Chapter 326
No matter how stupid the fat man was, he realized that he had been duped, and immediately pointed at the old blind man and cursed: "You fucking old bastard, return the jade pendant to the fat man quickly."

"Give it back to you?" The old blind man put on his sunglasses with a smile: "How can I get into Cao Cao's tomb if I give it back to you?"

"You mean this jade pendant is the key to open the door of the tomb?" The fat man's eyeballs almost fell off, and he said in surprise: "Didn't you tell me that this jade pendant was given to the eunuch Li Lianying by Emperor Guangxu? What? became the key to the Jade Palace."

"That was just to fool you..."

The fat man cursed angrily, "Damn it!"

The old blind man sarcastically weighed the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant in his hand and said, "You don't even think about it, little fat man. Can the things brought out by your grandfather be ordinary? It's a pity that your IQ is too low, so you were easily fooled by the blind man, hahahaha Blind man, I have been working for Cao Cao's tomb for decades, and today I finally got my wish... Heaven has eyes, heaven has eyes!"

After listening to the old blind man's words, we were instantly struck by lightning. We never thought that this seemingly ordinary family heirloom was the most critical key to open the door of Cao Cao's tomb. Pity us for a small antique worth tens of thousands of dollars.

I was a little dizzy from the harsh laughter of the old blind man, but now we are outnumbered and dare not resist, so I had to wait for the old blind man to laugh enough before saying: "Old man, since Cao Cao's main tomb is nearby Right now, can we work together?"

"Cooperation?" The old blind man snorted coldly: "What qualifications do you still have to talk about cooperation with me now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of men in black around him laughed loudly and looked at us with mocking eyes. The soaring dark aura made me almost stop breathing.

That's right, there are so many masters in the dark organization, how can they look down on us few soldiers and crab generals?

Thinking of this, the cold sweat on my forehead suddenly came down.

The fat man picked up the AK47 in his hand, and shouted at the old blind man, "Damn! I also took your grandma's key, and the wish that has not been fulfilled for decades has also been fulfilled. Is it possible that you still want to kill people? Tell you, even the fat man Even if I die, I will pull you as a backup."

"With your ability, you are worthy of being a support for this old man." The old blind man put his hands behind his back, stared at the fat man with his eyes like sharp swords, and said with a gloomy smile, "If someone didn't want you to die, you would have been killed a long time ago." The old man did it."

"Someone doesn't want us to die?" Hearing the meaningful words of the old blind man, I was suddenly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Catherine, who was bouncing on the steps, couldn't hide her words, and said with a smile: "Uncle Doraemon, if we really want to do something, you will die when you are in the iron tower! Don't worry, We won't touch a hair of your hair until we bring out that icy brother."

Cold brother?
Thoughts flashed through my mind, and the first thing that came to mind was the fourth girl.

Could it be that the old blind man is afraid of the fourth girl and wants to use us to blackmail the fourth girl?

The old blind man thought Catherine was too talkative, so he coughed heavily.

Catherine ignored the old blind man at all, stuck out her tongue at me slightly and continued: "But Uncle Dingdang, that brother Leng Bingbing has a lot of face! In order to deal with him, the dark organization specially dispatched the Four Great Kings of Darkness, probably It's almost there, too."

The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness?

Catherine has provided me with too much information, although I don't know who are the four heavenly kings of darkness?But when I was at Dayu's tomb, Ma Rulong's warning still came to my mind.

He said that whether it is him, the man in the suit, or Catherine, they are not top-level masters in the dark organization, and the most powerful in the dark are the four kings of darkness...

I couldn't help worrying about the fourth girl. Even if the fourth girl is invincible, but single-handedly, can she defeat so many dark masters?
The old blind man couldn't stand it any longer. Afraid that Catherine would say something more, he waved at the men in black and said, "Disarm them."

As soon as he heard that the other party was about to disarm, the fat man quickly winked at me, indicating that he was ready to fight them desperately, but I stopped him.

To be honest, if we really want to do it, we may not have a chance, but the opponent has too many people, and with Catherine, the super little witch, even if the four of us risk our lives, we will not be able to kill several people on the opponent.At such a short distance, once the two sides exchange fire, we have only one end, and that is the entire army is wiped out.

I don't want to see anyone around me fall in front of me.

What's more, Catherine said that before the fourth girl appeared, they would not do anything to us.

So I sighed heavily and made a difficult decision to surrender!Seeing me bend down and put the pistol on the ground, Fatty and Wang Yuanchao also shook their heads and threw off their weapons one after another.

The old blind man didn't seem to expect that we would cooperate so much, and he said triumphantly, "Hmph, you guys have some knowledge."

In order to prevent us from playing tricks, those men in black searched us again, and then they were relieved.

The old blind man paced around the eight pillars in front of the Jade Palace: "If you want to open the Nether Palace, you must first break through the eight gates. I want to see what the hell are these eight pillars?"

When I heard that the old blind man was going to move the eight pillars, I felt a little uneasy. There are too many traps on the Bronze Sparrow Stage, what if he provokes something more powerful than the flying crossbow trap array?
The man in black next to him also walked up to the old blind man, and whispered in his ear: "Old Ghost, the Heavenly King said that before he comes, we just need to wait outside the palace..."

"Get out of the way!" The old blind man raised his hand and slapped the man in black. This slap was fierce and domineering, and the man in black slapped him in a circle.

"The fame of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness can hold you down, but it can't hold me down! When the old man was running around the world of tomb robbers, he was still hiding in the dark and didn't dare to stand out." The old blind man raised his head resolutely.

The men in black didn't expect the old blind man to hit him as soon as he said it, and all of them turned pale, but because of the cooperative relationship between the two parties, they dared not speak out.

I shouted hoarsely under the steps: "Old man, let's discuss it together first!"

Unexpectedly, the old blind man ignored me and walked into those pillars with a straight face. He circled round and round the pillars like he was doing Tai Chi steps. Fatty and I were puzzled. I don't know what the hell this old blind man is doing, why does he seem crazy?
The long-legged elder sister Yu explained: "He is walking the step of searching for the dragon, and it seems that he is looking for the mechanism of the eight pillars."

Seeing the old blind man's increasingly dignified expression, I asked curiously, "Is it so powerful?"

"It's really powerful. You should have heard a saying in the world of tomb robbers that it takes three years to search for dragons and ten years to tap acupuncture points. It means that it takes more than three years for Tufuzi to learn to find dragon veins. If he wants to learn to tap acupuncture points, it takes longer Time. Guilao is very proficient in this method of searching for dragons and tapping acupoints, without any pause, I am afraid that my mother does not have this ability..." Sister Long-legged Yu sighed.

We can't help but look at the old blind man with admiration.

At this time, the old blind man suddenly stopped in front of a pillar, and then the veins on his forehead burst out, and the three fingers of his right hand were like sharp eagle claws, and with a strong wind, he ruthlessly inserted into the pillar.

This pillar was a gold-plated stone pillar, the old blind man was made of flesh and blood, and with three fingers, he pierced the pillar through three big holes!
But seeing stone chips flying in the pillar, a burst of dust rose up in the air, the old blind man kept digging in with his fingers, and soon hollowed out the pillar, revealing a brass button inside.

"That's right! Here is the keyhole." Without even thinking about it, the old blind man took out the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant from his bosom and inserted it in. As the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant was inserted, the eight pillars made strange beeping sounds. .

The sound was like countless small bronze organs colliding with each other. At the same time, the eight stone pillars piercing the sky began to rotate slowly. There is a faint red light.

It was not until the weapons of these warriors were pointed at the jade palace that the pillars stopped spinning.

"It's done." The old blind man was overjoyed, and hurried to look back.

Strange to say, after being pointed at by these ancient warrior statues, a cloud of black smoke overflowed from the Jade Palace. I don't know where the black smoke came from?Then it slowly opened a small opening that could allow one person to enter.

The hole is unfathomable, like a legendary bottomless pit, with no end in sight.All of us shone our flashlights in, and all we could see was lifeless darkness.The dense black smoke was rolling like waves, I don't know if it was an illusion, but I seemed to see countless pairs of eyes in the black smoke, and I blinked violently!
(End of this chapter)

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