Jun Yutian swallowed back the blood in his mouth, and the hand holding Fengxuan kept trembling: "We haven't had a formal competition yet, how do you know that I am not your opponent?"

"Why don't you avoid it?" Fengxuan felt a pain in her heart, and she knew that no matter how powerful Jun Yutian was, being able to keep up with two moves was already the greatest endurance.

"Avoid it, and I won't be able to catch you anymore." Jun Yutian smiled lightly.

"If you want to fight, you let go, we will fight fairly."

"What reward do I get for winning? Unless you promise me, the reward is to marry me, and I will compete with you."

"What if you lose?"

"If you lose, how about letting me be your man and stay by your side for the rest of your life?"


"Why didn't you speak?"

"I've known you for so long, and now I realize you're such a rascal!"

Jun Yutian bit Fengxuan's ear lightly, and said softly: "If you can't kill me cruelly, please forgive me."

Feng Xuan's heart trembled, and he smiled wryly: "You idiot!"

She pushed hard, Jun Yutian's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell to the ground. He forcibly used his internal strength to resist Fengxuan's two palms, and managed to stand still, but he couldn't hold her.

Feng Xuan pushed him away, gave him a cold glance, and turned to leave.

"Dongyang Fengxuan, give me a chance, otherwise I won't give up!" Jun Yutian yelled heart-piercingly at Fengxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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