Chapter 415 The Broken Watch

Everyone seemed to be shocked by the serious expression of the fourth girl, and they all fell silent for a while. Seeing that no one raised any questions, we began to bandage the wound and distribute the remaining bullets.

After re-arranging everything, everyone ate the braised beef canned soup cooked by Fatty on the spot. Because there was a lot of Fatty's saliva in the soup, I didn't dare to drink too much.

When we were full of wine and food, we got into our sleeping bags directly.Because it is daytime right now, we didn't pay too much attention. This feeling of sleeping with the heaven and the earth is extraordinarily comfortable. This sleep lasted until night. I didn't wake up from my sleep until I heard someone shouting that the moon was coming out.

At this time, the night had fallen, but under the moonlight, this small pool without trees was particularly bright.

I was eager to find the tomb, so I observed the astrology of the sky, and found that although the moon in the night sky was round, the legendary blue moon did not appear, and I couldn't help feeling a little more worried.

Seeing me staring at the sky, the fat man curled his lips and said, "Don't look at it, Fatty, I've been staring at the moon since I woke up. It doesn't mean it turns blue at all. Grandma, the legendary blue moon won't Is it a scam?"

This situation, even I was a little apprehensive.I thought to myself, could it be that the fat man really told me?No blue moon at all?The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is not on Lishan Mountain at all.

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became, and I couldn't help asking Uncle Ming: "Uncle Ming, the nursery rhyme you heard is not wrong, right?"

Uncle Ming shook his head: "No, in July and a half, the blue moon, the spirit ship comes out, and the first emperor appears. I have worked so hard to find out this sentence, and there is absolutely no mistake."

"It's been a lot of hard work?" Seeing Uncle Ming's words were convincing, I instinctively froze for a moment, and then asked without thinking: "Didn't the nursery rhyme be told to you by the elder brother?"

"This one……"

Wang Yuanchao saw that Uncle Ming was hesitating, as if he was hiding some secret and refused to reveal it, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Forget it, it doesn't matter whether the nursery rhyme is true or not, it's all come to this point anyway, we have done what we should do! Those who come down can only tell the fourth girl, just wait and see!"

Wang Yuanchao seldom expresses his opinion, most of the time he just does what everyone says.

Since he interrupted my conversation with Uncle Ming at this moment, he obviously discovered some little secret in Uncle Ming's belly, but the current environment is not suitable for telling me.

I didn't go into it anymore, but looked at the time, only to find that the hands of the watch were still at four o'clock in the afternoon.

In desperation, I had no choice but to ask the fat man, "What time is it?"

"It's almost ten o'clock." The fat man glanced at me, saw the watch on my wrist, and asked casually, "Don't you have a watch?"

"Probably broken."

"I remember that your mechanical watch seems to be imported, right? Isn't it a diving watch? Can it be broken?" The fat man raised his eyebrows, and played with the watch in his hand with a proud face: "It seems that I am the fat man This cheap electronic watch is great! It’s a street stall that costs a few dollars, and it can come in handy at critical moments. Your watch is just a sham, and foreign products are unreliable!”

Unexpectedly, the conversation between me and the fat man caught James' attention. He also looked at the time on his watch, but his face changed drastically immediately.

I immediately noticed the abnormal expression on James' expression, and asked quickly, "Why, your watch stopped too?"

"Yes!" James nodded with a wry smile.

I turned my head to look at the others again, unexpectedly, Uncle Ming and Wang Yuanchao also showed wry smiles, and their watch pointers also did not move.

My heart sank instantly. It is impossible for everyone's watches to have problems at the same time. Could it be that there is something weird about this pool of water?But why is the fat man's electronic watch fine?
"Yes, it's the magnetic field." I shouted with a serious face.

"What's wrong with the magnetic field?" Everyone looked at each other.

"By the way, what time does your watch stay at?" I asked.

"A quarter past four."

"mine too."

"It's a quarter past four?" I glanced at the same quarter past four on my watch, feeling a sense of foreboding in my heart.

I am not sure if there is a problem with the magnetic field here, because according to science, if the magnetic field in an area changes drastically, it can indeed cause errors in precision equipment such as watches, compasses, etc., but the error cannot be so large, right? ?
There was a full deviation of six hours!

Thinking of James, who has rich experience in field combat, I humbly asked for advice: "James, when you were on mission in Europe, did your watch fail like this?"

"No, unless it's at the North and South Poles, but it's only a few minutes off," James replied.

As we all know, the north and south poles have the most powerful magnetic fields on the earth, which can cause the failure of many instruments, but they are not as powerful as the water pool under our feet. What strange things are hidden under the water pool?

And the most incomprehensible thing is that our watches were fine before we got into our sleeping bags, so why all of them went wrong in the blink of an eye.

What exactly is going on?

Finally, the fat man just glared at me: "Hey! Whatever it is, there is no problem with the magnetic field, and the fat man is not sure. Maybe there really is a tomb."

Fatty's words are not unreasonable, the change in the magnetic field is likely to confirm the nursery rhyme.

But I walked out of the waterfall and checked for a long time, but I still didn't find anything unusual near the pool. The moon in the sky was still light yellow, like a crispy mooncake baked.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still can't find any good answer to explain what is happening now.So I took a sneak peek at the fourth girl, and found that he didn't pay attention to us at all. He just leaned against the stone wall and closed his eyes to rest. His delicate face was like a holy goddess. Seeing that the fourth girl was so calm, I didn't continue. Thinking wildly, quietly waiting for the moment when the gate of hell opens at twelve o'clock.

Fortunately, Fatty's electronic watch has made a great contribution, and we can grasp the specific time at any time.

I just waited silently for an indeterminate amount of time, and when I was about to fall asleep, Wang Yuanchao's exclamation suddenly woke us up.

"Wake up!"

Wang Yuanchao yelled hysterically, I quickly opened my eyes and looked in the direction of Wang Yuanchao's finger.

In the quagmire just outside the pool, a small blue dot emerged from the wet mud, which looked like light-emitting diodes, emitting a dreamlike blue light.

One o'clock, two o'clock...

As we stared, those blue dots became more and more, instantly covering the whole pool in azure light.

(End of this chapter)

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