Chapter 725 The way of love! (8)

"What?" The more he listened, the more confused Xiao Chuan became.

enjoy?Leave the investigation to the young lady alone...

Tang Yiling glanced at him and threw the pen on the counter. The smile on his face was obvious, and he almost shouted excitedly, "Ah, it feels so good to protect my wife!" What happened two days ago Naturally, he would not tell outsiders that such a private matter is known by the two of them.When I think of it, the sweetness in my heart can't help but surge up again.This feeling is really good, there are no words to describe it...

"Master!" Xiao Chuan fell to Lei!He really is enjoying it!

After Tang Yiling laughed, he asked him jokingly, "Are you jealous? Jealous that I have a wife to protect me?"

Xiao Chuan was embarrassed again when he saw this situation!
Is there such a saying?

The young master is insane...

"Hey, what's that expression on your face? Obediently obey your young mistress' orders and just protect me." Tang Yiling reminded with a smile, "Don't forget who your young mistress is, yo! Think about it, I was really worried before. It's too much. It's lucky that she doesn't bully others, why should I worry that she will be bullied?"

Thinking back is a little silly.

After Tang Yiling told Xiao Chuan, he had a little more confidence in Su Ying.

Tang Yiling got up, put down his work temporarily, took out a cigarette for Xiao Chuan, and lit one himself, "Xiao Chuan, do you think I'm wrong?"

"No..." Xiao Chuan also hesitated, "I think even if you want to let the young lady handle it, you should pay attention secretly..."

"Doesn't that mean I'm investigating?"


"It will be very hard for me to pay attention secretly. I am worried that I will not be able to help but intervene. Hehe." Tang Yiling patted Xiao Chuan on the shoulder, and said generously and frankly, "I am just an ordinary man, and I will be tired sometimes. .Ah! I found that being an ordinary man, a man who protects his wife is very comfortable and happy!~ Haha!"

Thinking from another angle...

Your sister, he is obviously in a hurry!

It's okay to be seduced once, and keep showing off!

Finally, Ogawa rolled his eyes...

In the office, Tang Yiling's laughter could be heard from time to time.

People's moods change suddenly, especially after having someone important.
PS: No more updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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