Chapter 401 Brain Sucker

"Container?" I instinctively froze for a moment. Although mining workers often put some daily necessities in the tunnel, such as food, clothes, soap, drinking water, etc., they never placed such a large amount of supplies. Firstly, no one likes to live in a dark tunnel, and secondly, the narrow space of the tunnel will be taken up.

But the containers piled up like a hill in front of me are indeed beyond my imagination. Could it be that this is a military base as Wang Yuanchao said?But according to my historical common sense, no army fought on Mount Li before and after liberation.

"I go!"

As we crept closer to the place where Wang Yuanchao's flashlight was shining, the fat man let out a burst of exclamation: "Grandma, with so many things, are they digging tunnels or fighting? This box of things is enough to equip a large Legion?"

I quickly scanned the containers, and found that besides these boxes, there were a few classic cars behind them, all of which were large military trucks from decades ago, but the trucks were all covered with dust, which looked the same as those mine cars , No one has moved for a long time.

I asked Wang Yuanchao and James to check these cars and see if they could find any clues.

The two quickly jumped onto the classic car, and even lifted the hood of the car, but finally shook their heads with dejected expressions: "Judging from the appearance of these trucks, they are obviously trucks from the Second World War. But there was no sign or national flag on the car."

I frowned: "What do you mean?"

The fat man anxiously said, "What else can I say, I just don't know whose car this car belongs to."

"Can't you tell from the engine?"

Wang Yuanchao shook his head: "I checked the engine and found that the factory logo on it was deliberately ground off with a file. It seems that the group of guys who opened the tunnel didn't want people to know their identities..."

James also echoed: "Yes! These guys are very smart, not only the engine, but also other daily necessities on the car without any signs. This is definitely a group of organized and disciplined professional soldiers."

What Wang Yuanchao and James discovered made me frown. I took the opportunity to take a sneak peek at Aaron, and found Aaron wandering furtively in front of the piles of containers.

Just when I was about to follow to see what Aaron was looking for, I suddenly heard the voice of the fourth girl: "Here!"

Seeing that the fourth girl had discovered something, we didn't dare to neglect, and immediately gathered to the fourth girl's side.

I saw the fourth girl squatting on the back of a truck with a cold expression. Around him, there were more than a dozen dead bodies in yellow military uniforms that had dried and moldy.

I glanced at them, and saw that all these dead bodies were completely unrecognizable, if they hadn't been air-dried, they would have been impossible to see.But judging from its height, it is very similar to the mummy we found in the old forest.

"Are these corpses the same as the mummy outside?" I asked.

"Yes." The fourth girl nimbly picked up the corpse with her four fingers, but suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

I immediately caught the fleeting expression on Miss Si's face and asked him what's wrong.

"The brains of these corpses were also sucked dry before they died..." the fourth girl replied.

Uncle Ming climbed into the car in astonishment, looked at the messy corpses and said, "Why? Look at their expressions. Although they are already blurred, they didn't make any fighting gestures before they died. Besides, they all You're a soldier, how could you be so stupid as to stand there and let someone suck your brains out."

"It's because they didn't have time to react, this thing is too fast!" The fourth girl pointed to the waist of a mummy, where there was a pistol stuck in it. The button of the gun had been unbuckled, but the pistol failed after all. Pulling it out, even the mummy still kept the posture of preparing to draw the gun, but it's a pity that he was patronized by the god of death in the next second.

The fourth girl didn't speak, and twisted off the head of the mummy with a snap, and then showed it to me.

I saw that the head was deflated like a crystal grape that had been sucked dry, and there was an obvious round hole on the back of the head. Obviously, this unlucky guy was pecked through by some kind of monster with a needle-like mouth before he died. The brain, and then sucked the brain pulp little by little.

I didn't care about the nausea, I just held that head blankly, still unable to figure it out, what kind of monster could kill this group of well-trained soldiers silently?Let them have no chance to resist.

"Regardless of how they died, can the identities of these soldiers be identified first?" I asked.

" difficult." The fourth girl hesitated and said.

"What's wrong?" I blinked: "Could it be that their identity marks have also been erased."

"Yes." The fourth girl said.

The fat man was also furious: "Grandma! Who are these bastards? Why are they all like underground gangsters, and they don't even give us their identities. What's the shame?"

Just when we were plunged into a new fog, Wang Yuanchao suddenly kicked open a container, took out a dark rifle from it, and then quickly reloaded, loaded, aimed a few times and said: "Don't guess, These people seem to be the Kuomintang troops."


I froze for a moment, and instinctively said: "No way? What is the Kuomintang army doing in Lishan?"

"But it was indeed the official rifle commonly used by the Chinese army during the Second World War." Wang Yuanchao pried open a wooden container again, and found that there were also hundreds of neatly wrapped rifles lying inside.

"At that time, in the face of Japanese aggression, many Chinese troops were still fighting with shotguns and broadswords. In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the army, Chiang Kai-shek imported Mauser rifles from Germany! Mauser rifles have the characteristics of high lethality and easy operation. It is by no means inferior to Japan’s [-] big cover. But Chiang Kai-shek believed that the Mauser rifle was designed for Europeans, and the Chinese were a little shorter and thinner than Europeans, so he shortened the butt and lengthened the bayonet, and officially named it The 'Zhongzheng' rifle was first equipped for use by armies across the country, and the Kuomintang soldiers at that time were all proud of owning a Zhongzheng rifle."

Although I was shocked by Wang Yuanchao's words, I still had some doubts.

The fat man was filled with righteous indignation and said: "So, this tunnel was dug by the Kuomintang army? Grandma, these Kuomintang troops are really not good people. They just came to dig holes on Lishan Mountain while letting the Japanese devils do not fight. Could it be that they wanted to borrow Robbing tombs to get rich? Yes, I remembered, isn’t Sun Dianying, the Dongling robber who blew up Cixi’s tomb, also a KMT warlord? These bastards don’t follow the rules of ghost blowing lanterns when they rob tombs. They just use bombs to blow them up. Shame on the lieutenant."

Amidst the fat man's curses, I looked at the corpse on the truck again, and always felt that something was wrong.

I have an intuition that these corpses are by no means the Kuomintang. The tomb-robbing warlords of the Kuomintang are all reckless bandits. But when they see ancient tombs, they are either bombarded or blown up with explosives.
He was so careful that he didn't even leave a military emblem or a sign!

(End of this chapter)

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