Chapter 337 Cruel Emergency (9)

Tang Yiling stared, now no one saw who killed Grandpa with their own eyes, and he was not there according to what Uncle Wang said, so should I ask Su Ying for the truth? "Then who killed my grandfather? There is no motive, and the young lady's motive is not enough. Just asking her to sign the divorce paper is not enough to make her want to kill my grandfather."

Steward Wang lowered his eyelids.

Hesitant to speak.

That expression also hesitated, hesitated, as if there was something he wanted to say but dared not to say.

What kind of person is Tang Yiling, and he immediately guessed, "Uncle Wang, don't hide from me, just say what you have to say directly. Grandpa and young mistress are almost the only closest people I have in the world. Losing both of them is a blow to me. It's very big. You are an elder, so you should understand this kind of feeling. I beg you, never hide anything about this matter. "

"Master, I don't know what to say or not to say. You also know that the old man has a stubborn temper. Once he decides something, he will achieve his goal by any means. Of course, in the process of getting the young lady to sign the divorce papers In the process, he used intimidation..." So, Wang Guanshi simply said that the old man threatened Su Ying to sign the divorce papers, "The old man said that if the young lady signs, he will let her go, and he will not let her go." embarrass her."

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"

Tang Yiling was taken aback. Grandpa actually did such a thing?

However, based on so many years of understanding, thinking about it again, Tang Yiling believed it. This was completely the style of his grandfather he was familiar with. "What about the divorce papers?" What else does grandpa know?
Wang Guanshi recalled some, remembered it and said, "It's in the third drawer of the old man's desk."

"Have you signed, young mistress?" Suddenly, Tang Yiling was very nervous.

Will she sign it?
Originally, he hoped to hear no, but his hope was soon shattered...

"Signed, I saw the young mistress signed the contract with my own eyes. It was because the young mistress signed the contract that the old man asked me to make tea... But I didn't expect that the young mistress signed the contract just to let the old man put down his guard... At that time, when I went out, How did you never expect such a tragedy to happen?"


Tang Yiling's expression froze, he was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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