Chapter 125 Fu Qiye had a dream [1]

Fu Qiye had a dream, which was the same as his memory, yet different.

At the beginning of the dream, he remembered that he had been in Yihong Courtyard since he was born.

His mother didn't know who it was, she just knew that she was a woman who was beyond her control.

Why do you say that?
Since he was a child, whenever he failed to do something well, he would be beaten and scolded.

Then these people will scold him and scold his mother.

Said that his mother used to be an oiran, and was trained by the old bustard, but she didn't know that she fell in love with a poor scholar.

Still put a heart on it.

The scholar said that he would come to redeem him when he was named on the gold list, but after taking away his mother's money, he disappeared without a trace.

But his mother didn't believe it, and later found out that when she was pregnant with him, she resisted everyone and wanted to give birth to him.

In the end, when he was about to give birth to him, the father he had never seen never showed up.

His mother also died in depression.

From then on, Fu Qiye grew up being beaten and scolded.

The madam said he was using it to pay off debts.

His mother owed a lot of money to Yihong Courtyard.

In fact, he also hates his own mother, why did he give birth to him?

He doesn't want to be in this world at all.

Fu Qiye was fine until he was five years old.

After the age of five, many disgusting eyes would turn on him.

He started painting his face black.

But this matter was known by the old bustard, who dragged him into the woodshed and beat him hard.

Several of his bones were broken.

I lay in the woodshed for a long time.

Just when Fu Qiye was about to think that he would die like this, the old bustard appeared again.

Said his face saved his life.

So he recovered with the help of the doctor.

A few years passed like this.

Some people started blatantly treating him.

A pair of disgusting hands appeared on his body.

But Fu Qiye knew that in a short while, someone would save him and take him away.

He didn't know why he knew.

Then he waited and waited.

Finally, a man who used to come to have fun wants to force him to do something.

He didn't struggle, and turned his head to look at the position where the benefactor was going to appear.

But no one.

Fu Qiye panicked. He looked around, but he still couldn't find that person.

The disgusting man who was pressing on him said some disgusting words to him, and when he was about to do something under him with his hands.

He took out the knife he had prepared and stabbed it directly into the man's stomach.

Then the man died.

Fu Qiye started running.

Maybe the person he killed was a powerful person, and officers and soldiers arrested him for several days.

At this time, his face was already covered with mud, and he shrank in the corner like a little beggar.

He ran out of Yihong Courtyard, not knowing what to do for a while, and looked at the crowd outside blankly.

He walked and walked behind.

Too hungry and fell to the ground.

When he woke up, he found himself in a dark room with many children similar to him.

It was only at the end that I realized that I was picked up by a man who picked up orphans to practice martial arts.

He didn't say what they were asked to do in martial arts, but he didn't force him to do anything, so he started to learn it seriously.

Ten years have passed.

The leader found that it was easy for him to learn these skills, and he became the best martial arts among the children.

He was arranged to assassinate the emperor.

Many people have died at his hands in the past few years, so he didn't think about this decision at all.

He was sent into the palace by the leader, and before leaving, the leader told him that the emperor might be a manly man.

When this sentence appeared, Fu Qiye understood.

Sometimes he hated his face so much, but most of the time it was this face that allowed him to get his way.

(End of this chapter)

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