Chapter 108 Military Advisor, Your Highness is a man! 【37】


The revelation of Bandit Chu's identity did not bring Fu Qiye any more joy.

He began to prepare for the first bandit to become a woman.

Fu Qiye has always been Bandit Chu's military adviser. Since she was a child, whenever she encountered any troubles or stood in the way of Bandit Chu, Fu Qiye would solve them secretly.

Sometimes the bandits don't even know what's going on.

Bandit Chu is more like usual to be an emperor.

Be a quiet emperor.

At this time, she never saw Fu Qiye again, she only knew that he was very busy.

Bandits didn't take it to heart at first.

Just a month passed.

Someone in the imperial court suddenly announced that Fu Qiye was a traitor and had been secretly having affairs with other countries.

Evidence letters are also placed in front of the bandits.

Bandit Chu certainly didn't believe it, how could Fu Qiye betray him.

But when she picked up the envelope to read, her eyes shrank sharply.

The handwriting on the envelope is his!

Fu Qiye's handwriting has always imitated her handwriting, so the writing is similar to her handwriting.

"Your majesty, you can no longer protect the national teacher!"

"Your Majesty, please quickly send people to encircle and suppress the National Division!"

"Your Majesty, the national teacher hasn't been to court for a month, maybe because he knew we had evidence of his treason in our hands, so he ran away!"

At the beginning, the bandits were troubled by the idea of ​​an emperor on their left and an emperor on their left.

She didn't believe that Fu Qiye would betray her.

Especially after her true identity was revealed.

She just didn't trust her before, so the vague boy in her mind became a memory.

"Shut up! I have my own measure." Bandit Chu rubbed his head, "Wait until I find out clearly, then retreat."

Without giving these ministers a chance to speak again, they left quickly.

When she returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, no one would follow her.

Sitting alone in a chair in a daze.

After a while, she muttered to herself a little annoyed: "Fu Qiye, what are you playing on?"

day to day.

Another month has passed.

Fu Qiye disappeared without a trace.

Not to mention those who secretly wanted to find Fu Qiye, even Bandit Chu couldn't find him.

At this moment, the gangster wavered a little.

"No way? Could it be that I was really abandoned by him?" She didn't know if it was sad or what.

But she doesn't hate Fu Qiye.

Not annoying either.

If Fu Qiye really abandons her, Bandit Chu thinks it's nothing.

Just a little disappointed.

My little mind that had finally risen slowly returned to the original position of my heart.

[Master, don't worry, I don't think Fu Qiye is such a person] Fat Tai sensed her strong sadness, and couldn't help jumping out to comfort her again.

This time Bandit Chu didn't ignore it, she sighed slightly, "Actually, it's nothing, at first I just wanted to make up for it..."

【Make up for what?Master, when you were bound, there was a place in the deepest part of your heart that I couldn't even touch. Is there something locked there? 】 Fatty asked curiously.

"You have too many questions." Bandit Chu's face turned slightly cold, and she started to critique the memorial with a brush.

【snort! 】Although Fatty was not happy, he didn't dare to say anything more.

I don't know what master is bound.

Although Bandit Chu was approving the memorial, his mind has been disturbed by Fat Tai.

She glanced at a small corner in the dark deep in her heart, and a vague figure appeared in her heart again.

Only this time, the figure was no longer tugging at her sleeve.

Instead, he looked very proud, "Master, I haven't seen you before. What palace are you from? You look well dressed. Could it be that you are a court lady who is promoted by the master?"

 Thank you Xiansheng for your reward! ! ! ! !

  It is said that the identity of the real hero has begun to be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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