Chapter 124 One Flower One World Part 6
"Beauties can be won again, but there is only one Jun Yutian." Ji Ying said helplessly, as long as he wins Jun Yutian, he can keep his position in the Guangmaner Empire.

"Jun Yutian is unconquerable by women, second brother has great confidence in Gong Bingying?" Ji Yuan frowned frivolously.

"As long as he is a man, Gong Bingying can do it!" Ji Ying replied confidently.

Ji Yuan nodded, Ji Ying is not in a good mood now, he should not bother the second brother too much, and retreated gently.

Ji Yuan passed by the small pond and saw a tall figure standing tall and tall, and recognized Feng Xuan at a glance.Why is she standing quietly by the small pond at this time?

"Dongyang Fengxuan." Ji Yuan walked behind her.

Fengxuan turned around and saw Ji Yuan, the corner of his mouth raised slightly and he said in a deep voice, "The moon is bright tonight, would Prince Ji Yuan be interested in having a glass of wine together?"

"Drinking?" Ji Yuan remembered that Fengxuan was strict in self-discipline and didn't like drinking.But since Fengxuan brought it up, Ji Yuan naturally nodded.

In the bath, there is a faint mist of water, and the room is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, which is very fragrant.

"Your Highness Yutian, it's me." A woman's very pleasant voice came, it was Gong Bingying, and the task given to her by the second prince was to confuse Jun Yutian's heart this night.

"Come here." Jun Yutian said softly, that magnetic and slightly hoarse gentle voice was so full of bewitching.

No one knows what Jun Yutian is thinking and what he will do.

Gong Bingying's heartbeat was accelerating, she took a step and walked into the dark interior.After passing through the darkness, what was in front of me was a bathing pool with soft light and warm and humid atmosphere. The pool was crystal clear, with faint blue waves and thin mist floating like smoke.

The most eye-catching thing in the pool is the man, Jun Yutian's strong body is naked, every inch of his skin reveals a jade luster, and on the smooth back and strong chest, there are soft and wet skins. His smooth black hair made his posture stretched in the water all kinds of charming.

A man like Jun Yutian is absolutely out of this world. When he speaks and smiles sweetly, he is like a spring breeze blowing willows, and he is pleasant, and the wind and sand in the frontier becomes lively and fragrant; , the world is also awe-inspiring.

Gong Bingying's eyes were blank, she was amazed in her heart, she couldn't take her eyes off that man, she was confused for a moment, she was so confused that she didn't know where she was.

Jun Yutian leaned against the dark blue pool wall, raised his smooth neck, and looked ahead.Hearing Gong Bingying's approaching footsteps, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If Ji Ying wants to play, he will accompany him to the end. Someone who wants to form an alliance with him is not qualified at all.As Jun Yutian's friend, only he has the final say!If you want to surrender, you can only surrender!
Jun Yutian can easily let Ji Ying take the position of prince, so he must submit to himself, otherwise Jun Yutian can still pull him off his horse and assist the third prince Ji Yuan to take the throne.

This is Jun Yutian's true purpose of coming to the Man'er Empire. He stared at the stunning beauty standing by the bath, and smiled slightly: "Come down."

At this time, Gong Bingying had just recovered from the shock, and when she heard this sentence, she was shocked again. She was too nervous, maybe she was completely conquered by him, so she lost her mind.

No one can conquer Jun Yutian, only he can conquer them, this is what Jun Yutian wants to tell Ji Ying now.

(End of this chapter)

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