Chapter 264
Guan Yu fought in Longhutai until late at night, and then took advantage of the night to enter the interior of the Jundu mountain area.

The next day, Kebi could see that there was no one on Longhutai, so he led his army across Longhutai and went straight to Changping.

Most of the Helian troops still in the mountain road were attacked by the Han people several times, not to mention the loss of soldiers, the key point is that no one who attacked them could be found.

The furious Helian issued an order to retaliate, and the entire Changping County trembled under Xianbei's iron hooves, but they still couldn't find their attackers. Instead, the Xianbei cavalry in the mountain road were attacked by more serious rockfalls.

A small group of Soushan troops were killed, but a large group of Xianbei cavalry couldn't keep up with the opponent's transfer. He Lian simply went out of the valley, handed over the task of breaking the post to Tuoba, and followed the headquarters to Changping.

Murong Deng offered a plan to station Xianbei people on every mountain, so that the Xianbei brigade passed smoothly. In the end, most of the Xianbei cavalry on the mountain did not return.

Changping County was closed tightly, and several waves of rescue envoys were sent, but most of them were killed by Xianbei cavalry, and Changping Chang organized young and strong to defend.

The news of Changping's siege spread to Guangyang. The governor of Youzhou, together with the prefect of Guangyang, dispatched 5000 soldiers from this county, 5000 reinforcements from Zhuo County, and 8000 reinforcements from Yuyang to Changping.

The strikers of the two sides met in Jixian County. The Guangyang striker was crushed by the Xianbei cavalry. Qi Sheng, the forward general, was defeated and entered Jixian County. He defended Jixian County together with the Jixian magistrate.

In the north of Luanshui, the retreating Guangyang reinforcements were all driven into the river by the Xianbei cavalry. The Guangyang reinforcements in the south of Luanshui saw their eyes tearing apart, but there was nothing they could do.

The ships collected by the Guangyang gentry came, but no one dared to go to the south bank after the reinforcements were loaded.

The Art of War says: Soldiers can be attacked halfway across.

These Guangyang gentry can remember clearly.

"Prepare to be the pioneer."

Liu Bei sneered in his heart. He was willing to be the vanguard not because he was worried about Guan Yu. He had already told him the essence of guerrilla warfare before Guan Yu went. With Guan Yu's force, there was no reason for the Xianbei cavalry to stop him.

Liu Bei was the vanguard, because he was afraid that Zhang Wen, who had already arrived in Zhuojun, would come quickly and use himself as a target for training. When tens of thousands of troops fought, it would be easy to kill one person.

On the north bank of the Luan River, the Xianbei cavalry saw a ship transporting troops, and gathered together one after another, ready to deal a fatal blow to the Han people at any time.

"Fire arrows!"

Liu Bei ordered the boatmen to sail where there were many people. The soldiers on the boat cleared the way with strong bows and crossbows.

Gao Shun's trapped camp disembarked first and organized a defensive formation, while the rest of the troops moved out slowly.


Sure enough, the Xianbei cavalry came to kill them. Gao Shun struck them with a strong bow, then blocked the cavalry's footsteps with an iron shield, and stabbed them with hammers and spears.

The Xianbei cavalry was smashed in front of the heavy infantry, and finally turned and fled.

After Liu Bei's troops disembarked and formed formation, the rest of the reinforcements came across the river one by one.

Tens of thousands of troops marched towards Ji County, and the Xianbei cavalry retreated again and again.

Qi Zhou led Guangyang reinforcements to station in Ji County, and stayed behind closed doors in the name of running out of food and grass.

Three days later, the prefect of Guangyang personally supervised the food and grass, and Qi Zhou had no choice but to lead his army into Changping.

After hearing the news, He Lian ordered Budugen to encircle Changping and lead an army to fight against Qi Zhou.

Hundreds of thousands of armies from both sides fought on the narrow plain of Jixian County. Qi and Zhou marched slowly, causing Wubao around Jixian County to be trampled down by Xianbei army.

The county magistrate of Ji County was almost flattened by the nobles of Ji County, and the Ji County Magistrate had to go to the front line to oversee the army.

On May [-]rd, the two armies faced each other. Qi and Zhou attacked with the troops of Guangyang headquarters as the left wing and Liu Bei and Yuyang reinforcements as the right wing.

The Xianbei cavalry also divided into two teams to attack the two wings.

Most of the Guangyang army are private soldiers of the gentry, and most of them have long bamboo spears and strong bows and crossbows. What's more, he once invited deserters who escaped from Lucheng to train as military trainers?

When the Guangyang army attacked Xianbei, they used all their bows and crossbows, and the momentum of the Xianbei cavalry was stagnant. Qi Zhou said to the left and right: "The Xianbei thieves are nothing more than that. Once the main force of Xianbei falls into a hard fight, our cavalry will surely defeat Xianbei. I knew I shouldn't have invited Liu Xuande and others, this battle might wash away the shame of Xia Yu and Zang Min, you should fight the enemy bravely, Ming Jun will not forget you."


The distance of two hundred steps was very fast, and the Xianbei cavalry was not afraid of arrows, and came in wave after wave.

The Guangyang reinforcements were stunned by the Xianbei people's spirit of not fearing death, and their men slowed down. The Xianbei cavalry was a little faster and shot blindly.

Compared with the panic on the left wing, the right wing was much more orderly, and the arrows caught up one after another, and the Xianbei cavalry was harvested one after another, without seeing how much their positions moved forward.

This made Xian Yuyin, who was beside Liu Bei, amazed. Liu Bei deserved to be a famous general who put down the Yellow Turban, and his use of troops was really extraordinary.

Xianyu Yinshou felt contempt in his heart, and at the same time decided to buy a batch of powerful bows and crossbows from Lucheng. With such sharp weapons, Yuyang would not be afraid of Xianbei and Wuhuan people making trouble.

The panic on the left wing gave the Xianbei cavalry a chance, and they quickly rushed to a distance of fifty steps. Everyone knew that once the Xianbei cavalry got close, the infantry would definitely not be the opponent of the cavalry.

"Shields and javelins ready."

Qi Zhou gave the order calmly, and Luchengwu's new weapons had already filled Guangyang's treasury, so it was not a secret that Lucheng's recruits used the method of defending the cavalry.


Strategic materials such as javelins are in short supply, and there is no room for the Guangyang reinforcements to train, so the throws are of different heights, but the Xianbei cavalry is densely packed and does not use standards.

Even so, the javelin, which was a murderous weapon in the hands of the recruits in Lucheng, became useless among the Guangyang reinforcements, and many people were paralyzed by the sound of horseshoes at close range.

"Hurry up, set up the spear quickly, you must block the Xianbei cavalry, you must block it."

Qi Zhou was shocked when he saw this scene, and hurriedly said: "Inform Xing and Gong Qi to be ready to attack Xianbei at any time."

What Qi Zhou was worried about finally happened. The Xianbei cavalry slammed into the infantry fiercely. The infantry shields in the front row could not stop the cavalry's collision at all, and the infantry behind retreated after seeing this.

The Xianbei cavalry were swept into the Guangyang reinforcements like the wind, and the infantry threw away all their supplies and began to flee desperately.

"It's over! It's over! How can this happen?"

Qi Zhou was dumbfounded, and the people around hurriedly persuaded: "Chang Shi, hurry up, hurry up and urge the two captains, Xing and Gongqi, to march!"

"Yes, yes. Quickly let the two of them march."

Xing Ju and Gong Qichou each led hundreds of North Korean low cavalry to kill, but instead of rescuing the large troops, they came to rescue Qi Zhou.

Since Xia Yu and Zang Min led [-] troops to attack Xianbei and were swallowed up by Xianbei, the Northern Army no longer had the guts to confront the Xianbei cavalry head-on.

"Hurry up and save people!"

Qi Zhou escaped under the embrace of the two.

Once the tens of thousands of troops were lost, Qi Zhou's heart felt like a knife was twisted. This was the entire family property of the Guangyang noble family. Now that it was destroyed by him, one can imagine what fate awaits him?
Qi Zhou just scolded Xing Ju and Gong Qi Chou for not saving people, but he thought about sending someone to inform Liu Bei that his left wing was swept away.

(End of this chapter)

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