Chapter 756 It may be about to break the picture
"Vanilla, why do I smell like scum!" Xi Lu had just woken up, her voice was still a little lazy.A little lazy, a little charming, a little sexy, very nice.

"Ah, it seems to be oh, it has such a smell." Vanilla professionally joined in.

Wang Biluo was already furious, but now she was even trembling with anger. She squeezed her fist and walked in angrily.

If she doesn't deal with her bitch today, she doesn't deserve to be a princess.

Seeing her coming in, Xi Lu reached out to take off her shoes and threw them over.

With a slap, it was so deadly that it just hit Wang Biluo on the head.

Wang Biluo froze in place, staring round his eyes, forgetting to respond.

This woman... actually smashed her shoes! ! !
Xilu pretended she couldn't see, and said loudly, "Xiangcao, my hands are shaking, I didn't hold my shoes properly, they fell out! Help me bring them back."

"Oh, really, let me see." Vanilla pursed her lips, suppressed her smile, and turned her head calmly, as if she had just seen the princess, with a surprised expression on her face, "Oh, why did the princess come in, and why did she put the girl's shoes on her head?" ?”


Wang Biluo clenched her fists and stretched her body, as if she had just realized it, she suddenly screamed!
Vanilla hurried over to take off the shoes, and asked with concern, "Princess, are you okay?"

After Wang Biluo screamed, she suddenly stared angrily, raised her small hand high, and strode towards Xilu. If she doesn't slap this woman twice today, she is not worthy of being a human being!
Xi Lu was not in a hurry either, the water basin in her hand was placed in the right position, and with a wave of her small hand without a trace, the water basin fell down in response, just in front of Wang Biluo's feet.

Wang Biluo strode forward and stepped on the copper basin. The copper basin was unstable, and she staggered, crumbling...



He fell solidly and landed right next to Xilu's feet.

There was water on the ground again, which soon soaked her clothes.

The face of Baoqi at the door was pale, and he rushed over quickly. When he returned to Jinli Bieyuan, there was no good fruit to eat, but the princess was coming, so she was also very worried!
Xilu didn't even want to lift her toes, and said coldly, "Oh, princess, are you alright, coming here so early in the morning to make such a big gift, it's disgusting for a girl!"

He said Zhe Sha, but he didn't mean Zhe Sha at all. He sat calmly on the edge of the bed with a proud face and a peaceful mind.

Wang Biluo was dizzy from the fall and didn't recover for a while.

The red hairpin on her head fell all over the ground, and the brocade clothes on her body were soaked.

It's winter now, and the whole person is trembling a little.I don't know if it's cold or angry.

With Baoqi's support, she finally stood up unsteadily, her eyes filled with hatred, "Xilu, you bitch!"

He bumped his head against the corner of the chair just now, but now he was a little dizzy, and he didn't even have the strength to slap someone, so he could only put his hands on his forehead and cursed hard.

Xilu raised her eyes, cast a contemptuous glance at her, and said coolly, "Princess, you are bleeding, tsk tsk, you may be disfigured! You are already unfavorable, and if you lose your appearance again, how will you live in the future!"

Wang Bi stroked the slightly painful forehead with his hand, took it off and looked, there was red blood on the fingertips!

"Baoqi, hurry up, hurry up, go and get the imperial doctor!" Wang Biluo is going crazy, she can't lose her appearance, she is the number one princess in the capital, how can she see people when she loses her appearance!

"Okay, okay, please the imperial doctor, Wangfei, let's go back to the mansion first." Baoqi deeply felt that walking was the best plan.

(End of this chapter)

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