Chapter 329 Lost

In the hot summer, everyone hides indoors to cool off, and the streets are deserted.

When Uncle Zhao came out of the casino, he lost even his outer shirt, only his underwear and pants were left, and his stomach was rumbling with hunger.

Ever since the little nephew married Princess Wei, he didn't dare to go to the second prince's residence.

The women on Beisan Road are fierce and domineering, and they control my little nephew to death. Now he can't get any money.

I can't even ask for a good meal!
I wanted to win some money and have a good meal, but now I'm fine, I even lost my clothes.

Uncle Zhao walked on the hot street with his shoulders drooping, his small eyes darting back and forth.

Fourth master was drinking and having fun in the Soft Smoke Building with a group of beautiful boys. At this moment, from the window, he happened to catch a glimpse of Uncle Zhao, who was downcast and mischievous, on the street.

"Hey, isn't that Uncle Zhao? Why isn't he wearing any clothes!" Fourth Master smiled and said in surprise.

Su Qi and Wu Da loved to watch the excitement, so they lay down on the window and looked down, and they saw Uncle Zhao in his underwear.

The underwear and trousers are a bit short, thin and see-through, and the clothes are not covering the body, and three points can be seen vaguely.

The two laughed happily, and Wu Da was speechless, "Damn, why don't you run naked when you dress like this!"

"That's right, why don't you run naked, it's fun to run naked!" Qi Shao looked like he was watching the excitement and was not afraid of things.

"It's not difficult to see Uncle Zhao running naked, just take a gamble. Since he has lost his coat, will he be far behind if he loses his underwear?" Fourth Master sat there lazily, Xie Mei enchanting, said lightly, took a sip of pomegranate wine.

"Yes, yes, let's gamble again, Nuan Xiang, go, and invite Uncle Zhao up." Qi Shao laughed loudly, and ordered repeatedly.

Nuan Xiang is also a person who doesn't think it's a big deal when watching a movie, so she immediately went downstairs, went out with a smile on her face, and dragged Uncle Zhao into the soft smoke building.

When Uncle Zhao saw the warm fragrance, he instantly softened.

One of his biggest dreams is to be rich and sleep well. This is the top red prostitute in the capital!

At this moment, the lover of his dreams, unexpectedly, unexpectedly came out to invite him in person!

When did such a gentle breeze blow in the world...

Uncle Zhao was like stepping on a cloud, one step deep and one step shallow, followed Nuan Xiang into the soft smoke building.

The weather outside is scorchingly hot, making people feel unbearably scorched, but in the soft smoke building, the ice basin emits cool air, which is extremely cool!
Uncle Zhao felt that he had stepped into heaven and was floating in the clouds!

Nuan Xiang took him to the private room on the second floor, where the tables were filled with delicious food and wine, and there were a bunch of expensive and handsome men.

Uncle Zhao didn't look at the handsome man, but only stared at the delicious food, swallowed, and swallowed again, he hadn't eaten all day today, seeing the chicken legs and stewed meat, his eyes glowed green.

My stomach couldn't help but growl.

The sense of rhythm is stronger than drumming, and the sound is amazingly loud, shocking a room full of beautiful men!

Wu Da laughed out loud, really, that eye of his could see it!Their family's fine dog will not look like this monkey when it sees meat!
"Nuanxiang, wait for uncle to eat first, uncle is probably hungry!" Fourth master glanced at him, and ordered lightly.

Nuan Xiang immediately and affectionately pulled Uncle Zhao to sit down at the table, raised her tender white hands, and personally served him dishes and poured wine.

Uncle Zhao stared wide-eyed, showing a fierce look, and immediately started to gobble it up.

After a meal, the wind and clouds rolled over, like locusts rolled over, all the meat on the table fell off the bones.

Qi Shao was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, "Uncle Zhao, is it delicious?"

Uncle Zhao burped, "Delicious, delicious!"

Nuan Xiang handed him a glass of wine, "Come, Uncle Zhao, have a glass of wine."

The voice is delicate and waxy, the fragrance is fragrant, the small face is charming, and the breasts are fragrant, as the saying goes, full of warmth and thoughts, Uncle Zhao saw his sweetheart who would sleep in his dreams beside him, he couldn't help being drunk, and his body instantly There was a reaction, and a big tent was set up under the trousers.

(End of this chapter)

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