Chapter 429

Following the reminder from the fourth girl, the sound of the "click" and "click" mechanism immediately came to my ears, and my heart suddenly tightened.However, I have seen many big scenes, and I did not panic. Instead, I followed the instructions given to me by the fourth girl and calmed down immediately.

At the same time, the other people in the team also stood in place, for fear of touching something and causing unnecessary trouble.

I clenched my fists and found that my palms were covered in cold sweat at some point, and I couldn't hold them at all.

"Is there a mechanism below?" I asked in a low voice.

"En." The fourth girl nodded lightly, then bent down, listening to the movement under the ship plank with her ears.

I know it's best not to talk at this time, let the fourth girl listen more carefully!
After only two or three seconds, the fourth girl stood up.

I couldn't wait to ask: "Do you know what institution it is?"

The fourth girl did not speak, but her expression showed some hesitation, and she seemed uncertain.

After all, General Faqiu Zhonglang pays attention to defeating ten meetings with one force, but when he goes to the tomb, he will meet gods and kill gods, and Buddhas and Buddhas. Breaking the traps of institutions is not his strong point.

At this time, I kind of miss the long-legged sister Yu, whom I haven't seen for a long time...

If there is a mountain-moving Taoist, these institutions will probably be broken by the mountain-moving fan in minutes, right?
The fat man on the side said impatiently: "Don't use your brains to think about it. If a ship is used as the owner of the mausoleum, what traps will be set up? There will definitely be no flames, rolling stones, and only crossbows left. If grandma’s is really this thing, you must distinguish the direction, otherwise we will all be shot like hedgehogs.”

Although I've been to several tombs, I haven't seen the common-sense mechanism that the fat man mentioned, so I'm not sure if I can avoid it for a while.

"Wait, why do I feel like water is flowing under my feet?" At this moment, Wang Yuanchao frowned and said.

Hearing Wang Yuanchao's words, the fat man laughed loudly: "Brother Yuanchao, are you fucking confused? Where are we now? Even people and boats are under the pool, isn't the sound of water normal?"

"Little fat man, don't be too careless." Uncle Ming tried his best to suppress his cough, and said sickly: "The sound of the water is not flowing from the outside of the boat, but under our feet. I suspect that these currents are pushing The operation of the mechanism, at this moment, several mechanisms are targeting us at the same time."

"If that's the case, we'll win the Mark Six lottery!" Uncle Ming sighed after finishing speaking.

I saw that Uncle Ming's expression was very pessimistic, so I had no choice but to look at Miss Si to see what his plans were next.

The fourth girl nodded silently: "Uncle Ming is right, this is the legendary serial mechanism array."

"What is a serial organ array?" I asked curiously.

Uncle Ming took out his handkerchief, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead carefully, and explained: "Ding Dang, you rarely go to the tomb, and you don't know many things and I can't blame you. Mechanism group, for example, as soon as you step on the floor, there is a dark crossbow shooting towards you in front of you. Even if you dodge, the walls on both sides will suddenly move and pinch you to death. Even if you can still dodge, the soles of your feet There will also be a lot of mercury, drowning you in the pool of mercury. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many famous tomb robbers have died under this kind of chain mechanism. Unless this thing is called the mechanism killer. , otherwise it is simply incomprehensible.”

In the middle of speaking, Uncle Ming's pupils suddenly constricted, and he looked at Miss Si and said, "Miss Si, did you understand just now? Could the sound of the water flowing under the deck be flowing mercury?"

"Yeah." The fourth girl said expressionlessly: "Ding Dang's foot not only stepped on the mechanism of the mercury pool, but also activated the underground hob array, so it's very difficult."

"Then what are you waiting for! Find a way to destroy the mechanism that Ding Dong stepped on." The fat man was startled.

"No." The fourth girl shook her head stiffly: "Once we destroy these organs, we will no longer be able to continue on this road."

Uncle Ming at the side was stunned, and was the first to react and said, "Fourth Miss, are you saying that this passage is correct? It even leads directly to Qin Shihuang's main tomb."

"It's very possible, if not, the owner of the tomb doesn't need to go to such lengths to create such a mechanism..." Miss Si replied.

"I don't agree." The fat man shook his head: "The mechanism itself is used to eliminate foreign invaders. Even if we take the wrong path, we will encounter a deadly mechanism."

"You're right." The fourth girl did not deny Fatty's statement: "However, it is unreasonable to activate the chain mechanism formation. It will take at least 30 to [-] years for this kind of mechanism formation from drawing to production. Only the tomb path is worthy of this kind of emperor-level qualification."

"Although the serial organ array is complicated, it's not so precious, right?" The fat man curled his lips: "Although this kind of organ is indeed very dangerous for ordinary Tu Fuzi, it is more expensive than the one we encountered in Cao Cao's tomb." The flying crossbow formation is nothing short of a big deal, so the fat man still thinks it shouldn't be a risk."

Seeing that the scope of everyone's discussion has gone beyond the predicament I encountered, I quickly interrupted: "Don't care whether this passage is real or not, hurry up and find a way to rescue me!"

After finishing speaking, I looked at the fourth girl: "You said this is a series of traps, besides the pool of mercury and the formation of hobs, are there any traps in the passage that need to be guarded against?"

The fourth girl has obviously been thinking about how to get out of the body, but she didn't find the answer he wanted. Seeing my urging, she shook her head: "No more."

I didn't have the intention to stay any longer, standing where I couldn't move, that feeling was very bad, so I said to Uncle Ming immediately: "Uncle Ming, you have been with my grandfather for so many years, and you must be familiar with the mechanism structure in the ancient tomb. Break it down for you."

Uncle Ming didn't refuse, took a deep breath and said, "Do my best!"

After finishing speaking, the whole person lay down on the ground, moved slowly, and then lightly tapped each board with his fingers, leaving marks on places where the sound was dull from time to time.

The fourth girl held me firmly and was responsible for my safety.

To be honest, this is the first time I have seen Uncle Ming be so serious. Although Uncle Ming always gives people a feeling of inscrutability, no matter it is Dayu's tomb or whenever, he always orders his subordinates to do things. I have never Have seen his real means.

Now that Uncle Ming is beating so carefully, I realized that Uncle Ming's tomb-robbing skills are no worse than Grandpa's!Really an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move.

In the past, I always thought that Uncle Ming was a villain like Yue Buqun, but now I am completely convinced, who can go to the grave with my grandfather, Cao Sizhi, Lao Jintou, or the mother of long-legged sister Yu, who else? Is it good stubble?

For the entire 50-meter tomb passage, Uncle Ming worked for more than two hours, and took a painkiller to suppress liver cancer in the middle, before he marked all the suspicious ship boards.

After everything was confirmed, Uncle Ming signaled everyone to stand in a safe place, then he took out a rope, wrapped one end around the beam of the boat, and tied the other end around my waist.

"After I say one, two, three, I will pull the rope and hang you in mid-air! At that time, the hob array will break out of the ground. Don't be scratched by the knife, otherwise your legs will be dead. It's useless." Uncle Ming told him patiently.

"it is good!"

Following my consent, Uncle Ming yelled three numbers at the top of his lungs, and then grabbed the rope.

The moment the foot I stepped on the mechanism left the ship, the tense voices all around became louder and louder, and then earth-shaking changes occurred in the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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