Chapter 969 From now on, Alang is a passerby

Fourth Master's heart clenched when he saw Xilu's uncomfortable appearance.

His eyes shot towards Xue Fanghua like sharp arrows.

Xue Fanghua smiled faintly, "Ah Jin, is your heart hurting? Your heart hurts when she is like this, but what should I do? She wants to accompany me and go to hell together. She can't stay with you. Hehe... "

"Xue Fanghua, you are really crazy!" Fourth Master's eyes were on fire, wishing to burn the woman in front of him to ashes.

"Hehe, I'm crazy, I'm not crazy, Ah Jin, I'm crazy because of you, don't you know?" She raised her face, smiled sadly, and said she was going to cry, but the tears still flowed down.

The fourth master saw that Xi Lu was as pale as paper, and saw that she was still vomiting again and again, she bowed down because of the vomiting, her heart ached so much that her internal organs were pulled into one piece.

Taking a deep breath of turbid air, raised his eyes, suppressed the anger that filled his chest, and said in a low voice, "Fanghua, I'm the one who's sorry for you. If you have any anger, come at me. Let go of Xilu."

"Ajin, you are protecting her again. What I hate the most is that you protect her unconditionally and without limit. Is she so good?"

"What's better about her? What's better about me than her?" Xue Fanghua finally shed a tear, raised her face and roared in a low voice.

As soon as she raised her face, her whole head was suspended in the air, and her body was on the verge of falling, as if she could fall from a height in the next second.

Fourth Master's heart tightened as he watched, his fists creaked, his handsome face was livid, murderous, and he pressed his voice and asked, "Fanghua, what do you want?"

"What do I want? Hehe, what do I want, Ah Jin, I want to go back to the beginning, back to the days when there was no sunset, back to the days when you only had me in your heart."

"You know, it's impossible!" Fourth Master stared at her, wishing to knock her unconscious with his eyes.

"Oh, yes, it's impossible, I can't go back, but how can I be willing that you two will live together happily ever after? Jin, if there is an afterlife, I don't plan to love you anymore , love someone, so tired, I'm tired, I want to rest, Ah Jin, farewell..."

After Xue Fanghua finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at the vast blue waves below. As soon as she fell, her body was smashed to pieces, and Alang was a passerby from then on!

Eyes closed...



Two voices rang out in unison.

Xue Fanghua opened his eyes, it was the elder brother and holding the book.

She got dizzy by holding the book, why did she wake up, and the eldest brother, why is he here too!
That's okay, let's just give her a ride.

Holding the book and crying into tears, I have long felt that there is something wrong with the young lady. It turns out that it is because of the determination to die together.

"Miss, don't, don't you want to hold the book?" The voice of holding the book was choked.

Although the young lady has changed a lot, no matter what, she is still the young lady who has been serving her since she was a child. How can the young lady be so hard-pressed!
"Holding the book, I'm not here anymore, so you can go back to Xue's mansion and follow Big Brother."

"Don't, miss, don't..." Tears streaming down the book holding the book.

Xue Piao's chest seemed to have been rubbed into a handful of ice balls, it was cold and painful, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and it was difficult to take a step, his eyes were red, and his voice was hoarse, "Fanghua, listen to brother, come down, be good!" , come down..."

Xue Fanghua shed a tear, and it disappeared in the wind in an instant, "Brother, I'm sorry, we will be brothers and sisters in the next life."


Big Brother, Farewell...

Xue Fanghua closed her eyes, tightly grabbed Xilu's clothes, and suddenly fell backwards!
(End of this chapter)

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