Chapter 107 Thank God
It seems that the dead people in the house were either scared to death by the uncle, beaten to death by the uncle, or sucked to death by the uncle!
The more Qin Wangfei thought about it, the more frightened she became, she burst into cold sweat for no reason.Can you suck a woman's blood?Grandpa prefers fair skin, and the boys and girls he loves all have white skin, and the white skin is lined with blood, which is the only way to attract people's hearts and appetites!
Fortunately, I have a wheat complexion, a dark complexion, with bright red, red and black, dirty when I think of it, I definitely don't like to drink it!

No wonder, that time when the house was consummated, the master didn't drink her blood, and stabbed her when he came up to take off his clothes. After stabbing for a while, he fell asleep and died!
For the first time, Princess Qin sincerely thanked God for bestowing her with wheat skin, otherwise, she would have been drained of blood long ago, and she would have died!

Princess Qin lay there limp and motionless, for a long time, as if it had been a century, before the door of the study was opened and they walked out.

She didn't stand up until they were far away, her legs were already numb, but she couldn't care less, as if being chased by ghosts and gods, she dodged out of the study and hurried back to her wing.

The maids breathed a sigh of relief when they saw their master finally came back, and hurriedly said, "It's time to take a bath, and the slave will wait for the master to take a bath."

Because at this time, it was time for Princess Qin to take a milk bath, and the maids were afraid that the water would be cold, and the princess would lose her temper later, so they hurried up to wait for the princess to change her clothes.

Princess Qin was sitting on the chair, before she came to her senses, the maids were about to come up and take off her clothes. The shocking scene just now still lingered in her mind. At this moment, she was most afraid of taking off her clothes and bathing in milk, but this girl I took it all up, and as soon as I lifted my foot, I gave the girl a kick, which reached her heart, and said sharply, "Get out of here, and pour me all the milk soup!"

She wanted to die so that she would take another milk bath.

Self-inflicted evil, can not live, she committed evil for a long time, fortunately, not dead yet!Fortunately, her wheat skin is not so easy to wash off!
The girl next to her was kicked inexplicably and in pain, tears burst out, she answered "yes" with tears in her eyes, and then bowed and retreated.

Princess Qin still felt uneasy, so she went to the dressing mirror again and took a closer look. Her skin was indeed that safe wheat skin that had not turned white. She stroked her chest and felt a little relieved!
After marrying into the eldest prince's mansion, she thought that as long as she had a son, she would live a good life of flowers and brocades and fire cooking oil. I don't want to, I am so naive!

As for the son or something, I should stop thinking about it as soon as possible. Anyway, concubine Ji's births are all her sons. The most important thing now is to save my life.

Think about it, think about it!

In Weiyang Palace, the third master and A Niang admired the flowers for a while, listened to a few tunes, talked for a while, and then walked out shaking the fan.

After pacing out, he usually wanted to tease the parrot, and today was no exception. He whistled and looked over, and suddenly his face turned pale with shock.

"A Niang, A Niang..." The third master cried out twice in horror.

"My son, what's the matter?" Su Guifei walked out quickly.

The third master pointed to the parrot in the cage, "Aniang, look, the parrot died, so badly, his neck was broken!"

Concubine Su looked at it, she was beautiful, and she took pains to raise it, except for her two sons, it was her favorite parrot, and now it died!
It was severed from the neck, stained with blood, and covered the entire beautiful feathers. Her beloved parrot died in front of her in a horrible way just like that!

"Come on!" The imperial concubine screamed.

All the mothers and maids knelt down with a snap.

(End of this chapter)

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