Chapter 765 Unfaithful and Unfaithful Woman

Also, these poor people are also immature white-eyed wolves!

The young lady has been sending out porridge for several days, as for turning around and running away like this, are you still praising Miss Xi to the sky!

If you have these porridges, feed them to the dogs, and the dogs will wag their tails!

It's really maddening!
Xue Fanghua stared bitterly for a while with her small face suppressed, and suddenly saw the imposing and handsome man beside Xilu.

"Holding the book, who is that man?"

After holding the book and reading it carefully, there is no such character in my mind.

"I don't know which family's son it is, but at first glance, it's everyone's son. Miss Xi is also very powerful, and she really can't live without a man!" Holding the book was very contemptuous.

I don't know how fourth master would like such an unfaithful woman!I really can't see it with any eye!

Xue Fanghua sneered, he should let Ah Jin see how the woman he holds in his palm is... watery!
"Hold the book, let's go home!"

Xue Fanghua flicked the handkerchief, and led the people back to the fourth prince's mansion.

Chaoyang Hall.

Fourth master was so angry that he threw the booklet to the ground.

In the Tianhe River Basin, the dikes on both sides were repaired only last year, but this year they broke down in large areas, flooding several villages downstream.

This is simply, if it wasn't for cutting corners when repairing the dam last year, it was someone deliberately sabotaging it!
The sheriff didn't report this kind of life-threatening matter in time.Later, the casualties were so serious that they couldn't be covered up, so they were reported layer by layer until they were shocked.

The memorial here was reported to Beijing, and then another report was made there, and the county guard had committed suicide in fear of crime.

There is a big problem here!It is estimated that it is still involved!Once dug to the bottom, even the first-rank governor may be implicated.

Si Ye sat on it, his face darkened like that of Duke Bao, the memorial fell to his feet, and all the ministers knelt down and bowed their heads, not daring to breathe.

Even Eunuch Xia on the side knelt down.

The officials in the capital should not be held accountable for local accidents and they are not reported. However, who made them the closest to the imperial power? If the superiors get mad, of course they will be the first to vent their anger on them.

Fourth Master burned raging fire for quite a while, and then slowly calmed down a little bit.

The top priority is to repair the dikes and save lives.

At present, Xie Minghua, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, is pointed out that he is solely responsible for the repair of the dam. As for saving lives and helping the wounded, and resettling the masses, that is the responsibility of the Ministry of Households.

After the court was over, he went through it carefully, and still felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it, Fourth Master felt that he had to go on a north tour in person.

The northern tour may take half a month at least, and at most two or three months. He is not most worried about the affairs of the court, but Xilu is what he is most worried about.

She is pregnant, so I can't take her there, it will be hard to travel and travel, and the climate is not acclimatized.

Don't take her with you. Leaving her alone in Beijing is really very worrying.

Although Xilu was not as weak as he imagined, he was still worried.

She always felt that if she was wrong, something would happen to her.

As soon as her thoughts turned to Xilu, she turned her eyes and asked Qingfeng, "Where is Xilu now?"

"Today I went to the Red Embroidery Workshop with Mrs. Xie Wu to choose materials, and now I am distributing rice in Baigu Lane." Qingfeng replied, not daring to say that beside her, there was a noble young man standing beside her inexplicably.

That young master, he investigated, only found out that he was a young master who was doing business in the north, and there were many others, but he couldn't find out.

But it must be the noble son of a rich family, otherwise, he would not spend money like water, just laughing for Bomei!

I have to say, Miss Xi is really a troublemaker!You can always meet all kinds of men!
Unacceptable, only accept her!

"Then let's go and have a look." Fourth Master suddenly got up.

Qingfeng wiped his sweat silently, do you really want to see it?Are you sure you won't be jealous?
If he doesn't report it, this is the rhythm of being whipped again!
so tired!
(End of this chapter)

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