Chapter 679 A Bad News
When the revolutionary army held the banner of freedom and fought against the powerless world government army in the first half of the new world, those idiots who only knew how to enjoy themselves and enjoy themselves could hardly be called combat power.

But the power of the four major families intervened, and the powerful revolutionary army immediately became the passive side. The "pacifist" who has strong combat effectiveness and is useful and not tired is the cold nightmare of the revolutionary army soldiers.

But all of this has been reversed today
Hundreds of thousands of wolf-like naval soldiers were thrown into various battlefields in the first half of the new world, and the revolutionary army that received strong support immediately became alive again. On the contrary, those steel machines were beaten to pieces. elegant demeanor.

"His grandma, why are the guns in the hands of those marines so fierce?"

Huddled in the trench, a revolutionary soldier with a bandage on his head swallowed uncontrollably. He looked at the rifle in the navy's hand outside, and then at the "fire stick" in his hand. He was a little irritable for no reason. There was a wave of envy.

If their revolutionary army also had such guys, how could they be crushed and beaten by those big iron bumps.

"I heard that it is a new generation of combat rifle specially developed by Dr. Vegapunk for the navy, which adopts the latest technology. Tsk tsk, if you want me to say that the navy is so proud of Yato Shenryuichi's thick legs, in terms of combat effectiveness alone If not, I’m afraid it’s not as good as us.”

Hearing the complaints of the revolutionary soldier, the brothers who were in the same trench chattered loudly about the gossip they had heard.

Some things cannot be envied.

"What the hell are you muttering about? If you can catch your breath, follow me and rush out to continue fighting. When did our battlefield become those marines?!"

The combat captain of the Revolutionary Army yelled cursingly, interrupting the conversation between the two veterans.

There was barely concealed irritability and impatience on his face. Although the naval reinforcements turned the entire battlefield around, as the battle progressed, he suddenly discovered that their revolutionary army seemed to have changed from being the master of the battlefield to being irrelevant.

Killing and fighting just to let the navy take over the battlefield?

The Revolutionary Army can't afford to lose that man!

Three days later, the great route, Baldigo Island.

"The Battle of Stevala is over, we have won with the help of Haiju!

"The battle on Greensphin Island is still going on, but those iron blocks have no advantage anymore"

"Chief, the country of Deswell has been liberated, and those bastards from the world government will never try to put their hands in here again."

Sitting at the headquarters, Sabo, the veritable second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, is very busy.

At every moment, a phone call from the front line rang, and those news, good or bad, passed through his mind one by one, and were recorded in the overall combat strategy book of the Revolutionary Army.

This job keeps him very busy.

"Sabo, Sabo!"

Just when the oil lamp was lit for the third time in the dim command room, a burst of cheerful female voice suddenly entered the linoleum tent.Before she could even raise her head, Kerla's petite figure rushed in hurriedly.

"Not now Kerla, not now."

You don't need to look to know who is coming, Sabo said something to his childhood sweetheart angrily, and then buried himself in processing those documents that could never be finished.

"Sabo, no, look who's coming!"

Kerla's face under the hat was a little flushed, and since returning to the Revolutionary Army, she has rarely been in such a happy and excited mood.

Letting go of the tent entrance behind him, a slender young man walked into the command room with a long knife in his hand. Looking at Sabo whose hairline had obviously moved back a bit, he smiled softly.

"My brother, if you continue to work so hard, I'm really worried about your future life."

Hearing this voice, Sabo, who was buried in the documents, suddenly raised his head, and saw the smiling young navy at a glance.

"Long Yi, why is it you?!"

In his eyes, there is joy that has never been fake. In the years of getting along, the navy in front of him is the third brother recognized by Sabo after Ace and Luffy.

He had never seen this brother since he escorted Bartholomi Xiong's "body" back to the Revolutionary Army a year ago, and he didn't expect to meet again under such circumstances today.

"Why, aren't you welcome?"

The "Elephant Master" went all out, and Long Yi almost crossed half of the great route in just three days, and arrived at the legendary headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

"Of course you are welcome, come and sit."

Leaving those troublesome documents behind, Sabo asked Long Yi to sit on the old wooden chair behind the desk. The living conditions of the Revolutionary Army were simple, but he knew that the other party would not care.

"I know all about your battles in the "New World". You did a good job!"

As soon as Long sat down, Sabo spoke excitedly. From the complete destruction of Kaido's pirate group to the complete destruction of the Charlotte family, the actions of the "New World" navy can be said to have always concerned Sabo's heart.

After the current "Whitebeard" Pirates and "Red Hair" Pirates announced that they would unconditionally join the newly established "Adventurer's League", Sabo, who was far away in Baldigo, couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and a surge of pride in his heart .

His brother, Yato Shenryuichi, has accomplished a feat that has never been done before or since!

"Okay, Sabo, don't compliment me anymore, I'm here for something important."

Sabo is Long Yi's only friend of the same age, and he also attaches great importance to the friendship between the two, but this time he rushed to Baldigo Island, there is indeed something important, to be exact
He brings bad news.


Seeing the expression on the face of the young navy, Sabo also suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth. He knew that if there was no major event, his familiar brothers would never show such an expression.

"Monch D. Dorag, my dear uncle, the plan to secretly assault Mary Joa has failed."

Unexpectedly, the moment Long Yi opened his mouth, Sabo's heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

The actions of the powerful leader, Monkey D. Drago, are a secret within the Revolutionary Army. Even the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army has never known their current situation, so how did the young navy know?
fail? !
is this real?
"Long Yi, where do you come from? It doesn't matter. What happened to Chief Dorag?"

I don’t want to imagine or believe it, but a faint uneasiness is always lingering in Sabo’s heart. It’s been less than three days since the incident. In just three days, those stomping worlds can tremble several times. The once strong man crashed his halberd into the sand?
He doesn't believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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