Chapter 336

Fortunately, Fatty's grandfather was rich in experience, wondering if there were any holes left by other tomb robbers in the palace?If there is, you can leave safely along the hole.

When the three of them blew up the fire clips, they really found a lot of robbery holes!

Fatty's grandfather was overjoyed, and directly took the two apprentices to choose the biggest robbery hole to enter, but after crawling, he found that he had returned to the same place.He didn't believe in evil, and went in along several other small robbers' caves, but he didn't expect to turn back to the same place.

Moreover, there are corpses and scattered jewelry in almost every robbery hole. Most of the corpses have been dried, and they are as hard as bacon in the countryside, which is terrible.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the more Fatty's grandfather thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he broke out in a cold sweat.Because the three of them didn't bring much rations, they are currently trapped in the Palace of the King of Hades, and they will starve to death sooner or later.

These corpses are probably grave robbers who couldn't get out and starved to death, right?
Fatty and his grandfather rolled a cigarette and smoked for a long time before saying that this place might be a thousand-year-old palace of Hades.

The lazy man and his senior brother had never heard of the Palace of the King of Hell, so they asked the fat man his grandfather, what is the Palace of the King of Hell?
Fatty's grandfather explained that the Palace of the King of Hades is an enhanced version of the ghost's power to hit the wall.For thousands of years in this palace, I don't know how many lonely ghosts have lived in it, and they have long become spirits.Once a living person enters the palace, lonely ghosts will be driven out to seduce people's hearts, making them unable to distinguish between east, west, north, and south, and eventually die in the tomb.

When the two heard that there was a ghost in the palace, they cried on the spot.

Fatty's grandfather then asked the two of them if they were still children?The two nodded immediately.So the fat man and his grandfather asked them to bite their fingers, smear blood on their foreheads, and then urinate along the two ends of the palace. Every seven, seven, 49 steps, they would mark it with a boy's urine, and they just broke it with this simple method. Hades Palace.

What the lazy man said almost left me dumbstruck.I never thought that a palace could become a spirit?

But if you don't explain it this way, how did those Yin soldiers get into the mural just now?

Omg this is unbelievable.

Seeing that I was lost in thought, the fat man hurriedly urged me: "Ding Dong, what are you still doing in a daze? The fat man knows you are a little virgin, so hurry up and piss and break this damn palace of the king of hell."

I was always shy by long-legged sister Yu, how dare I pee in front of her?Immediately scolded the fat man and said, "If you want to urinate, you urinate yourself."

The fat man held his chin and muttered: "Damn it, if it wasn't for the fat man, I would have sacrificed the first time, how can I still use you? You oil bottle is only useful for this, let you pee as soon as you want , How come there are so many nonsense. If you really can't get out, then you won't even have the strength to pee."

Just when I was hesitating whether to untie the waistband of my trousers, Wang Yuanchao from behind suddenly shouted: "No, this is not the Palace of the King of Hell at all!"

After speaking, he knelt down and blew the dust off the ground, and waved to me: "Ding Dong, come and see!"

Seeing that Wang Yuanchao seemed to have discovered something, I immediately went to him and squatted down, and turned on the flashlight to take a careful look.Right at Wang Yuanchao's feet, there was a row of shallow horseshoe prints.

Wang Yuanchao was worthy of being a scout, and he discovered such subtle traces.

"Is this a horseshoe print?" I cried out, "Is it the skeleton warhorse that those Yin soldiers rode just now?"

"Almost." Wang Yuanchao said with a sigh of relief: "Those are definitely not Yin soldiers. Aren't Yin soldiers all ghosts? Why do ghosts leave footprints when they walk..."

Wang Yuanchao's words awakened the dreamer, and I instantly understood what he meant.

No matter what those Cao Wei cavalry are, they are definitely not ghosts!

It's just that the way they appear on the stage is too terrifying, which makes me involuntarily think of the legend of Yin soldiers.

At this time, Wang Yuanchao was lying on the white marble floor, his eyes almost touching the ground. He looked at it for a long time before lightly sighing: "Strange, why are the horseshoe marks so shallow? According to the clothes of the soldiers who just appeared, the heavy The armor, the weapon more than two meters long, and the sturdy horse must weigh several thousand catties, right? Why is there only a shallow horseshoe mark left on the dust."

"Could it be that the dust here is not thick enough?" I thought for a while and said.

"No, this is an ancient tomb that has been closed for 2000 years. It is normal for the dust to fall a few centimeters." Wang Yuanchao explained.

"This is strange. There are horseshoe marks, but they are very shallow. Could it be that the group of cavalry floated away..." I said with some creepiness.

Hearing our conversation, the long-legged sister Yu who stood beside her frowned slightly, then stretched out her incomparably white fingers, and tapped a few times on the mural where the Yin soldiers disappeared just now, as if Are you confirming that the wall is hollow?

The echo from the wall is very crisp and long, like tapping an immature watermelon with your fingers.

"So that's how it is." The long-legged sister Yu laughed coldly, and suddenly pulled out the mountain fan, stabbing at the wall like a dragon entering the sea, piercing through the wall with a puff.

The moment the mountain fan was pulled out, a little green halo leaked from the hole in the wall.

Seeing this green light, Long-legged Yujie nodded in satisfaction and said, "I see, this is a cave for hiding soldiers."

"Cangbing cave, what is it?" I was stunned, I had never heard of this word before, and I wanted to ask.Unexpectedly, long-legged sister Yu ignored me at all, but greeted Fatty and Wang Yuanchao and said, "Bring out a detonator."

Wang Yuanchao's expression changed: "What do you want a detonator for? You want to blow up this wall?"

The long-legged sister Yu nodded and said: "Remember to use less, I just want to blow up this wall, don't blow up the palace together."

The words of the long-legged sister Yu gave us a jump. I wondered, when did the long-legged Yujie become so violent?Could it be that she was infected by Catherine?This world is really terrible, no, I have to move to Mars.

"Miss Nangong, do you mean that there is something tricky behind this wall?" I asked weakly.

"If I'm not mistaken, the back of this wall is empty. Do you see the hole I pierced? There is not only light coming through, but also air circulation. Behind this must be Cao Cao's cave."

"You always say that the cave is a cave for soldiers. What the hell is this cave for soldiers?" I asked.

"The cave for hiding soldiers is the secret fortification that Cao Cao built in Yecheng to defend against the enemy. Unexpectedly, he also built a cave for hiding soldiers in his own tomb..." Long-legged Yujie fiddled with her ponytail and introduced to us There was a legend of the year.

"It is said that Cao Cao won a complete victory in the Battle of Guandu at that time. In order to show his military power, he held a grand military parade in Yecheng, and invited the captured Guan Yu to participate! After the military parade began, Guan Yu was surprised, because He found that Cao Jun's formation was very strong, with many swords and guns, and fierce generals like a cloud, especially Cao Jun's elite cavalry, which seemed to be endless, wave after wave. One must know that cavalry was the most valuable during the Three Kingdoms period. Where did Cao Cao get it? So many cavalry? Although Cao Cao cared for Guan Yu very much and gave him red rabbit horses and golden beauties, all of Guan Yu’s heart was in Liu Bei, his brother-in-law, so Guan Yu decided to spy on how many cavalry Cao Jun had? So he could tell Liu Bei. But he counted them After counting, I still don’t know how many iron cavalry Cao Cao owns? So he made a plan. When Cao Cao was not paying attention, he drew a stroke of ink on the buttocks of a white horse. After observing carefully for a while, the white horse disappeared. At the gate of the city, I turned back again, and realized that Cao Cao had dug many caves for hiding soldiers underground. The doors of the caves were well camouflaged. When you enter the gate, you can open it and close it when you leave. Guan Yu secretly admired Cao Cao's resourcefulness."

"That is to say, the so-called cave for hiding soldiers is actually a large space with trap doors, which is specially used for Cao Cao to station soldiers." I asked.

"Little brother is right this time." The long-legged Yujie winked at me charmingly: "That's why we saw those Yin soldiers disappear after drilling into the wall. If there is no accident, they will Hiding behind this wall."

I was stunned and said: "Wait, even if you can explain why those Yin soldiers suddenly disappeared, how do you explain those Yin soldiers? Why do they move? Why do they have will-o'-the-wisps on their bodies, and they patrol the palace on skeleton horses. "

"You'll only find out after you find them..." Sister Long-legged Yu smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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